While everybody defines success differently, wouldn’t it be great if there was an iron-clad recipe that makes us all successful?

Unfortunately it’s not that straightforward because what works for one person, may not work for another, however, if we look at the most successful people in the world, they all have certain personality traits in common. Keep in mind, while we certainly need the right skills in the area we want to succeed in, we also need to develop ourselves and cultivate essential qualities to be successful in life.

Success traits that are shared by highly successful people everywhere don’t happen by luck or accident. They are developed and built one day at a time and if you put in some effort and cultivate those quintessential traits, you will be able to achieve remarkable results and create success no matter what field you are in.

If you are looking to achieve something extraordinary, you have to start by becoming someone exceptional. Here are our TOP 10 non-negotiable success traits to be highly successful.


#1 Ambition
In order to be successful in life, you have to have ambition. When you are ambitious you are capable of being the best and you believe that you are really good at what you are doing. Ambition means that you have a strong desire to succeed, know what you want to achieve and have unbreakable determination to go for it with everything you got.

#2 Resilience
There will always be times in our lives when we are uncertain about the outcome. However, when you are resilient, you are extremely effective when difficult circumstances arise and you have the ability to overcome obstacles and setbacks because instead of letting them get you down, you will use them to empower yourself to look for change that will propel you forward towards achieving success.

#3 Passion
Let’s be honest, without passion, what would life look like? Highly successful people inject passion into everything they do. The more passionate you are about a certain subject, the more you are willing to figure out ways to be successful and overcome any obstacles or challenges that may come your way. You don’t see work as a chore, but you absolutely enjoy what you do and would do it even without getting paid. To be successful, you need to be passionate about what you are doing otherwise you will simply go with the motions and don’t put your best foot forward.

#4 Discipline
Being disciplined means that you are completely focused on what you want to achieve, eliminate any distractions and obstacles and have a clear strategy to accomplish what you set out to do. Having discipline also means that no matter what, you follow your tactics and take steps towards achieving your goals every single day.


#5 Networking Skills
Highly successful people believe in the power of co-operation and know that the way to success is to find the right people who support you on your venture because doing it on your own is almost impossible. Go out and network so you can find people who believe in your mission and support you. And don’t just look for people who you can delegate tasks to or spread the word for you, also look for a mentor who can hold you accountable and who you can talk to when obstacles come your way. Having a great support network can make or break your journey to success.

#6 Commitment
Commitment gives you the determination to do whatever it takes to achieve what you want and you will keep trying and looking for ways to reach your goals. Every highly successful person has unshakable believe in themselves and their mission to reach success, they are completely committed to making success a reality. When you are truly committed to success, you will find a way to prove to yourself that you can be successful and you will stay focused on your goal until you reach success.

#7 Optimism
Optimism is a detrimental trait on your way to success, because it makes you excited about what you are trying to achieve and having an optimistic attitude will help you to be successful because you know there is a way out when an obstacle or challenge arises. Staying positive prevents you from being disheartened by setbacks and helps you to keep moving forward because you expect positive outcomes from your journey to success.

#8 Patience
Success doesn’t happen overnight, it is something you have to continually work on and being patient can really help you on your way to success. We all know that mistakes will happen along the way and we always have to deal with challenges or problems, but if we cultivate patience, we can deal with any obstacle that may come our way and we understand that success will take some time. The sooner we accept this, the quicker we will achieve success.

#9 Courage
What holds most people back from being successful is fear. A lot of people are afraid to fail, which stops them from even trying to achieve something. But the most successful people in the world will tell you that failing is a key part of succeeding and you need to be willing to make mistakes in order to reach a big breakthrough. Develop the courage to step outside your comfort zone and let go of your fear of failing. Instead focus on what you can achieve, learn from your mistakes and have the courage to keep going until you reach success.

#10 Integrity
Integrity is an important ingredient on your journey to success, because when you are honest and people believe in you, you will have their support while at the same time knowing that you are honest with yourself and others. Having integrity isn’t just a great trait to develop in general, it is extremely helpful in becoming successful, because it helps you to define who you are and what you stand for and with that you can trust yourself and your ability to succeed.

If you are serious about creating extraordinary success in your life, you have to cultivate yourself, just like you would cultivate a garden. Keep in mind, if you do what most people do and live your life like everybody else, you will get what everybody else gets. If you settle for mediocrity, you will live a mediocre life. However, if you give your very best every single day, life will give you its best back.

Joschi & Monika

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