Are you putting off important tasks over and over again in order to do pleasurable activities?
If you do, you are not alone. Reality is that almost everybody procrastinates to some degree every now and then, but some people are chronically affected by procrastination, which stops them from fulfilling their full potential and disrupts their life.
What is procrastination? In a nutshell, it means that you are putting off things that you should be focusing on right now, usually in favor of doing something that you enjoy and are comfortable with. Why is it that we procrastinate? A lot of times, we feel overwhelmed by the task or situation at hand and fear that we might fail, which can be a threat to our sense of self worth and freedom. It may also be that we are simply overworked and tired or just can’t make a decision how to tackle this important task. And let’s be honest, sometimes we just want to avoid certain things that we don’t like.
The key to control procrastination is to recognize it and understand why even the best of us procrastinate. Luckily, there are active steps you can take to overcome procrastination and achieve better outcomes. Here are our TOP 10 STEPS to overcoming procrastination.
#1 Gain Knowledge
When you have to complete an important task ask yourself if you have all the knowledge and skills to successfully get it done. Like we said earlier, we procrastinate when we are afraid to fail. So to avoid emotional pain, develop all the skills and gain all the knowledge necessary to feel confident and secure to take action. If you want to move away from procrastination, think about what you need to do in order to set yourself up for success. Don’t block yourself from stepping up and fulfilling your dreams.
#2 Eliminate External Distractions
Get rid off all the external distractions because we have already enough going on internally with emotions, feelings and thoughts that can distract us. So clean up your desk, put your phone in a different room, close your social media tabs and get started. Whatever your list of external distractions is, try to eliminate them one by one before you get started on the important project that needs to get done.
#3 Find what’s most Essential
For some people, procrastination makes sense because in their mind, they are still being productive even though they are avoiding the task they need to do. Cleaning out an old filing cabinet, answering emails, making phone calls are all important tasks, but won’t help you get the stuff done that is on top of your to-do list. Find out what’s most essential to finish your project successfully and prioritize your time.
#4 Beware of Excuses
If you are trying to avoid focusing on an important task, your mind will be crowded will all sorts of excuses. You are waiting for the perfect time, you believe that you work better under pressure, you are convinced you could finish your project last minute, you blame not feeling well or you are just not in the mood right now… Be aware that the excuses will come. It is natural and you are not alone, but it is important to recognize and develop an awareness that what you express are excuses and label them as such. While we all use excuses every now and then, remember that they will stop you from getting anywhere. Ask yourself: Do I want to be comfortable or do I want to be successful?
#5 Avoid Over-Thinking
Even the most confident person has to deal with doubts. Unfortunately, doubt can cause you to procrastinate. Why not doubt the doubt? Believe it or not, it may help you to shake your head while thinking those negative thoughts to get rid off them. Other over-thinking mechanisms can also stop you from getting things done. You set high standards that are impossible to reach, you adopt an all-or-nothing attitude or you think everything will be a disaster. Become mindful of the times when you are wasting your mental energy on over-thinking rather than on getting things done.
#6 Focus on Getting Started
Don’t worry about the finish line, focus on getting started. It really doesn’t matter where you start, just start anywhere and get into your project. Planning can help you with this, but it can also be a trap. Planning too much in favor of actually taking action is another form of procrastination.
#7 Break it Down
In order to sustain your productivity break your big project down into smaller subgoals. This will help you to get clarity on what parts need to get done and helps you to get focused. The whole project may be overwhelming, but breaking it down into smaller, achievable steps will help you get going and take action.
#8 Embrace Your Tasks
On our way to successfully finish a project, there may be parts that we don’t necessarily like. Switch your attitude from ‘I have to’ to ‘I get to’ and embrace the task at hand. As you work through your project you are taking action towards accomplishing your goals and dreams. It is much easier with a positive attitude than fretting about things you may not like.
#9 Set a Timer
Nobody can stay focused and be productive all day long. Set your timer every 60 minutes or so to take a 10 or 15 minute break. It’s good to get up and move around a bit. Maybe stretch out your legs and back, have something to drink, maybe even meditate for a few minutes or simply focus on your breath. Do whatever feels good for you and set a timer for the length of your break, too…
#10 Reward Yourself
Finishing a task can give you the feeling of accomplishment and is intrinsically rewarding, but every now and then it is great to get an external reward as well. Meet a friend for dinner, take a walk in the park, enjoy a relaxing movie night, indulge in a massage. Celebrate your victories and reward yourself with simple pleasures to acknowledge the hard work you put in towards achieving your ultimate goal. And of course, once you completed the whole project, celebrate it in a bigger way to keep you motivated to set even bigger goals to create the life of your dreams.
Become aware that you are procrastinating, know why you procrastinate, choose to overcome it and implement an action plan towards your goals and dreams. Once you win the battle with procrastination a few times, you will see that it’s not that hard. Soon, it will become second nature to just start working on things and getting it done in no time.
Joschi & Monika