Some people just seem to have it. They walk into a room and are instantly the center of attention, energize the people around them and make a lasting and positive impression on anyone they come across. While some people may seem like they are born with natural charisma, the good news is that this charming trait is learnable and anyone can become more charismatic over time.

Charisma increases the likelihood of success in almost any area of your life, it opens endless doors of possibilities and if you are charismatic, you have the ability to inspire others to listen to what you have to say, take it seriously and act on it. You seem more trustworthy, influential and magnetic as well as more likable, dynamic, powerful and irresistible.

Social scientist have been fascinated with this mysterious quality for decades, but maybe the most surprising results of the research into charisma is that it is actually about others. Charisma is less about you than you imagine and more about how you make others feel.

Here are our TOP 10 tips on how to increase your charisma.


#1 Radiate Warmth
Charismatic people are often described as approachable and warm and research shows that when people perceive you as a warm person, they are much more likely to embrace your ideas and trust you. Smiling is one of the most under appreciated conveyors of warmth, yet it is incredibly powerful and makes you seem more competent and approachable. The fascinating thing about smiling is that when your facial muscles produce a smile, the blood flow to the brain increases and naturally produces feelings of pleasure, which consequently puts you in a more positive mood. And let’s not forget, smiling activates our brain’s mirror neurons, which makes other people smile as well.

#2 Convey Passion
Being passionate is a big characteristic of charismatic people that makes them so alluring and when you are around someone who is highly passionate, it motivates others to spring into action. The positive energy of passion is incredibly contagious. Keep in mind, strong emotions can be caught by other people, so when you are talking to someone who is passionate, you will start to feel inspired yourself. What are you passionate about? What makes your heart sing and brings a shiver up the spine? When you find your passion, you will naturally become more charismatic.

#3 Exude Confidence
Every charismatic person exudes confidence with ease and research shows that when someone presents him or herself as confident, others will give more weight to what they say. In fact, studies reveal that displaying confidence is even more important when it comes to being influential than establishing trust. The interesting part about this is that even if you don’t actually feel confident, but you merely display confidence, it can make all the difference. For example when you assume the body language of a confident person, you will soon enough start to feel more confident.

#4 Be Attentive
People are drawn to charismatic people because they feel valued and this is because charismatic people have trained themselves to pay attention to the people they interact with. A simple trick to show someone that you are attentive is to hold eye contact. Several studies show that eye contact heavily influences trustworthiness, likability and attractiveness, so focus your gaze and listen intensively to what people say. Research shows that whatever you focus your eyes on is generally what your mind will concentrate on.


#5 Learn Proper Body Language
Another key ingredient to charisma is to watch your body language. Research shows that unconsciously people read every facial expression and body movement you make and if you learn how to display confidence through your body language and when you feel more confident, you are much more willing to engage in a conversation and with that you appear more charming and charismatic to the people around you.

#6 Believe in Yourself
We all have to deal with self-doubt at one point or another and while charismatic people also have their doubts and fears, they don’t let those fears sabotage their relationships with others. If you want to be charismatic, rise above your fears. A growing number of research suggests that you can boost your self-believe by reflecting on past successes because they are evidence that you will be successful in an upcoming endeavor as well.

#7 Develop Your Empathy
An important factor in increasing your charisma is to develop empathy, because it makes people feel understood and it allows us to put ourselves in another person’s shoes and understand and feel what they feel. While it can be challenging to develop empathy, it is absolutely possible. Think of other people as your family, interact with others face to face, read more fiction, create a different story about people who tend to annoy you and most of all, be curious about others because this will help you to really get to know another person.

#8 Smile More
We’ve talked about smiling earlier, but it deserves another mention because it doesn’t just make you more charismatic in the eyes of others and conveys warmth, it makes you feel warm and fuzzy yourself. Research shows that smiling, even if you don’t actually feel like it will make you instantly happier and smiling signifies to others that we have good intentions. On top of that, smiling makes you sound warmer and studies show that people can actually hear whether you smile or not even if they don’t see your smile.

#9 Master the Art of Presence
Presence is one of the most important aspects of charisma and it is all about being fully engaged with another person. It is essentially about showing another person that they have your full attention and mastering the art of presences shows one of the most important things about charisma – it’s not about you, but about others. Shut down your ego, be positive and give your full attention, it’s truly that simple.

#10 Share Stories and Anecdotes
Stories and anecdotes make your message a whole lot more interesting and engaging and helps the people who listen to you to connect with you. We saw earlier that charismatic people have the power to inspire others to spring into action and part of that is that you don’t simply preach to them and try to get your message across but rather put your message into a story so that it is relatable, makes you human and draws people in.

Being charismatic means that we are able to affect the world around us. Charismatic people get things done, draw others into their orbit like a magnet and are caring, empathetic and approachable. While increasing your charismatic power may seem difficult for some, the truth is, everybody can learn to be charismatic with the right tools and a little bit of practice.

Joschi & Monika