Life is busy, we rush from here to there and before we know it, time slips us by without us even noticing.

We have a million and one things to do and the world can get so fast-paced that we sometimes don’t even know whether we are coming or going. There are never enough hours in the day to get everything done, which makes it so important to not spend our time and energy on things that are unnecessary, negative or just plain stupid.

Time is one of the most precious commodities in our modern world, so it is essential to have a good hard look at the things you might be wasting your time and energy on. Realize what the things in your life are that serve a purpose, are important, make you happy and bring you closer to reaching your goals and dreams.

If the things you do don’t serve a purpose or take you anywhere, you are wasting your time, energy and life. Take a moment to reflect and consider these 10 things you should stop wasting your time on.


#1 Mindless Distractions
This is one of the biggest time wasters of our modern life. Whether it’s TV, YouTube, Netflix or social media, we all spend way too much time on mindless distractions that we could use to work on our goals and dreams, foster important relationships and improve our lives and ourselves. Have a good hard look at how you spend your time. Is it really necessary to check social media every hour or binge watch your favorite Netflix series? You’ll be surprised how much time you can gain in your day when you are more conscious of how much of it you spend on mindless distractions that have no value to you whatsoever.

#2 Comparing Yourself
We’ve all been guilty of this, but there is no point in comparing yourself to someone else. We all have our own unique path to follow and we all have different goals and dreams. If you compare yourself to another person, you only devalue yourself and prevent yourself from achieving your goals and dreams. Besides, you never really know what’s going on in someone else’s life, so focus on yourself and compare yourself to the person you were yesterday instead.

#3 Destructive Criticism
Constructive criticism is great and we should embrace it because it has the power to move us forward and we can learn and grow from it. However, destructive criticism is a huge waste of time that doesn’t get us anywhere. It usually comes out of negativity and frustration of the person criticizing us and has no value to our life whatsoever. Move on from destructive criticism and let is go.

#4 Following the Crowd
It’s easy to keep your head down and follow the crowd, but the truth is, you will lose out on life and happiness. We tend to avoid tough decisions or to stand out for fear of not being accepted or loved, so we simply follow along with everybody else. But keep in mind, the crowd may be going in a completely different direction than what you want out of life and you will end up miserable and unhappy. Sure it takes some courage to stand out of the crowd, but it is so worth it in the end.


#5 Worrying About What Other People Think
A great way to stop wasting time it to stop worrying about what other people think of you and it comes with the bonus side effect of becoming a lot happier. You are the most important person in your life, so make it a point to make yourself happy. As long as you are happy, that’s all that really matters, because whatever you do won’t change another person’s opinion of you anyway, so let them think whatever they want and move on.

#6 Gossiping
No one can resist gossip completely, it’s just the world we live in, but it won’t get you further in life and it prevents you from spending time on the things that could help you reach your goals. Just stop gossiping all together, it’s a waste of time and only creates negative energy that holds you back from achieving the life of your dreams. Focus on yourself instead and how you can improve your life.

#7 Worrying About the Past
Worrying about your past is a huge waste of time, because you can’t change the past. All you can do is learn from it and move on. Sitting around, wondering if it could have been different, won’t make a difference, because things happened the way they did and there is nothing you can do about it now. Forget the past and focus on the here and now, this will get you to your ultimate goal of reaching your dreams.

#8 Negativity
Negativity, whether that’s negative thinking or involving yourself in unnecessary drama isn’t going to get you anywhere. Negativity only keeps you from being your best and burdens your soul. Say good-bye to negativity, replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, eliminate toxic people and surround yourself with positive, uplifting people and believe that you are worth the best and that you matter, because you do.

#9 Wanting What Others Have
We all have our own journey to live and you aren’t going to be a famous rockstar, if you can’t hold a tune. Don’t envy others for what they have, look at your own skills and talents. What is it that you can offer to the world? What is your uniqueness? If you can build on your own greatness, success will be yours in no time, so focus on yourself and stop wanting what others have.

#10 Waiting for Something to Happen
Don’t waste your life sitting around waiting for something to happen. Success and happiness isn’t just going to magically fall into your lap. You have to go out, work and pursue it. Make a list of your goals and dreams, of all the things that you want and need and get moving.

Reality is, one of the most important decisions you make in your life is how you spend your time. Acknowledge what’s truly important to you and be more judicious about how you make use of your time and energy. Cut out the unnecessary and free up more time to do something good with your life.

Joschi & Monika