In today’s world, where we are bombarded with tension and worries all around, it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude.
However, if you can get your mind in a positive zone, there is little that can hold you back whether that’s at home, at work or anywhere else. Research even shows that if you can maintain a positive attitude, you live longer than your sourpuss counterparts.
Having a positive attitude is key to a successful life and makes you more creative, happier, and helps you to make better decision, so instead of spending your time thinking about all the things that are bad in your life, think about how good life can be.
Here are our TOP 10 tips to change your modus operandi, be positive and work towards a happier, more successful life.

#1 Laugh More
Humor is the simplest and best way to boost your mood and helps you to keep your attitude up. When you are feeling down, read a funny story or watch a hilarious YouTube video that will make you laugh out loud. Allow yourself to be open and see the funny side of things. Yes, life is complex and problems can arise, but in the end it’s a funny game. Make laughter a big part of your game and your attitude will follow suit.
#2 Seize the Day
Be in the moment and live for the day. There is no point in worrying about the past or obsessing about the future. Whatever happened in the past is history and can’t be changed and whatever will happen in the future is unknown, so enjoy what you have in this present moment right here, right now and seize the day.
#3 Self Pep Talk
How we talk to ourselves can be our biggest motivator or our biggest critic. Research shows that a vast majority of our inner dialogue tends to be negative, so listen to yourself and make sure you eliminate negative self-talk as soon as you become aware of it and switch it to a positive, motivating self pep talk that empowers you and lifts your spirit. Take charge of your inner voice and make it your biggest ally rather than letting it take you down.
#4 Enjoy the Small Things
Big pleasures like getting a promotion, publishing your book, starting a new company, getting married or buying a new house happen too infrequently. Instead enjoy the simple pleasures and small victories that life is made up of. Watching the sunset, walking barefoot on the grass, eating your favorite dinner followed by ice cream are all you need to be filled with joy and happiness that will help you to maintain the right mental attitude to take on any challenge that life may throw at you.

#5 Manage Rejection
It’s a fact of life that sometimes we have to deal with rejection and it’s easy to get discouraged by these challenging, unwelcome events. However, it’s all about perspective. Keep in mind that challenges, obstacles and rejections will pass and over time become unimportant. Rejection or failure is not the end of the world, instead it’s an opportunity to take a step back, reflect on your life and reboot with new insight and wisdom that will take you further than you ever thought possible.
#6 Compliment at Least One Person a Day
Complimenting someone makes them feel good and even better, it makes you feel good. So do something nice for someone else, compliment a new hair cut or outfit, praise a job well done or simply tell someone you love and appreciate them and are happy they are in your life. When you do something nice for someone else, you can make their day and lift their spirits and in turn this positivity will give a boost to your state of mind. However, you want to be sincere when complimenting someone else, because if you fake it, the other person will be able to tell and look at you suspiciously.
#7 Rid Yourself of Resentment
If you hold on to resentment, your spirit and attitude take a downturn and you feel like you have no control over your life. Accept responsibility for your life, accept that you are the master of your universe and take control over your life. You are where you are right now because of the choices you made, so don’t blame others or circumstances and let go of resentment. Force yourself to keep a positive attitude and take charge of your life.
#8 Associate with Positive People
Whether we like it or not, we are influenced by the people we surround ourselves with so instead of having negative people around you that pull you down, spend as much time as possible with positive people that will lift you up and keep your spirits in check. Positive people are almost always winners and when you associate with them, their positive attitude and success will rub off on you.
#9 Start Your Day Strong
The way you start your morning will set the tone for the entire rest of the day. Make sure that you start your day strong and develop an attitude-boosting morning routine that puts you in a positive mood so that you can start your day off right. Meditate, listen to an inspiring podcast, watch a motivational video, read an empowering book, have a cup of lemon water, enjoy a healthy and nutritious breakfast and don’t forget to work out. Whatever works best for you, create a powerful morning ritual that reinforces how great life is and how happy you are to be alive.
#10 Exercise
Exercise is our natural feel good drug and a great way to maintain a positive attitude because of all the positive feel-good chemicals that are released into your blood stream when you work out with endorphins leading the way. If you are looking for a powerful way to start your day and keep your attitude up, work out in the morning and give yourself a big boost of positivity that can last all day. And should your attitude take a nosedive during the day, get up and walk around, do some stretches, get in a workout if you have time or simply walk around the block with some inspiring audio and you will be able to turn things around in an instant.
While your choice of actions may be limited at times, your choice regarding your attitude is not. You can always choose a positive attitude, which will ultimately improve your happiness and overall well-being, your relationships, your resilience and it even increases your chances of success in any endeavor you choose. Keep in mind, your attitude is the driving force in your life. You can either choose to have a positive attitude that will push you to do great things or walk around grumpy and pessimistic and let a negative attitude pull you down to your own demise. The choice is yours.
Joschi & Monika
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