Kindness makes our world a better place, however, it seems like kindness has become a lost art. Between our hectic, fast-paced life, impatience and a million and one distractions lurking just around the corner, it is rare to find kindness and more often than not, people keep to themselves and don’t really think to look any further than their own hassles.

But kindness is good for you because when you spread kindness, you increase the amount of dopamine that is released and with that you feel more energized and happier. So when you display kindness, you not only do something good for somebody else and make their day, you also make yourself feel better.

And not only that, kindness is incredibly contagious. When you experience a random act of kindness, you can’t help yourself but to pay it forward and spread kindness to somebody else. Remember, you don’t need a reason to be kind. Simply lend a helping hand to the people around you and remember that kindness is like a muscle that gets stronger with every act of kindness.

Here are our TOP 10 ways to spread more kindness and brighten up someone else’s day.

#1 Smile
Of course we know that smiling isn’t really an enormous act of kindness, but it has the power to brighten someone’s day. Too many people walk around with a permanent ‘resting bitch face’ and look like a sour puss all day. But remember, besides brightening someone else’s day by giving the person who just caught your eye a smile, numerous studies show that smiles lift our own mood and it makes us more attractive to others. And let’s not forget, smiling is incredibly infectious and will curve everybody’s lips upward.

#2 Leave a Note for Someone You Love
Finding an unexpected note from a loved one in your bag or pockets can make your heart melt, especially when you find it in a frazzled moment or are running late or simply come home tired after a long day at work. Or simply leave a sweet little note around the house for your family. It could be as simple as sticking a sticky note on the bathroom mirror or coffee maker that tells your partner that you love him or her.

#3 Compliment Someone
It may take a little bit more effort than smiling at someone, but it is so worth it. Just think about it, more often than not you walk down the street and think about how great someone’s hair looks or how adorable their kids are or how incredible their dress looks. Why don’t you share your thoughts and tell them. It’s amazing to see someone’s face light up when you deliver an impulsive compliment and for the people you know, tell them the nice thoughts you have about them. Whether it’s a co-worker who did a job well done on a project or your friends accomplishing a new fitness goal. Spread some kindness by letting them know you appreciate them and their talents.

#4 Give Your Attention
One of the easiest ways to spread kindness is to give attention to the person you are interacting with and be fully present, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. Put your phone away and focus your full attention on the person in front of you. Don’t figure out your shopping list while you are in a conversation and don’t try to solve a work problem either. Be fully engaged, listen carefully, ask questions, give your advice and do it all with a smile, open body language and intentional eye contact.

#5 Pass Along a Book with an Inscription
You just finished reading a book that you absolutely loved. Instead of letting it collect dust on your book shelf, pass it along and write an inscription with a message of why you loved it so much and why you think it will be beneficial to your friend. Remember, books are a great source of inspiration and motivation and can be exactly what the other person may need right now. 

#6 Give Praise Whenever Possible
No matter who you are or what you do, we all can use a pat on the back and some encouragement that we are doing a great job from time to time. Whether you are a CEO or a stay-at-home parent, it always feels good if someone takes the time to praise you for what you are doing. So next time your co-worker finishes an awesome project, celebrate with him or her. And when your friend finishes re-decorating their apartment, congratulate them on a job well done.

#7 Give Back
Just imagine a world where everyone would ask ‘How can I help you?’ instead of ‘What’s in it for me?’ We would experience a monumental shift in the world around us. So why don’t you take the first step and start the domino effect of giving back to someone else and lend a helping hand without wanting anything in return. Think of life as a cooperation instead of competition and shift your mindset from receiving to giving and you will be amazed how positively this will impact your own life as well as the lives of others.

#8 Show Up on Time
Some people make it a point to be fashionably late because they think it is glamorous, others show up late because they are embarrassed to be the first one there, either way, being late is disrespectful to the other person. Showing up on time is an easy way to spread kindness, it makes the other person feel significant and you show respect.

#9 Say ‘Thank You’
Saying ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ isn’t just good manners, it’s an easy way to spread kindness and show some appreciation and we can all use a little bit more appreciation in this world. So many people live their lives and roles and do their job without ever getting the gratitude they deserve and many people make their demands without ever adding ‘please’. Respect the people you surround yourself with and make a difference in their life with those two little words.

#10 Be Kind to Yourself
While being kind to others is essential, don’t forget to be kind to yourself. Turn your generosity inward, appreciate yourself, smile at yourself, love yourself and do something kind for yourself every single day. We know that this can sometimes be a challenge, because we tend to be our own worst critic, but with self-compassion, patience and persistence, being kind to ourselves is a gift worth giving.

Kindness means that you do something for someone else without expecting anything in return. And when you spread kindness, it will spur others to do the same in a beautiful domino effect that has the power to shift the world towards the positive. Kindness is a choice, so choose to do something kind to someone else every single day and remember, it doesn’t need to be a grand gesture, it’s the little things that brighten your day.

Joschi & Monika

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