Do you see the glass half-full or half-empty? Reality is that we as human beings are naturally wired towards negativity. However, negative thinking can be extremely paralyzing because we are thinking that the worst will happen.
It’s a daily challenge to maintain a healthy, positive attitude and not get caught up in negativity because we are fighting against human nature. But if we really fight the negativity and do it consistently, it is possible to win and turn things around.
Negativity is all around us, whether we look at mainstream media or social media. Even daily conversations can turn negative in an instant. Some people feel charged and significant by being negative, but if we get caught up in the cycle of negativity, it will affect our own attitude and energy levels.
However, we can make intelligent decisions to say no to negativity and put ourselves in a positive state of mind. Here are our TOP 10 tips to say good-bye to negativity.

#1 Feed Your Mind with Positivity
One of the best ways to get rid off negativity is to drown it out with positivity. Immerse yourself in positivity, read inspiring and motivational books, listen to uplifting podcasts and watch empowering movies. Also, pay close attention to how you speak to yourself and make sure that your self-talk is positive and supports your quest for saying no to negativity. The more you feed your mind with positivity, the more you strengthen your mind to focus on what’s positive in your life and with that weed out the negative.
#2 Avoid Negative Media
Just like we want to feed our mind with more positivity, we have to stop feeding our mind with constant negativity. TV and news media focus on negative topics and conversations on social media can quickly turn negative and heated. Stop engaging in negative media as much as you can. It’s a win-win, you eliminate negative influences and at the same time gain more time to feed your mind with positivity.
#3 Be Connected to a Positive Community
The people we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on our attitude and mindset. If we want to say no to negativity and be more positive, it only makes sense that we have to connect to more positive people and disassociate from negative people. Look at your social circle and analyze who is a positive person and who is a constant downer, drowning in negativity. Then make the wise chose on who to spend your time with.
#4 Move Your Body
It has been well documented that breaking a sweat has a hugely positive effect on us. Study after study shows that exercise lifts our mood because we flood our body with feel-good hormones such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. It has even been found that physical activity can reduce depression. So if you want to shake away negativity, go work out. You don’t just get into a positive mindset, you also benefit from tons of health benefits.

#5 Walk Through the Door
When we are in bout of negative thoughts, get up and walk through the door. It may seem strange to you, but research shows that walking through a door purges thoughts – any thought for that matter. So next time you are struggling to break a negative cycle, walk through some doorways. You’ll be amazed that when you come back to your starting point, your mind won’t go back to negativity and you can move on.
#6 Count Your Blessings
When was the last time you made a list of the things you are grateful for? When you can’t remember it, it might be the reason why you are attracting negativity into your life. Research shows repeatedly that counting your blessings and expressing gratitude leads to a more positive mindset and less doctor’s visits. Whenever negativity wants to take over your life, inject some gratitude and you will be able to turn things around.
#7 Embrace Your Emotions
Suppressing your emotions and feelings is never a productive tool to prevent negativity. The same goes for negative thoughts. If you force yourself to block negative thoughts regularly, you will be more stressed than the average person. Instead of blocking negativity, accept your emotions, feelings and thoughts. And then deal with them. Try to relax, take some deep breaths, write down your emotions, feelings and thoughts or talk it out with a trusted person. Embrace your emotion and you will experience more positive emotions in no time.
#8 Do Activities that Require Brain Power
Usually negativity attacks us when we are most comfortable, which is also the time when we are most vulnerable. When you detect that negativity is creeping in, take action right away and do a challenging activity that requires brain power. It doesn’t really matter what you do as long as it requires your full attention. But switch to this activity immediately, because it becomes harder to throw out your negative thoughts once they have taken ahold of you.
#9 Turn Problems into Challenges
Words are extremely powerful, so watch your language and make sure that it is more positive. Create a list of negative words or phrases that you tend to use often and then replace those with more positive words. For example don’t complain about a problem, but start to refer to it as a challenge. Instead of ‘I should’ say ‘I could choose to’. Should means that we are obligated and we resent and dread what we ’should’ do. However, when you ‘choose’ to do something, you are in charge and take control of your life.
#10 Act the Way You Want to Feel
Maybe you think you are just not a happy-go-lucky kind of person. If you feel that way, then just act like you were a happy person for a while because if you act the way you want to feel, soon enough you will feel the way you act. Keep in mind, it is possible to rewire and reprogram yourself. Give it a try. Smile more, say nice things to other people and yourself. Even if you are in a difficult situation, you are much more likely to solve it if you battle it from a positive state of mind.
Who is your inner voice? Is it your biggest cheerleader or your biggest critic? Whether you want to believe it or not, humans are naturally negative, but if you don’t learn how to say no to negativity and change your mindset, you end up limiting yourself and your abilities to move forward in life. So change your mindset and embrace the positive.
Joschi & Monika
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