Some days start out great and only get better from there and others are awful from the get-go. You probably already know that what happens in the hours right after waking up sets the tone for the rest of the day and when everything goes smoothly, you are more relaxed and ready to face whatever the day may bring you.
But when things are bumpy before you even manage to get dressed, you are very likely to stay grumpy until you go to bed. Sure, some hassle can’t be avoided, but you can make mood-boosting decisions in the morning, that set the perfect stage for the rest of the day.
There are plenty of actionable steps you can take when you wake up that will help you to start your day off on the best note possible. Keep in mind, it is absolutely possible to will and work yourself in a good mood and it is incredibly empowering to know that you have the ability to start your day off right.
Here are our TOP 10 tips to set the mood for a positive day.
#1 Take a Moment to Assess Yourself
When you wake up, don’t jump out of bed immediately. The moment you open your eyes, take a few minutes to pay attention to your body and if you notice any stiffness, do some light stretching while taking a few deep breaths. Before you go to your million and one things on your to-do list, it is incredibly beneficial to take those few minutes to tune into your body, mind and breath to be able to be more present and better equipped to deal with the busyness of the upcoming day.
#2 Practice Positive Morning Thoughts
Just like tuning into your body, it’s equally important to tune into your mind. If you are not a morning person, it is very likely to dread waking up and it can be easy for negative thoughts to pop into your mind right when you wake up. Thoughts like ‘I don’t want to get out of bed.’ or ‘I have way too much on my plate today.’ will only leave you feeling irritable and grumpy. So instead of indulging those negative thoughts, start your day with positive thoughts. If you can’t think of anything right away, prepare some daily mantras ahead of time, so you have something positive to feed your mind with in the morning. Keep in mind, the more positive your morning is, the more likely you will keep a positive mood for the rest of the day. Some great morning mantras include: ‘I choose happiness today.’, ‘I will positively impact someone else’s day today.’ or ‘I have the power to achieve anything I set my mind to.’
#3 Get Colorful
Color is incredibly powerful, so take advantage of color psychology to lift your mood, make yourself feel happier and get more energized. Reds and purples give a big boost to your energy because they make our body produce more adrenaline. Keep in mind, adrenaline can make us feel like we are on top of the world and can do anything. Greens and yellows have been found to make you happier. A recent study shows that if you connect to the color green, your day is sure to start off in a good mood, as green is linked to hope, happiness, excitement and comfort.
#4 Smell Some Mint
Just like colors, scents have the power to support your mood and energy. Research found that smelling peppermint can enhance mood and attention while at the same time fighting fatigue. Keep a bottle of peppermint essential oil on your nightstand so you can inhale the positive scent the minute you wake up. Another way to get more mood-boosting mint into your life is to sip a cup of peppermint tea or chew peppermint gum to elevate your mood, attention and alertness.
#5 Feel Gratitude
Every morning take a few moments to express gratitude. Make a list of all the things and people you are grateful for. You can either write them down or simply do it verbally, but sometimes, when you are having a particularly rough day, it can be hard to remember what you are grateful for, so having a list can help you out. Keep in mind, science agrees that expressing gratitude is one of the easiest and fastest ways to feel more positive, happy and healthy as well as capable to handle any obstacle or stressful situation.
#6 Make Time to Snuggle
Whether you snuggle with a pet, your significant other, a baby or you get a hug from a friend, touch can immediately put you in a better mood. According to research, touch has the power to lessen pain, lead to greater levels of alertness, boost immune function and lift your mood. This is due to the fact that a touch or hug releases the feel-good hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
#7 Make an Uplifting Playlist
Press play on an uplifting playlist that is full of your favorite songs that you love to sing along to and dance around your house naked. Throw yourself a mini morning dance party because adding happy music to your morning routine is the perfect way to boost your mood and inject positivity into your day. Adding music can immediately perk you up and make you feel lighter, so play your favorite uplifting songs to get a little pep in your step that you can carry over to the rest of your day.
#8 Wake Up to Flowers
Did you know that having flowers in your home and placing them so you can see them immediately when you wake up can boost your energy and mood for the entire day? According to research out of Harvard, flowers facilitate relaxation while at the same time boosting your energy and making you more compassionate. Even though the research was funded by the floral industry, there is evidence that suggests that a bouquet of flowers really has the power to put you in a good mood and gives you the mental lift you need to get positively through the day. Placing flowers into your morning routine perks you up and the positive emotions such as friendliness, happiness and warmth manifest later in the day.
#9 Eat Breakfast
We all know that a healthy, well-balanced breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but few know that adding probiotics to your breakfast will instantly boost your mood. According to a study out of Canada, probiotics found in yogurt or kefir for example, fuel the gut-brain connection, which leads to a reduction of feelings of anxiety and depression. So if you are feeling a bit down when you wake up, add probiotics to your breakfast and you will be able to lift your mood.
#10 Walk Into Work with a Smile
Smiling is extremely powerful and research shows that smiling makes you happier, no matter what situation you are in. Science proves that a smile contracts your facial muscles, which stimulate the brain’s reward center and with that boosts the production of endorphins, which make you instantly feel happier. So even if you don’t feel like it, walk into your office with a big smile on your face and you don’t just set a positive mood for your day, but for your co-workers’ as well.
Your morning attitude sets the tone for the rest of your day and while we don’t always have complete control over our environment and situations, we are capable of controlling our mindset and attitude. Developing a positive mindset before you start your day will help you to stay optimistic, mentally healthy and productive, no matter what the day may throw at you.
Joschi & Monika