You hear about people who live a kick-ass life and do the things they love to do all day, everyday without conforming to what society dictates them to do but rather following their own dreams and heart. Excitedly you tell yourself that this is what you wish you could do yourself, but then your monkey mind throws a wrench at the idea and stuffs down your passion and excitement.
You do have a choice though and you can decide to live a kick-ass life today as well. You don’t have to let modern-day stresses run your life and you certainly don’t need to feel blue all the time. There are awesome, kick-ass alternatives to the status quo that allow you to live in a happier, fuller and more satisfying life that’s actually fun and exciting.
It is possible to step away from the humdrum of everyday life and shake things up. You just have to create your own personal mission and keep pushing your limits to reach your goals. Keep in mind, eating right and exercising will ensure that you are going to be around for a very long time, so wouldn’t you rather maximize your life and be happy?
Here are our TOP 10 tips to live a kick-ass life and follow your dreams.

#1 Approve of Yourself
In order to feel comfortable in your own skin and achieve inner freedom you have to approve of yourself as well as your actions and your behavior. Not approving of yourself on the other hand can be a huge obstacle in your personal development and growth, because you may have all the tools available, but you feel an inner resistance that will stop you from getting there. Approving of yourself will get rid of the barriers that stand in the way of reaching success and you will realize that you are capable of anything and everything and with that you can make some headway in the direction of your kick-ass life.
#2 Have Some Fun
Laughter, humor and fun are amazing tools that can lighten your mood and turn any difficult situation around. Keep in mind, achieving a lighter mood puts us into a much better place to work on achieving our dreams than being filled with negative emotions. And when we are relaxed and lighthearted, it is much easier to find the solution to a problem and actually implement it. So whenever you are confronted with a challenging situation, go out and have some fun, laugh out loud and put yourself in a place where you can solve any problem and with that create your kick-ass life.
#3 Let Go of Entitlement
Don’t believe that anyone or the world owes you anything. Sure as a child your parents gave you a lot of things, but as you grow into adulthood you have to let go of the entitlement that everything should be given to you on a silver platter otherwise you will live a life of frustration and anger when it doesn’t happen. Keep in mind, the universe may not always give you what you want, but it will always give you what you need and letting go of entitlement can be incredibly liberating. It is up to you to shape and create your own life, so don’t wait for anyone or the world to give you anything. You are in charge and you can go after pretty much anything you want.
#4 Release Anger
Anger will do you more harm than anything else. It’s pretty much pointless and will only make any situation worse. And keep in mind, anger is more often than not more hurtful to yourself than to the person that you are being angry with. Once you realize that anger is mostly hurting yourself, you will be able to release that anger, resolve any conflict you experience and make your life a lot more pleasurable and kick-ass.

#5 Stop Worrying
There are two kinds of problems in life… the problems that can be solved and the problems that are out of our control. Look at the problems you encounter and analyze if it is in your power to solve it. And then go ahead, create an action plan to solve it, implement it and take action. If the problem is beyond your control, stop worrying about it. If there is nothing you can do about it, don’t waste your time, energy and precious brain power on thinking about it. Take a deep breath, let nature take its course and move on.
#6 Let Go of Unnecessary Baggage
Jealousy, anxiety, hate and contempt are negative emotions that will only cloud our decision-making abilities and dampen our positive outlook on life. Collect all of your negative emotions and feelings and then flush them down the drain. In order to live a kick-ass life you have to free yourself from negativity. Keep in mind, life is too short to waste it on holding on to grudges or judging people. Focus on yourself and what you want and let go of unnecessary baggage.
#7 Take Risks
If you really want something and have that burning desire and constant hunger to get it, jump in full force, take the risk and go for it. If you yearn for something every single day, chances are that you’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it, so get out of your comfort zone, take risks and know that anything is within your power to achieve it if you set your mind to it. If you really want it, there is nothing and no-one who can stop you, so don’t stop yourself.
#8 Help Others to Achieve Happiness
Changing your life in a positive way and achieving a kick-ass life doesn’t have to be limited to yourself. If you can help change someone else’s life in a positive way, do it and do it passionately. Even a small act of kindness like a sincere compliment or even just a smile, encouraging friends, spending more time with family and friends and living with them in the moment can make a huge difference. Not just in their lives, but in your life as well.
#9 Stop Trying to Control Everything
Ultimately, all you can control are your own thoughts and actions. You have no control over other people or circumstances, so stop wasting your time and energy on things that are out of your control. Trying to control everything will only lead to a lifetime of stress, anxiety and frustration, but letting go of control and trading a specific goal for general intentions makes life a lot easier, happier and more fun.
#10 Listen to Your Intuition
We’ve been programmed to ignore the nudges we can’t explain or that gut feeling that tries to guide us and have been taught to listen to our logical mind instead. However, more often than not that leads us down the wrong path. Our intuition always knows exactly what we need and will always guide us in the right direction. But you do need to learn how to listen to your intuition. It usually comes with a quiet voice, but once you practice listening to your intuition, it becomes louder and louder and will give you the answers that your logical mind never finds.
You always have options and the most important job you have in life is to live it to the fullest on your own terms. Keep in mind, living a kick-ass life isn’t selfish, it’s actually quite the opposite. Once you start living your kick-ass life, you are an inspiration to others to follow your lead and create their own kick-ass life and live to the max.
Joschi & Monika