Are you having a rough day? Don’t let a lousy morning ruin your entire day because just because the morning didn’t turn out the way you wanted, you can always change your momentum and turn your day around. It could even become one of the best days of your life, if you can use some mental tricks.

There are certain strategies and behaviors that can ensure that your day goes as smoothly as possible and if you can change your mindset and alter certain habits, you can influence your day and at the same time positively influence those around you.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to improve your day and end it on a positive note.


#1 Focus on the Positive
The main reason you think you are having a bad day is because you are focusing on what is going wrong. But keep in mind, for everything that isn’t going your way, there are most likely a dozen things that are going right, so focus on the positive and what’s going well, make a list and post it somewhere where you can see it. How your day goes is ultimately all about your mindset. Decide that you are going to have a fantastic day and set yourself up with a positive mindset, which will lift your mood and give you the power to solve any challenges you may encounter. Remember, whether you think you can or your think you can’t, you are always right.

#2 Treat Yourself Well
To set yourself up for an amazing day, you have to take care of yourself and treat yourself well. Make sure you get enough good quality sleep, eat well and exercise. If you fuel your body with junk and don’t take care of it, you will feel terrible and things like sugar, alcohol and too much caffeine can make you feel grumpy and tired. However, if you fuel your body with good quality food and exercise, you will feel great. The same goes for your mind. Fill your mind with positivity by listening to empowering podcasts, watching motivational movies and read inspiring books instead of filling it up with the negativity of the news. Be very aware of what you feed your mind with and you can easily turn your day around.

#3 Exercise
Exercise is a surefire way to instantly lift your mood and fill your system with happy hormones like endorphins, serotonin and dopamine that have the power to improve your day. We are all aware of the long list of health benefits of a consistent workout regimen that are too many to list, but to give you a little extra motivation to make sure you incorporate regular exercise in your day, keep in mind that exercise makes you feel better about yourself and your body, it makes you happier and smarter, it increases your libido, improves your sleep and gives you more energy. So go take a yoga class, go for a run or hit the gym and give your day a positive boost.

#4 Get Out in Nature
If you are stuck in a downward spiral of challenges and a bad mood, give yourself a break and get out into nature, because the power of nature is one of the most underestimated ingredients to an improved day. Being outside and taking a walk in the park can significantly reduce your stress levels, improve your memory, spark your creativity and can even make you a better person. Use the power of nature to improve your day and lift your mood.


#5 Challenge Yourself
Some of the things people regret most in their lives is to not get an education or not take advantage of opportunities. Challenge yourself and step outside your comfort zone, connect with new people, new experiences and new environments that give you a new perspective on life and challenge your beliefs, which in turn strengthens your mind. Learn a new language and sharpen your mind. Take music classes and increase your intelligence. To have a successful day, it is important to put in a little bit of effort each and every day and you will increase your willpower and mindset to take on any challenge that life throws at you and create amazing days every single day.

#6 Get Enough Sleep
Not getting enough good quality sleep can put a damper on everybody. If you lack sleep on a consistent basis, you put yourself under unnecessary stress, you are more likely to get sick, your mood takes a nosedive, your energy levels dwindle and you are more likely to make bad decisions in any area of your life. Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep on a regular basis to increase your focus and alertness, improve your productivity, enhance your memory and learning ability and eliminate negative emotions while increasing positive ones. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, try to take a 20 minute power nap to get some of the same benefits.

#7 Meditate
Meditation has the power to help you find your focus, increase happiness, improve your attention span, get clarity and be more balanced all while reducing feelings of stress, anxiety, anger, fatigue and depression. If you are new to meditation, simply find a comfortable position to sit or lie down and focus on your breath for a few minutes. Of course thoughts will pop up in your mind because that’s what the mind does. Don’t obsess over them. Whenever you become aware that your mind is wandering off, turn your attention back to your breath. If you incorporate a daily meditation practice in your daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes, you can significantly lower your stress levels and improve your mood and day.

#8 Touch Someone
The power of touch has the ability to turn your day into an amazing one because of the release of the feel good hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel more connected to others. Touching someone can help you be more persuasive, reduce stress and improve team work. Hug someone and you will feel instantly happier. Sex will release a plethora of feel good hormones that turn your day around and can at the same time improve your immune system, prevent heart attacks and prolong life. And don’t forget, getting a massage is another great option to enjoy all the benefits of the power of touch.

#9 Connect With a Friend
One of the biggest sources of happiness in our lives are our relationships to family and friends. Research shows that relationships are invaluable in making you feel connected and are the key to improving your life. Should your day not go as planned, pick up the phone or meet a friend, because talking things out with someone you love and trust always helps. Seeing a friendly face, hearing a supportive word and sharing a few laughs is a great way to boost your mood, give you energy and feel great for the rest of the day.

#10 Pump Up the Music
Music is a great way to boost your mood, reduce stress and improve your day. Put on your favorite tunes and see how your whole attitude shifts in an instant and you feel like you can take on the world. If you feel anxious, put on some soothing, chill-out music, if you lack energy, put on some beats that will make you want to dance, classical music has been found to be very effective in reducing stress. Find the music that is right for your mood and improve your day in an instant.

Incorporating these simple tips you can help boost your mood, lower your stress levels and have more energy to get that extra spark that will help you to tackle all the challenges that come your way and you can end up having the best day of your life.

Joschi & Monika

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