In order to achieve longterm success in any area of your life, it is crucial to prioritize yourself and your life and claim time and energy for your goals and dreams. Finding the time, staying on track and maintaining motivation is what matters when it comes to working towards your life goals, but when life gets busy, our priorities start to get out of whack and personal priorities can drift off the radar.

It’s easy to get distracted and we clutter our lives with too much stuff, get too busy and over commit ourselves. Our to-do lists get too long and we end up running around like a chicken without head to try to keep up. In the process, we pile on the stress for no reason.

On the other hand, it can be quite scary to focus on what really matters, whether that’s people or activities and more often than not, it’s easier to disengage, watch TV and merely react to what’s going on around us without actually engaging in the things and people we value the most.

And lastly, we may not know what’s most important to us, or we are too focused on ‘should-ing’ rather than admitting to it. Sure, it takes commitment, courage and perspective, but it is absolutely possible to prioritize your life and live the life of your dreams.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to help you prioritize your life again and get ahead.


#1 Improve Your Physical Health
If we are looking to prioritize ourselves and our life, improving our physical health has to be on top of the list. The three fundamental practices to our physical, mental and emotional health are consistent exercise, proper diet and adequate sleep. Sure, achieving perfection in all those areas can be challenging, but if you pay attention to what you eat, are physically active every day and make sure that you get a good night’s sleep every night, you’ll dramatically increase your health and energy and with that you can work on what’s most important in your life.

#2 Stay Committed to Your Passions
Regardless of what your passion is – whether it’s writing, painting, creating music or something else entirely – make sure that you make time for it, no matter what. We get it, when you have a family and are working on building your career, it’s easy to put your passions on the back burner, but return to the passions that always brought you joy in the past. Return to these practices and foster creativity, while reconnecting with parts of yourself that want to be expressed.

#3 Put Family and Close Friend on Top of Your To-Do List
Make sure that the people you care about the most know that you care about them, nurture important relationships and prioritize them in your life. Make it a point to spend more quality time with the people you love the most, give them your full attention, show them their beauty and talents through your eyes, help them find their inner voice and support them on the way to discovering their own greatness. Always make the people you love a top priority and let them know how important they are to you.

#4 Leave the Past Behind and Plan Ahead
We all had challenges, problems, failure and mistakes in the past, but let them remain where they belong… In the past. Of course you want to take the lessons with you, but there is no point in rehashing old mistakes, because no matter how many times you revisit them, they are not going to change. And if something didn’t work out as planned yesterday, figure out what changes you can make to get ahead. Silence your inner critic, let go and move on. Make a conscious effort, rise up and don’t let yesterday’s problems define your future. Instead, take the lessons and move on with your life.


#5 Commit to Self-Respect
It’s easy to get caught up in negative self-talk when something doesn’t go the way we wanted and we can be our own worst critic. But when you catch yourself, stop for a moment and ask yourself if you would allow another person to speak to you in this way. Keep in mind, the way you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you, so treat yourself with respect and make sure your decisions and actions reflect your self-respect as you create your dream life.

#6 Engage in Self-Development
Whenever you get serious about self-development and work on improving yourself, you can have transformational experiences. We all have emotional, mental and physical barriers that could hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Make it a top priority to engage in legitimate self-development work and remove those barriers to be able to live the life of your dreams.

#7 Build Compassion
Turn down the volume of the inner critic that can go on rambling inside your head. It only hurts you and ultimately it also lashes out to others. No matter what happens, build compassion for yourself and others when people fail to meet your unrealistic expectation. Keep in mind, when you manage to increase self-compassion, you will at the same time increase empathy for others as well and with that make everybody’s life a little better.

#8 Travel More
In order to have a meaningful life, you have to disconnect from the known and travel to unknown territory. By traveling to new places and experiencing new cultures, people, foods and ways of lives, you can reset your mind without your usual emails, phone calls and Netflix series. Immerse yourself in the new environment and you’ll be amazed how you can put your own life into perspective and figure out your priorities.

#9 Play to Your Strengths and Delegate the Rest
When you prioritize your life and work on big projects, of course you can do everything by yourself. But the much smarter choice is to reach out to others and find the right people who can help you reach your goals faster and more effectively. If you try to go it alone, you’ll only raise your stress levels and blood pressure, but with the second choice, you raise your effectiveness and consciousness. Play to your strengths and know what tasks to delegate and outsource that would only zap your energy and time.

#10 Leave Room to Breathe
Not everything works out as planned, so learn to be open and flexible to life’s twists and turn. Sure, you want to be organized, but you don’t want to obsess about your plans. Create a schedule that leaves enough room to breathe and adjust to surprises and changed circumstances. As a result you free yourself from an overbooked schedule and instead you have the time and energy to enjoy more of life’s amazing surprises.

To sustain happiness and achieve the life of your dreams, you have to focus your attention on the right things, in the right way. Sure, we all have limited time and energy, but that makes it so much more important to spend our resources wisely and prioritize our life.

Joschi & Monika

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