unwind and relax


Long hours at work can take a toll on our energy, creativity, mood and enthusiasm. It seems pretty harmless, but the all-nighters, extra coffee and lack of sleep can take a toll on us and we end up being constantly tired and hyper sensitive.

This is when you know it’s time to take a step back and take the time to unwind and recharge. Whether you take a long weekend or simply enjoy a few hours to yourself, it is detrimental to your health and well-being to unwind from the craziness that’s happened and recharge for what’s about to come.

While it can be quite challenging to leave all the worries at the door when we try to relax and so easy to get swept up in the chaos where we are constantly on the go, but when we are off, it is important to let go, do the complete opposite, embrace silence and focus on nothing at all.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to unwind and relax during your time off.


#1 Slow Down
Instead of stressing yourself out by trying to accomplish a million things at once, slow down, enjoy the moment and take in all the sights, sounds and smells all around you. We know it can be a challenge to slow things down, but remember, we are human beings and not human doings, so take the time to just be. Allow your body and mind to calm down and get to a restful state. Take time out with your favorite book, sip a cup of camomile tea, light some candles, play soft music or draw a bath. Instead of getting lost in a memory or worry about the future, stay in this present moment and enjoy being quietly by yourself.

#2 Watch the Clouds Go By
When we are in work mode and jump from one intense project to the next, we can easily get trapped in the mindset that we have to do something all the time. This can lead to an enormous amount of stress and tension. So this weekend, take some time to enjoy nature. Go for a walk in the woods, sit by the ocean, take in the breathtaking landscape or simply lie down in the grass and watch the clouds go by. Savor nature and let the inner tension flow out of your mind and body.

#3 Eat Healthy
Nothing recharges our body better than healthy, nutrient-dense food, that renews and replenishes our system. There are plenty of healthy, delicious choices that are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, and healthy fats that boost our energy, happy hormones and immune system while at the same time relaxing our nervous system. Just stay away from junk food and highly processed foods that only make you feel sluggish and tired and cut out sugar and simple carbs as much as you can.

#4 Disconnect
Being connected 24/7 can cause enormous amounts of stress, even if you don’t actually realize it. A great way to unwind and relax is to take a break from it all. If you can, turn off your phone, shut down your laptop and hide your tablet for an entire day and enjoy your activities without being plugged in. Read a book, meet friends for a concert, have a dance-a-thon or enjoy a day in the park with family and friends. Choose activities that ground you and bring you joy while staying away from your electronics.


#5 Do What You Love
Whatever it is that you love to do, whether thats’s a hike in the woods, painting, reading, taking a yoga class or hanging out with friends, make it your mission to figure out how you can fit more of the things you love to do into your schedule. Take a few moments to sit down with a pen and paper and think about the things you’d love to do but don’t usually have the time for and then make time for them on your schedule. You will be energized and more productive afterwards if you allow yourself to recharge with your favorite activities.

#6 Move Your Body
Even though exercise increases our heart rate and blood pressure, it’s an amazing way to relax and unwind. The way it works is that while we exercise, we activate our fight-or-flight response, however, when we stop working out, the counterpart automatically starts to slow everything down until we are in a state of rest. We’ve all heard it before, when you are completely stressed out, someone suggests to run around the block, so do yourself a favor and engage in some intense exercise to allow your body and mind to unwind and relax on a daily basis.

#7 Connect with Loved Ones
During our regular work week, we often sacrifice precious time with our family and friends just to make sure we meet all our deadlines and finish our projects. So whenever you take some time off, make sure that spend some quality time with the people you love and care about. Connecting with someone you love on a deep level boosts your happy hormones and recharges you for days to come.

#8 Give Back
No matter how small, giving back to others can be transformational, both mentally as well as emotionally. Whether you pay someone a compliment at the coffee shop, help a friend paint his or her apartment or volunteer at a local soup kitchen, doing something for another person is extremely satisfying and on top of it, you make a difference in their lives.

#9 Hug Someone
A hug is a powerful form of relaxation. Whenever you hug someone you trust and care about you and who cares about you as well, the happy hormone oxytocin is released. Oxytocin is the hormone that strengthens the emotional bond we have with each other. Additionally, hugging comes with a multitude of other health benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety and lowering blood pressure. However, you get those benefits only when you hug someone you trust and the type of hug matters as well. Stay in the hug for several seconds and make sure your hearts touch and you will notice how your breathing slows down and you start to feel a great sense of relaxation.

#10 Focus On Your Mind
Whenever you feel your mind burnt out, find a way to engage it peacefully in order to recharge it. One of the most effective ways to revitalize your mind is to sit in meditation and let your mind come to a rest. Allow your body to become still and simply become very aware. You’ll be amazed how rested and energized you will feel after a mindfulness practice. It is even more powerful than a 20-minute nap.

Many of us have a hard time to relax, but whether you take a vacation, a long weekend or simply a few hours to yourself, it is essential to make time for a much-needed pause, release tension, open your mind, unwind, decompress and recharge to find your mojo again and kill it at whatever project comes your way next.

Joschi & Monika