A lot of people spend their whole life waiting to be happy and believe that if they had more money, then they would be happy, if they would lose weight, then they would be happy, if they had the perfect relationship, then they would be happy or if they had … fill in the blank, then they would be happy.

But here’s the secret. You can be happy right now. While we know that it isn’t always easy, happiness is a choice and generally speaking, there is no one who can stop you from being happy, except yourself.

Reality is, happiness doesn’t come from perfect looks, wealth or perfect relationships but rather from within yourself, which is why if you really want to be happy, you need to first put in some work on yourself.

Making small changes and developing positive habits can make or break your day and ultimately your life. Here are our TOP 10 positivity habits that will make you happier, healthier and wiser.


#1 Let Go of Grudges
In order to live a positive and happy life it is absolutely necessary to let go of grudges and learn to forgive and forget. Holding on to a grudge only means that we are hurting ourselves by holding onto anger, resentment, hurt and other negative feelings and emotions that stand in the way of our own happiness. Forgiveness and letting go of grudges is incredibly liberating and frees us from the negativity in our life, allowing more space for positivity to flow in.

#2 Read or Listen to Audio Books
Books are one of the best investments in yourself that you can make. Reading just 30 minutes a day gives you the knowledge and inspiration that will allow you to shape yourself into a happy, successful person who can achieve any dream you set your mind to. You get the same positive effects whether you sit down and read a physical book or listen to an audio book, which has the added benefit that you can work out or drive a car at the same time.

#3 Be Kind to Others
Kindness is one of the easiest and quickest way to feel happier and it is incredibly contagious. When you are kind to another person, your brain releases feel-good neurotransmitters and hormones like dopamine and serotonin allowing you to build and maintain stronger relationships, which ultimately foster an all around positive feeling. And don’t just be kind to another person when you are in front of him or her. Make it a point to not engage in gossip, which only means you are soaking up negative energy, but speak well of others and foster a more positive energy that doesn’t just improve your life, but the life of others as well.

#4 Eat Well
Food has a huge impact on our energy levels and mood both in the immediate, short term as well as long term. Eating a healthy, nutritious, well-balanced diet primes your body and mind to foster a focused, positive, happy state of mind, while eating junk food or highly processed foods leaves you feeling sluggish and sad. Choosing to eat right is an excellent way to improve your physical, mental and emotional wellness increasing your levels of health, happiness and positivity.


#5 Exercise
We all know that regular exercise is good for our body, but it is also essential for our mental and emotional health. Working out boosts the levels of happy hormones and health-promoting brain chemicals like endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which can relieve anxiety and depression and lower stress levels. So rather than seeing exercise as a way to stay healthy, prevent disease and lose weight, see working out as a tool to boost your mood, enhance your state of mind and reduce stress.

#6 Think
With the craziness of life, we can get so wrapped up in the little things that we forget to think. Take some time every day to sit by yourself in a quite space and think. Think about your goals and dreams, think about a challenge that you need to overcome, think about a solution to a problem you have been struggling with. Take the time to be alone with your mind and enjoy the process of thinking. You’ll be surprised what creative solutions you can come up with when you take the time to focus and think.

#7 Set Fear Aside
Fear can be paralyzing at times, whether that’s fear of failing, fear of risks or fear of success. But if we get into the habit of noticing our fears, owning them and then overcoming them, we create the space for positivity to set root in our mind. Just like fear can take over our lives, we can plant positivity in our souls and replace our fears, giving us a chance to live happier, more satisfying lives.

#8 Get Outside
Take a walk on the beach, go for a bike ride around the city or rollerblade through the park. Getting outside, breathing fresh air, noticing the beauty that is all around us combined with physical movement is the perfect nourishment for our soul. Nature has a calming effect on us, making us slow down and appreciate what’s alive and thriving, which will soon make us thrive as well. Additionally, soaking up the sun is essential for the production of vitamin D. While low levels of vitamin D have been linked to depression, regular sun exposure is also known to boost our mood and energy by releasing endorphins.

#9 Live Minimally
Clutter has the power to suck the energy right out of you and leaves you feeling stressed while creating chaos, not just in your physical environment, but also in your mind. Clutter has been linked to feelings of frustration, anxiety, distraction and even guilt, so take some time to declutter your home and office, getting rid of excess ‘stuff’. You will be amazed how freeing and empowering it is when you eliminate everything you don’t need or want and by throwing out physical things, you clear up space in your mind as well.

#10 Learn Something New
The only way to grow and mold ourselves into a well-rounded person is to continually learn something new. We may sometimes be hesitant to try new things because it involves taking a risk and opening ourselves up to new experiences, but learning something new will ultimately develop courage and confidence. Take a seminar or workshop, learn a new language, learn to play the guitar, browse the internet for articles about any topic that sparks your interest. There is a wealth of information out there and the growth you receive from learning empowers happiness, positivity and success.

To quote Aristotle: ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’ He understood the importance of developing positive habits to overcome adversity, obstacles and challenges to achieve your dreams and become a champion. Commit to incorporating positivity habits into your daily life and you will notice dramatic changes in the way you feel internally as well as the quality of your life.

Joschi & Monika

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