Genuine inner self-confidence makes life a whole lot easier. Not a fake-it-til-you-make-it attitude, not cockiness, not being self-absorbed, but true, authentic comfort in your own skin, complete openness with others and a clear understanding of your amazing uniqueness.
Unbreakable self-confidence and trust in oneself has unmeasurable power that allows us to truly enjoy our life and feel great about ourselves and our abilities. It’s been proven that high levels of self-confidence have a positive impact on every aspect of our lives and make us healthier, happier and more successful.
While many believe that self-confidence is something we are born with, we are convinced that everybody can learn and grow into being self-confident. Inner confidence is something that manifests in our mind and it may take some work to challenge limiting beliefs, but it will be so worth it in the end.
Here are our TOP 10 secrets to own your own amazing and rule your world.
#1 Concentrate on Your Strengths
We are all equipped with incredible strengths and when we nurture them and explore them, we are able to activate our self-confidence. Concentrate on your strengths and express them, because you will feel your real self and your strengths will invigorate and excite you. Life is a lot easier and much more fun when we focus on the strengths that come naturally to us rather than forcing ourselves to become better at things that we aren’t good at. Make the choice to use your strengths and create your life in a way that you get a chance to express your strengths every single day.
#2 Practice Positivity
Positivity is a choice. We all have the power to decide how we feel about a certain situation. Choose a positive reaction to whatever life throws at you and instead of being annoyed, angry or scared, choose gratitude, excitement and positivity. Practicing positivity means that you think in solutions rather than problems, you reflect on your past successes rather than your mistakes, you enjoy the journey instead of being focused on the end goal, you focus on what you want rather than what you want to avoid and you see the opportunity in every crisis. Keep in mind, you won’t just magically avoid all negative thinking patterns overnight, but the more you practice positivity, the more optimistic and confident you will feel.
#3 Ditch Doubt
Imagine a world where you eliminate self-doubt, fear of failure and anxiety over possibly making a wrong decision. You would open yourself up to the incredible adventure that life is, you create amazing opportunities into your life and you won’t hesitate to jump on those opportunities to live the life of your dreams. Learn to face your fears and trust your choices. Keep in mind, we are not talking about eliminating fear but rather recognizing it, facing it, understanding it and still deciding to stretch yourself, chase your dreams and take a leap of faith. Remember, you won’t ever know if you are taking a step in the right direction until you actually take action. Ruminating in unknowns and doubt won’t get you any further and once you take the leap of faith you will realize that you are capable of so much more than you think.
#4 Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
One of the best techniques to improve your confidence is to stop comparing yourself to others. The problem with comparing yourself to others is that you only see a small piece of who the other person really is, but you never truly know how he or she thinks, feels, sees and experience things. We don’t have superhuman powers to know everything about another person and it is important to remember that everybody has their own unique path in life. So instead of comparing yourself to others, see others as an inspiration that great success is possible and then focus on yourself and only compare yourself to the person you were yesterday.
#5 Ignore the Haters
When you confidently live on your own terms, you are going to encounter haters. Whenever someone is brave enough to challenge the status quo, others will feel uncomfortable because they see your bravery, sparkle and change as a judgment on their own choices. Whether the haters will speak up and call you names or quietly try to sabotage you, remember that none of this ‘hate’ that is coming your way is about you, but rather about the haters feelings of insecurity. Ignore the haters, because it’s not your job to please others, but it’s your job to please yourself.
#6 Trust Your Abilities
Confidence doesn’t come from knowing everything, but rather from knowing that you can handle anything that comes your way. Nobody knows everything, but everybody is good at some things and not so great at others. Don’t weight your confidence against what you know and what you can do, weigh it against your capacity and willingness to learn. Know that you can improve and learn and don’t worry about what you can do right now, be confident in your potential.
#7 Add Value to Others
The most confident people in the world are on a mission to add value to others while people who are scared and lack confidence try to make others feel like crap so they can feel better about themselves. Compliment others in a way that adds value to their lives, be genuinely nice, offer a helping hand and put a smile on their face. Go out and make others feel good about themselves and in turn this will add more value to your life and increase your self-confidence.
#8 Visualization
Being positive and visualizing your self-confidence will go a long way in actually building inner strength. Our brain cannot differentiate between something we imagine and something that happens in real life. When you can visualize yourself being incredible confident, your mind will support that notion by feeding you with positivity and the believe that you can do anything you set your mind to and when the time comes, you will be ready and filled with confidence.
#9 Exercise and Eat Healthy
The number one reason for low self-esteem in the world is our appearance, so working on improving our physical appearance can do wonders to building self-confidence. Exercise is one of the best ways to look better while at the same time feeling better about ourselves. Remember, you release a plethora of feel good hormones when you exercise, with endorphins, serotonin and dopamine leading the way. These chemicals put you in a good mood and you experience a pleasurable feeling all throughout your body. But exercising alone isn’t enough. If you want to see results from all that hard work you put in at the gym, you have to clean up your diet and start eating healthy.
#10 Celebrate the Awesomeness of Others
When you are self-confident and believe in yourself, celebrate the awesomeness of others. Since you have that inner confidence, you aren’t threatened by other people’s success. Instead, you have the ability to celebrate everybody’s wins and successes and have genuine admiration for the brilliance and genius of others. Once you start to celebrate others, you will realize that more of what you celebrated will show up in your own world. Remember, we live in a world of abundance and the power of support will be coming back to you in incredibly bold ways.
Most of us are confident in some areas of our lives and not so much in others. Draw from those areas where you feel most confident, recall how it physically feels, access the feeling of being completely comfortable in your own skin and most of all, remember that you are worthy and capable, regardless of what mistakes you have made in the past or what you have or haven’t achieved so far. Transfer that inner confidence to other areas of your life and believe that it is possible to live the life of your dreams confidently and self-assured.
Joschi & Monika