Do you feel like you are going through life on auto-pilot and wish you had more adventure, time, love and freedom? You are not alone. 

Most people are still trying to figure out how to live life to the fullest and the sad truth is that many of us go through life without ever really experiencing all that life has to offer. It’s time to stop existing, to stop just going through the motions and to start avoiding soul-crushing regrets that we didn’t dare to live a fulfilled life.

While jumping out of a plane sounds like a lot of fun and carefree, to live life to the fullest doesn’t necessarily mean you have to make big, adventurous moves – unless that’s what you want of course. Living life to the fullest means that we make small, simple adjustments to our life to ensure that we are actually doing the things we want to do, the things we love to do and the things that make us feel good.

Despite the fact that we are all distinctly unique, there are plenty of ways we can all ensure that we are living life to the fullest. Here are our TOP 10 tips to start today.

#1 Stop Working so Hard
As a society we are stressed, overworked and underpaid but reality is that we have lost touch with why we are working so hard. Yes, we do have to pay our bills, but what’s the point of getting a bigger, better house, a faster, more powerful car or really having anything, if we don’t have the time to actually enjoy it and have the freedom to live life? Work is an important part of our lives, but that’s exactly it. It is meant to be part of life and not our whole life. Take a step back and make sure you make family, friends and yourself a priority and create a better work-life balance that will allow you to live a fulfilled life.

#2 Get Out of that Bad Relationship
If you are in a bad relationship – and that’s not just limited to romantic relationships, it could be friendships or even your relationship with work – and you spend more time being unhappy versus being happy, cut your losses and break it off. Life is too short to waste your time on someone or something that simply isn’t right for you. Decide what’s best for you, and only you know the answer to that, but remember, taking that leap of faith and getting out of a bad situation will only open you up for someone or something that is the perfect fit for you.

#3 Let Go of Grudges
Holding on to grudges isn’t worth the trouble and won’t change a thing. Whatever keeps you up at night and keeps your mind spinning in negative emotions, let it go. Take charge of your life, address the situation, confront the person and let them know how you really feel, but be considerate and compassionate when you do so. Work out your issues with the people you care about and if the other person doesn’t matter to you, take the high road and drop it. Let go of your grudges and free up that negative headspace to allow positivity in.

#4 Choose Happiness
Happiness is a choice, it is something that you decide to be. You don’t have to wait for the amazing job, house, partner or car. You can decide today to be happy. Smile when you leave the house, say hi to the people you meet on your way to work, don’t get upset about things for no apparent reason. Simply stop for a moment, evaluate every single situation you encounter, decide to be happy and act on your decision to make it happen. Choose happiness, choose to laugh and play, choose to live life to the fullest.

#5 Pay It Forward
Make a difference, even if it’s in the smallest way. If you do something nice for someone today, they will pay it forward by doing something nice for someone else and with that you can create a ripple effect of kindness and generosity. Kindness is extremely contagious and leads to a cascade of generosity. Try it. Do something nice for someone today. We promise, you won’t regret it.

#6 Stay in Touch with the People You Love
Don’t let friendships fizzle out and die. Rekindle a lost relationship and reclaim the power of human connection, because the other person is just waiting for you to reconnect, even if they aren’t aware of it, yet. Call the people you love, meet them, give them a big hug, listen and talk. Be a good friend and show them that you care. Value your friends and maintain meaningful relationships every chance you get.

#7 Be Good to Your Body
Living life to the fullest means that you need the energy to do all the things you love to do, so make sure that you take care of your body, exercise regularly, eat well, get enough sleep. Besides staying healthy, you will also improve your mood and boost your energy levels and with that have the ability to actually do the things that make you happy and live life to the fullest.

#8 Be Good to Your Mind
While taking care of our bodies is essential to living life to the fullest, we also have to take care of our minds. Cut back on worries and stress and focus on thinking more positively. Fill your mind with inspiring, motivational, and empowering thoughts through blogs, podcasts, movies and books as much as you can and limit your exposure to the negativity of the news, media and social media. Take a deep breath and focus on the positive in your life and keep your mind as worry-free as you possibly can.

#9 Live and Let Live
Make this your mantra and you will be able to live life to the fullest. Don’t judge or criticize others, it’s simply a waste of time. Focus on your own life and let others be who they want to be and do what they want to do. All that’s ever really important and leads to living life to the fullest is to shift your focus on who you want to be and what you want to do. 

#10 Create an Intention for Your Life
One of the greatest regrets of the dying is that they didn’t live the life they wanted, but rather allowed others to dictate their choices and actions. So stop wasting your time living for others and start living so that every moment is on purpose. Living life to the fullest means that every action you take has intention and impact and moves you in the direction of a life that is important and meaningful. Make the conscious, bold decision today to challenge yourself every single day to do something that scares you because your goals and dreams are on the other side of fear. 

We can all agree that it is completely unrealistic that we will enjoy every single moment in our day and every single thing that is happening in our lives. However, we have the power to make the most out of the remaining moments and live life to the fullest.

Joschi & Monika

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