Life is really simple and full of opportunities, but as Confucius says, we insist on making it complicated. Sure, we all have a lot on our minds from the little worries of having to go to the grocery store to buy milk to the big worries like having a sick family member or having financial issues.
However, if we let our worries take over and make life complicated, it can have serious consequences for our physical as well as our mental health. Life would be so much easier if we can learn how to keep things simple because simplicity reduces the heaviness in life and makes life lighter, less stressful and doesn’t suck our energy dry.
In order to make life easier, we need to learn how to stop worrying all the time and not let our problems take over our thought patterns and consume us completely. This way we will feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from our shoulders and life starts to feel lighter.
Here are our TOP 10 tips to make life easier and eliminate unnecessary worrying.
#1 Put Things Into Perspective
Putting things into perspective can help us realize that our worries aren’t really that bad. In the grand scheme of things, losing a job, going through a break-up or messing up a presentation at work isn’t actually a bad thing, but a tremendous opportunity to look at the bigger picture and figure out what’s really important to us. And a mistake or failure doesn’t actually have that big of an impact on our life like we imagine. Just consider how you will feel about it in a week from now, a month from now and even a year from now and you will recognize that you worked yourself up over nothing.
#2 Stop Trying to Please Everyone
Life can get really complicated when we work overtime to make sure that we please everybody. However it is important to realize that no matter what we do and how much we twist ourselves into a pretzel, there will always be people who don’t like us and who we don’t get along with. And that’s okay, because we simply don’t have amazing chemistry with everyone we encounter. So instead of making life harder and trying to please everyone around you, simplify your life by making yourself the top priority and make it your mission to please yourself.
#3 Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
A lot of people waste their time and energy on things that don’t really matter or that they cannot change. Don’t worry about the weather, don’t get worked up over the co-worker who is always miserable, don’t get upset when your internet crashes, and don’t get angry when your favorite fruit isn’t available at the farmer’s market. Focus on what’s important in your life and don’t sweat the small stuff and you will see how much easier and lighter you life will be.
#4 Realize that You Can Get Through Anything
We are strong believers that it is entirely up to us how we react to and deal with any situation that comes our way. And while we agree that certain situations can be tough, we believe that there is something positive about even the most challenging of circumstances. Yes, this may be easier said than done, but when you can focus on finding the positive rather than the obstacles and challenges, you will get the incredible possibility to get stronger and wiser by figuring out how to get through. And you will get through anything, however, you can make your life easier or harder, so decide today that you will look for the positive and make life easier.
#5 Let Go of Perfection
There is no such thing as perfection, yet a lot of people overthink and overanalyze every single situation and project trying to make it perfect while killing their dreams along the way. Stop trying to be perfect and settle for good enough instead and with that you can knock out your to-do list and move on to the next project. Setting this more human bar for yourself doesn’t just help you to get more done, it also leads to higher self-esteem and self-confidence because you reach your goals and achieve what you set out to do.
#6 Reduce Your Worry Time
It is completely pointless and unproductive to worry too much. Instead of worrying, focus on finding solutions. While we know that it isn’t always easy, make it a point to reduce your worry time because whatever you focus on, you will attract into your life. When you focus on finding solutions, you won’t fall into the trap of feeling like a victim and find your power again, remembering that you can do anything you set your mind to.
#7 Have Less Stuff
We live in a world of consumerism, however accumulating stuff that you don’t need or even want just wastes your money, creates problems and gets you off track. On top of that, the less you own, the less you have to take care of or worry about. Go through the belongings you already have and get rid off everything that you don’t need or want and by clearing out your physical space, you will at the same time clear out your mind and make life a whole lot easier.
#8 Show Compassion
Compassion is a major ingredient to developing and maintaining meaningful, supportive relationships. But besides making another person feel better when you act with compassion, you feel better about yourself as well. Being a positive influence in someone else’s life helps yourself just as much as it helps the person you are helping. And valuing kindness over the need to be right makes life a lot easier by reducing worry and conflict.
#9 Enjoy the Simple Pleasures
We are programmed to find pleasure in big moments, but they are few and far between. Instead of waiting for the big stuff to happen, enjoy the simple pleasures. A hug from a friend, a delicious desert, clean and fresh bed sheets, a laugh with your friends, the sunshine after a cold, long winter. Recognize the simple pleasures and enjoy the moment right here, right now.
#10 Focus on What’s Important
Time is one of the most precious commodities of our modern times and most people today are challenged with time management. A common mistake is to look at time chronologically, meaning each minute is of equal value. However, the value of time is determined by how we spend our time. If we spend one hour working on an important task that brings us closer to our goal, the time is very valuable. However, if we spend an hour mindlessly cruising through our social media feed, we just wasted an hour of our time. Focus 80% of the time on things that are important to you, whether that’s work or quality time with family and friends or important ‘Me’ time and only 20% of your time on things that aren’t as important. You will achieve better results and make your life a whole lot easier.
Life isn’t as hard as most of us make it out to be. Decide today that you are going to improve the quality of your life and take actions towards achieving this goal. Simplicity is a beautiful thing. There is no need to overcomplicate life. And we are not talking about dumbing things down, but about eliminating the unnecessary and focusing on what’s truly important.
Joschi & Monika