Being focused means you are in control of your life, feel more positive and know what’s important to you right now and with that you can determine where you want to be in the future. Most of us will agree that being focused allows us to be more effective and it brings clarity to our decision-making process. However, in our fast-paced, hectic life, it becomes more and more challenging for us to stay focused.
But what’s the alternative to being focused? When we lose our focus, we do a whole lot of everything and accomplish next to nothing, we jump from one task to the next without ever getting anything done and our choices are dictated by other people’s priorities, a sense of urgency and what seems to be the easiest way out.
However, if we are focused, we have a clear goal in mind and are dedicated to achieving our objectives and dreams. Every decision we make is based on how we can most progress towards our goals and dreams and being focused in the present moment allows us to be immersed in one single activity until it is completed without letting distractions deter us.
There are endless benefits of being focused, but we find our following TOP 10 to be the most important.
#1 Focus Reduces Stress
Without focus we can easily become overwhelmed, frustrated or demotivated and we try to do too much in too little time. It’s not really that there is too much to do, it is more about not knowing where to start and what to pay attention to first and this can be extremely stressful. When we start to focus, we gain clarity and understand what is most important and with that we can escape the feelings of being overwhelmed and significantly reduce our stress levels. We get a clear picture of what we need to do and can pursue our goals and dreams with everything we’ve got.
#2 Focus Makes Us Faster
When we find our focus and put all our energy, attention and effort on one single task without letting anything or anyone distract us, our brain zeros in on the task at hand and we can complete it much faster than if we were trying to do two or more tasks at once. Remember, our brain is far more powerful than any computer can be with its limitless creativity and intelligence and when we focus, all its amazing power goes into this one task, allowing us to hit our goal on time, every time.
#3 Focus Increases Engagement
Most people aren’t afraid to put in the hard work that is needed to get things done, but most of us are afraid of failure and when we don’t know where we we are going and how we can get there, it is quite challenging to be engaged in the task at hand. However, when we are focused, we gain clarity on where we want to go and why we want to get there and with that we get excited about what we are doing and increase our engagement especially once we start to see progress.
#4 Focus Produces Higher Quality
Being focused means that we give all our attention to the task at hand without letting distractions interfere and with that we don’t just get our work done more quickly, but we also eliminate the chances of mistakes. Whatever we do will be at a higher quality and that focused attention also boosts our creativity, which allows us to come up with new ideas that are associated with the project we are working on.
#5 Focus Makes You Feel in Control
Focus means that we are able to pay attention to our master plan and are in control of everyday distraction. Of course that doesn’t mean that unforeseen things won’t happen, but with a laser sharp focus, we are much more confident and prepared to deal with anything that life puts in our way. And sure, we all experience doubt and insecurities from time to time, but with our goals and dreams always in the forefront of our mind, it’s much easier to overcome them and find a way to resolve any challenge or obstacle and have the ability to come up with a contingency plan.
#6 Focus Increases Positivity
The foundation for success is to have a goal, create a plan and stay focused on it. With that we build a confidence in what we know and a strong belief that we can achieve anything we set our mind to, which creates a positive, optimistic mindset that further supports our goals. Our psychological state drives our determination and enables us to achieve what we set out to do so it is detrimental to get our mind in a state of positivity through focus.
#7 Focus Builds Momentum
We’ve seen earlier that being focused makes us faster while producing higher quality work and with this increased effectiveness, we create progress that is highly motivating and builds momentum so that we can achieve even bigger and better things. Seeing progress encourages us to work harder because we can see that our efforts bring results and once the ball starts rolling, there is no stopping us.
#8 Focus Boosts Creativity
Distractions waste a whole lot of brain power, but being focused means that all our brain power is available to the task at hand and it becomes a lot easier to come up with new, creative ideas. No matter what field you are in, whether you are a traditional creative like an artist or musician or an unconventional creative like a business owner or stay-at-home parent, we can all benefit from an extra boost to our creative flow and a little focus goes a long way.
#9 Focus Enhances Happiness
With all the other benefits of being focused, it doesn’t come as a surprise that a focused mind leads to a happy mind. Having the ability to center ourselves and focus our attention on what is most important to us and bring about productive behavior allows us to take control of our live and where and how we focus our attention and energy. Focus allows us to decide what kind of person we want to be and once we are operating as our best self, we are able to live our best, happiest life.
#10 Focus Brings Clarity to What You Want and What You Don’t Want
When we don’t know what we want, we get caught up in wanting to take every opportunity that comes our way and end up wasting our time, energy and attention on things that don’t really matter. However, when we are focused, we have the power to figure out what we want out of life just like we figure out what we don’t want and we are able to channel our energy and bring clarity to the direction we want to steer our life to.
We live in a world of constant distractions from our cell phones to TV, internet, radio, social media as well as the large population living closer together than ever before. This makes it easy to get carried away and try to accomplish a million and one things all at ones. However, this is nothing more than nonsense, because in order to be effective and successful in life, it is essential that we learn to focus on one objective at a time and see it through until its completion.
Joschi & Monika