Passion is the force that fuels us to accomplish those things in life that bring us happiness and joy. If you are passionate it’s more than just the love of something. You push forward with gusto and vitality, believe in yourself and are moved by the feelings and ideas that motivate you in the moment of creation. Passion keeps you focused, enthusiastic and productive about all the amazing things that are going on in your life and the ones that are yet to come.
What does passion actually look and feel like? One of the best ways to get a better understanding of passion is to look at what makes passionate people different from everybody else as passionate people lead significantly different lives. They bring incredible determination and true passion to things that others don’t even dare to dream about.
Do you have enough passion in your life? If you are already living a life of passion, the below strategies will help you to feel even more engaged and kick your positive mindset up a notch, if you are still figuring out what your passion is, they might give you an insight.
Here are our TOP 10 things passionate people do differently every single day.
#1 Wake Up Before Sunrise
If you are passionate, you generally wake up early. You jump out of bed because you have lots of exciting things going on and can’t wait to tackle them. Even if you don’t have a particular reason to hop out of bed, waking up early gives you a head start on the day and some extra time to prioritize and prepare. The undisturbed quietness of the morning is conducive to finding solutions, brainstorm and create. If you are still looking to find your passion, early mornings are the best time to work on finding it.
#2 Get Excited More Often
While you may not always feel excited – let’s be honest, no one ever is excited all the time – but when you do get excited, it is more fully engaged, lasts longer and generally happens more frequently. That’s because when you are passionate, you are already more excited about the amazing life you live.
#3 Remove Distractions
In this day and age we are constantly distracted by the ding of an email, the ring of a phone or a knock on the door. Not to mention the continuous flow of news from media and social networks. Passionate people know the importance of removing all possible distractions to work on their goals and remain focused. You know that every distraction costs time and energy to reengage in the task at hand, so whenever you need to stay focused, shut down your email, turn off your phone and close all tabs on your computer that you don’t need.
#4 Exercise
Exercise is the best way to start your day off right. It doesn’t just have all the physical benefits that we are by now all aware off, but it also improves your mental health. Whether it’s a run through the park, a workout at the gym, taking a yoga class or a brisk walk around the neighborhood, physical activity makes you feel more creative, energetic and positive and when you work out in the morning, you create momentum for your whole day.
#5 Find Ways to Recharge
We all know the importance of taking a break to re-energize, re-focus and re-charge, but a lot of times we don’t take the time to do it. Passionate people make recharging a priority and get up every hour or so, stretch, take a few deep breaths or do some quick exercises to get things going again. Eating nutritious food, spending time with loved ones and doing things that get you out of your head are all ways to recharge. Know what works best for you and commit to taking care of yourself.
#6 Have High Expectations
Being passionate means that you expect great things to happen every single day. The secret to this positivity and motivation to expect good things is to be able to be happy and content in the now. When you are giving your best and are motivated, energized and focused on the task at hand, you actually make great things happen. You don’t waste your time on worries and ‘what if’s’ and have a high level of self-confidence to believe that everything will work out for the best.
#7 Focus on Action Rather Than the Outcome
Passionate people love what they are doing and see the journey as the reward itself rather than being focused on a certain outcome they want to achieve. Being passionate means that you are deeply engaged in what you are doing, which is a lot more valuable than any material rewards.
#8 Find the Positive in Challenges
No matter how hard we try, we will always encounter obstacles and challenges. While most of us get frustrated or annoyed, passionate people see challenges as an opportunity to find exciting, new and creative solutions to move past them confidently and quickly. It’s a possibility to see things in a new way, re-evaluate your goals and learn and grow from the challenge at hand.
#9 Challenge ‘No’ and Disrupt the Status Quo
Whenever you encounter someone who dares to say ‘no’ to you, you challenge that person every single time, because you believe that you can turn every no into a yes and receiving a no is just a temporary setback on achieving your goal. Being passionate means that you are a rebel at heart and are a champion for change. You always disrupt the status quo and know that the solution to a problem lies in doing something completely different and new.
#10 Be Willing to Risk More
Being passionate means that you have a clear understanding of what your purpose in life is, even for just that very moment. Because of that, you are much less concerned with other things and therefore are willing to jump onto opportunities and risk more for the things that you are passionate about and that are important to you. At the same time, if you are passionate, you are much more willing to give up the things that aren’t important to you because they aren’t within the scope of your passion.
Passion gives us purpose in life and if we do live a life with passion, we tend to be overall happier and live better lives than our less-than-enthusiastic counterparts. Being passionate makes us feel that we are going in the right direction towards an exciting and happy future.
Joschi & Monika

Wonderful, great way to live your life. Makes for a much better day, etc.