Let’s be honest. We all like to receive a compliment. It can really make our day and make us feel great about ourselves. But even better than receiving a compliment is throwing a few words of kindness at somebody else. Paying compliments can have a hugely positive effect not only on the person who receives the compliment, but on the one who pays the compliment as well.

Paying a compliment doesn’t seem like a big deal to most, but it has the power to completely reshape someone else’s day for the better while shifting your own mindset towards the positive and making everybody more happy, joyous and productive.

Giving compliments is one of the most important social elements in life and sometimes it can even make magic happen. Compliments indicate that the effort someone made is being noticed and appreciated and paying compliments is a surefire way to uplift any situation or circumstance.

Here are our TOP 10 reasons why you should pay more compliments.


#1 Compliments Motivate
Whenever you pay a compliment to someone, it indicates to the other person that you admire him or her and with that you give a boost to their motivation to do something even better than before. If you praise your partner for the amazing dinner, he or she will be happy and will make it again for you, though this time with an extra dose of love. If you praise your co-workers or employees for their hard work, they will be motivated to work even harder because they see that their effort has a positive effect.

#2 Compliments Create Positivity
Paying a compliment means that we focus on the good and express it and with that it results in a positive effect on the person who received the compliment as well as yourself. Whenever we pay compliments, our outlook becomes more optimistic. Keep in mind, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to give someone a compliment and it is completely free. But the results can be huge and bring about positive change in yourself as well as your surroundings.

#3 Compliments Break the Ego
We’ve all been there. We had a fight with our best friend and the argument ended up with hurt feelings for both. While you want to rebuild your friendship, your ego gets in the way and won’t let you. Here is your solution. Pay your friend a genuine compliment and deliver it with absolute sincerity and you will find your ego evaporate and you can start to work on re-estabilishing your friendship.

#4 Compliments Boost Self-Esteem
Giving a compliment is easy when you feel good. However, if you don’t feel good about yourself, paying someone else a compliment can become quite a challenge. But nothing gets you out of a slump more easily than complimenting someone on their skills or appearance. This little act of kindness doesn’t just uplift the other person’s day, it will also help to build up your own self-esteem and you immediately start to feel better about yourself as well because once you focus on the positive in others, you will find more positive about yourself as well and increase your level of self-confidence and self-esteem.


#5 Compliments Spread Love
Complimenting the ones we are closest to creates even more love. Imagine if you would never compliment your partner for his or her smartness, strength, wisdom, beauty, hard work, creativity or kindness. Life would be dull without appreciation or praise. Paying compliments is an essential part of any relationship that makes the bond stronger and makes you more lovable in the eyes of your partner.

#6 Compliments Get You Out of Your Comfort Zone
Paying compliments to loved ones is easier, because we have the advantage of already having inside information about the other person. But whenever we try to compliment a stranger, we are starting without that secret guide and we don’t know whether the other person will be grateful for our compliment or will look at us with suspicion. Step outside your comfort zone and be willing to face this uncertainty and initial awkwardness to create a new connection.

#7 What Goes Around Comes Around
Whenever you pay someone a compliment, chances are that you are more likely to receive one in return. Whatever is being said about karma is the same for compliments. What goes around, comes around. If you treat others with kindness and pay compliments on a daily basis, those people will start to respond with kindness and will return the favor. It’s something we all instinctively do. Start to create a positive environment and make everybody’s life brighter.

#8 Compliments Can Transform Someone’s Day
We’ve all had those days when we feel like nothings going as planned. We wake up on the wrong side of the bed and it’s a downward spiral from there. We are mentally exhausted, grumpy and irritable. It can happen to the best of us and usually we don’t broadcast it to the world. So whenever we have one of those crappy days and someone gives us a genuine compliment, it feels like magic. It may not lead to a complete 180 of the day but it for sure turns us in the right direction and we can transform our day for the better.

#9 Compliments Spark Creativity
Paying a compliment and saying something positive to someone at least once a day has the power to remove mental blocks and clear the pathways to spark creativity and find solutions. While a compliment may not always have a drastic effect on everybody, it is without a doubt that the other person will start to think differently from that moment on. Keep in mind, small acts of kindness can go a long way, so pay more compliments and spark someone else’s creativity.

#10 Compliments Build Trust
We all have the desire to be acknowledged and if we pay a compliment to someone, even if it’s the slightest thing about another person, it will show him or her that someone notices them and appreciates them. Keep in mind, your compliment has to be sincere and genuine, but if it is, it has the power to build relationships and create trust and we all can use more people in our lives who we can trust and rely upon.

A lot of people struggle with their self-image and self-esteem on a daily basis. Life is constantly about proving ourselves to others and it’s easy to lose ourselves in our everyday routines. Stop. Think. And take some time to come back into your best self, cultivate the habit of appreciation and offer more compliments that are completely genuine.

Joschi & Monika