Since early childhood we have been taught to live life from reason, logic, strategies and systems. Maybe it is time to consider a different way of living – the intuitive way.

Intuition is hard to define, even though it plays a huge role in our everyday lives. But despite the challenge of putting intuition into words, we all know intuitively what it means. Pretty much everybody on this planet has experienced that gut feeling, that unconscious reasoning that makes us jump into action without knowing why or how.

Intuition – this subtle knowing – is always there, but more often than not we are not aware of it. Our intuition is there to help us connect with the right people and experiences so that we can live a truly fulfilled and happy life. A life of wonder, pure joy, beauty, love and abundance.

So the big question is, how can we start to access more of our natural abilities? Here are our TOP 10 ways to live more intuitively and do things a little differently.


#1 Start Your Day Deliberately
Most of us rush into our day. We get pulled out of bed by our alarm clock and from then on we feel harried, pulled and pushed in a million different directions without taking the chance to deliberately design our day. Don’t be like most people and choose to carve out some time each morning, even if it’s just 5 minutes to take a breath and connect with yourself. Remind yourself that you have the ability and power to create your day however you like and with that feel unlimited energy flowing through you. If you have a little bit more time in the morning, meditate or journal on what you choose to create in your life and imagine it happening. Visualize your ideal future and give yourself permission to create it.

#2 Listen to Your Inner Voice
It’s very easy to not hear your inner voice and dismiss intuition, but your intuition is an amazing gift that needs to be noticed. Rather than ignoring it, learn to listen to your inner voice, that gut feeling, that hunch that is your intuition. We are all connected to our intuition, some people just decide not to pay attention to it. In order to make the best decisions in life, we need to balance rational thinking with intuition. Keep in mind, in order to live life intuitively, we don’t have to reject logic. We can honor and use rational tools and balance them with our instinct and intuition and with that bring all of our brain’s resources into action.

#3 Break Up with Beliefs that Hold You Back
We all live according to a set of rules that have been programmed into us by our family, peers, teachers, cultures, religion, politics, and society at large. However, in order to live a life that is truly by your own design and will make you prosperous in every area of your life, you have to question some of your beliefs and break up with the ones that hold you back and stifle you. Dare to rise above all your beliefs and ideas and see the truth. After all, the truth will set you free to live the life of your dreams.

#4 Take Time for Solitude
If you are looking to live life intuitively and get in touch with your intuition, a little alone time is one of the most effective ways to go about it. Solitude can give a boost to our creative thinking and helps us to reconnect to our innate wisdom. Being by yourself allows you to reconnect with yourself and engage in deeper thinking. We all live crazy, busy, noisy lives and it’s hard to be aware and recognize our intuition above all that noise of everyday life. However, a little bit of silence and a little bit of solitude can go a long way.


#5 Listen to Your Body
To truly live an intuitive life, you have to learn to tune into your body and become aware and observe your gut feeling. We’ve all experience it before. We feel sick to our stomach when we ‘know’ that there is something wrong, but can’t quite put our finger on it. Keep in mind, intuition can cause physical sensations in our body and gut feelings are called feelings for a reason. Emotions, feelings and intuition are all very much rooted in the gut, which is also often called our second brain.

#6 Pay Attention to Your Dreams
One of the best ways to get in touch with your subconscious mind and its thinking process is to pay attention to your dreams. Dreams as well as your intuition are rooted in the subconscious mind, so when we pay attention to our dreams we start to tap into this part of our mind. When we are dreaming, we receive information from the intuitive part of our brain and when we tune into our dreams, we get a wealth of information about how to live an intuitive life.

#7 Let Go of Negative Emotions
Strong emotions, especially negative emotions, can cloud our intuition. We all know the feeling when we don’t feel like ourselves or feel out of sorts. This is because we lose the connection to our intuition. Whenever we are down, our intuition fails us. When we are angry, our intuition goes out the door. However, if you can let go of your negative emotions and find a way to boost positive emotions, you will at the same time heighten your ability to tune into your intuition and can make the right decisions for yourself.

#8 Have the Courage to Be Different
Most people live according to logic, reason and what is expected of them. This means that when you decide to live life intuitively, you have to develop the courage to be different so that you can become uniquely who you are. So whenever you feel the need to fit in, remember that you don’t need to do what everybody else is doing, especially when it’s something you don’t want to do. Have the courage to be uniquely you and boldly express your uniqueness to the world.

#9 Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone
To live an intuitive life, you need to allow yourself to go beyond what you are comfortable with and embrace the new and unknown. Every time you step outside your comfort zone, you expand the possibilities that life has in store for you and with that you can expand your horizon, make new connections and increase your self-worth. Start small and build up your courage to take the bigger risks in life so you can learn and grow as you go along the journey of living life intuitively and develop the confidence to tap into your intuitive self.

#10 Clean Up Your Diet
There is a strong connection between what you eat and what happens in your life. So an important step towards accessing more of your intuition is to clean up your diet and eliminate processed foods and replace them with whole foods. It is amazing that eating whole foods, especially greens, opens the doors to your intuition and your life will transform tremendously. If you need some help cleaning up your diet, follow our 8-Week Meal Plan & Nutrition Guide.

Living life intuitively doesn’t mean that you should abandon reason altogether. It simply means that you allow a balance between your consciousness and subconsciousness. Give yourself permission to trust your intuition and start living a richer, more successful and intuitive life today.

Joschi & Monika