Even the most motivated people in the world can lose their mojo sometimes. Keeping up high levels of motivation until you reach your end goal isn’t always easy, because on our journey to success we often encounter plateaus, roadblocks and valleys.

But the good news is that it’s not hopeless. Sure, sometimes it seems impossible to turn things around and find your motivation again to keep going until you reach your goals and dreams, but simply putting one step in front of the other can start you on the way to positive changes.

Every time you feel unmotivated or feel like quitting, look back at where you started and how far you’ve already come. Look at all the mistakes and failures, as well as the improvements and successes and how you were able to overcome any obstacle that life threw at you. You can do it again!

Here are our TOP 10 tips to regain your motivation when you are in a slump.


#1 Change Your Scenery
When you lose your motivation, the first thing to do is to get out of your head, because ruminating about it won’t help you to find your motivation. Step away and change up your scenery. Go for a run, take a walk in the park, go to a coffee shop and if possible, get out of town. Do whatever you need to do to regain control over your mind and with that get back into a creative state of mind. Nothing can clear your head quite like changing up your environment and with that you can regain your motivation and find your mojo again.

#2 Adopt a Positive Mindset
The outcome of any project is ultimately the result of your emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions. If you think you are going to stay stuck, you’ll internalize that belief and it is a self-fulfilling prophecy that will come true. But when you adopt a positive mindset and believe that you will regain your motivation again and can achieve anything you set your mind to, you will make that a self-fulfilling prophecy as well. There is absolutely nothing to gain from a negative mindset and everything to gain from a positive mindset. The choice is yours.

#3 Surround Yourself with Passionate People
Positivity breeds positivity – and it’s the same with negativity by the way. So surround yourself with energetic, motivated, passionate people so that you can motivate each other to reach your goals. And the best part is, should one of you lose your enthusiasm and motivation, the culture around you will be able to pull you out of the slump and get your motivated again. This is very important, so make sure you surround yourself with positive, enthusiastic people who – like you – want to achieve big and exciting things.

#4 Be Patient
Success takes time, effort and patience. So next time you hit a roadblock on your way to reach a goal or dream, don’t let frustration make you throw in the towel. Instead, remind yourself that no way to success is a straight line and nothing is set in stone. Set yourself up on a new course and start to take action and you’ll be back in your motivation and groove in no time.


#5 Rely on Your Habits
You can’t expect to wake up every single morning and have motivation waiting for you at your bedside. Instead of hoping for motivation to hit you, focus on practicing positive habits that will pull you forward towards achieving success, even if you don’t like them. Choose to do the things that are hard, because they will become easier over time. The more you practice the habit of doing the right thing, the easier it becomes and with that motivation will show up again.

#6 Re-Focus on What You Really Want
When your motivation dwindles, it may be because you don’t actually do what you really want to do. When you really, really like what you do, motivation shows up automatically, at least for the most part. If you really want something, it is a lot easier to push through any resistance you may feel, so whenever you lose your motivation, ask yourself: ‘What is it that I really want to do?’ If you realize that you are doing something that you don’t actually like, refocus on what’s truly important to you and regain your motivation.

#7 Remember Your Successes
Whenever we lose our motivation, it’s easy to fall into the trap of getting stuck in looking at our failures, which only puts us further down into that slump. Instead, take a few minutes and remember all your successes and achievements. Soak them up and with that refuel your inspiration and regain your motivation.

#8 Compare Yourself with Yourself
Comparing ourselves to others can kill any motivation you may have had, because there will always be someone who is ahead of you. Instead, focus on you. Focus on your results and see how you can and have improved your results and your life. Seeing how far you’ve come is a great motivator and sometimes you surprise yourself pleasantly when you take a moment to review what you have achieved.

#9 Work Out
This is a great way to regain your motivation because even if you are too frustrated over losing your motivation and can’t focus on the task at hand, you can still drag yourself to the gym. Even if you kind of mindlessly go through your workout, your body will do the rest for you. Keep in mind, physical activity helps to release endorphins and other happy hormones that will loosen up the inner tension and break your negative emotional patterns. You add new energy to your body and mind and with that you can regain your motivation.

#10 Take Action and Let Motivation Catch Up
We experienced many times that when we lose our motivation and just start to work instead of trying to regain our motivation, motivation will catch up automatically. Sure, the beginning may be difficult, but after a while inspiration and motivation will show up and things start to flow easier again. It’s a matter of having the discipline to get started even if you don’t feel like it and then create the momentum to get going.

Lack of motivation is most likely caused by a variety of contributing factors and at some point we all doubt our choices and abilities. But if we keep pushing forward, the impossible becomes possible and we can regain our motivation to finish what we started.

Joschi & Monika


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