Do you have goals and dreams? It’s easy to know what we want, but it’s significantly harder to get what we want. Or is it? Sure, it may be difficult to get a new job or a promotion or find your dream partner, but it is definitely possible to get anything you want when you develop a solid game plan and then take massive action.

When it comes to getting what we want it seems like some people flow through life achieving anything they put their mind to and others seemingly can’t get anything they desire and fall short of reaching their goals and dreams. What are they doing differently?

One of the keys of getting what you want is asking for it, because if you don’t ask for it, the answer will always be no. But even more important is that we take control of our thoughts and mind. Getting what we want ultimately starts with the belief that it is possible to achieve anything we set our mind to.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to get what you want and reach your heart’s desire.

#1 Get Clear On What You Want
In order to get what we want, we have to get crystal clear about what it is that we actually want. Write your goals and dreams on a piece of paper – not your computer. There is something magic about putting pen to paper which makes you become a creator and you acknowledge both your conscious as well as subconscious mind. Once you are clear on what you really want, focus on what you want instead of focusing on what you don’t want and figure out your why. Because once you know your why, your focus becomes laser sharp and you will do anything to make it happen.

#2 Take the First Step
Getting what you want is more than knowing what you want. You have to actively move forward to progress towards your goals and dreams. Make it a point to every single day take action towards achieving your goals, no matter how small or large it may be. The universe likes action and once it sees that you are proactive and take action every single day, it will support you in any way possible. So don’t wait for some mysterious sign to tell you to start, but start today. Your future self will thank you for it.

#3 Visualize Your Dreams
One of the most powerful tools to make your dreams come true is to visualize your dreams coming true and imaging what your life would look like if you achieved it. Keep in mind, if you can’t see it in your mind, it’s very hard to achieve what you want. But if you spend some time every single day focusing on what you want and imagining the desired outcome in vivid colors, you are already halfway there.

#4 Believe You Can Have What You Want
One of the most important differences between those who achieve their goals and dreams and those who fall short and aren’t happy with their lives is the degree to which they believe it is possible for them to get what they want in the first place. If you aren’t convinced that you can meet or even surpass your goals, you won’t ever get there. Shake self-limiting believes, because they are the true barrier to getting what you want. Choose to believe that anything is possible and believe that you can get what you want no matter how outrageous it may seem.

#5 Dream Big
Since you now decided that you can get what you want, dream big and shoot for the moon. A lot of people think the way to achieve what you want is to set only realistic or reasonable goals. But we say, challenge yourself to set some outrageous goals. Push yourself beyond your perceived limits of possibility and make the impossible possible. The highest achievers in history vigorously embraced the ‘impossible’ and the rest of the world gets in line to buy their inventions. Dream big and be a high achiever.

#6 Break Down Your Big Goals
Big goals and dreams can be daunting, however, you don’t just jump up the mountain to get to the mountain top, you take one step at a time until you reach it. So break down your huge, big dream into smaller, manageable steps that allow you to take daily action. Just be careful that you don’t focus too much on the sub-goals and forget about your primary vision. Always keep your ultimate goal in mind while you move forward with the sub-goals.

#7 Get a Goal Buddy
It’s like having a workout buddy. With a goal buddy you can identify specific action steps you have to take each week, you can motivate each other, you can support each other and you can hold each other accountable. And if your goal buddy doesn’t believe your goals are possible to achieve, find a new goal buddy. You both have to believe it’s possible, only then will your goal buddy be an asset for your journey towards getting what you want. 

#8 Passion-Test Your Goals
Are you 100% in love with your goal? If the answer is no, stop right there and evaluate whether or not the goal you set is actually what you really want out of life. If you feel any hesitation, chances are that your goal may not really be what you want or it might be someone else’s goal. Our goals and dreams fill us with energy and passion, inspire those around us and keep us up at night, because we are too excited to sleep. If you don’t feel passionate about your goals and dreams, let them go and start anew. Be completely honest and real and you will find what you really want and can set out to get it.

#9 Be Persistent
Not everything we want is granted immediately. Be persistent and don’t give up too quickly. Just because you didn’t get it on the first, second or tenth try, doesn’t mean you will never get it. You may have to course correct and look for a different approach, but if you stay focused and persistent, you will find a way to get what you want. Just think about Thomas Edison. He made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts before he invented the light bulb and his outlook was: ‘I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was invented with 1,000 steps.’ 

#10 Don’t Get Comfortable in Your Own Reality 
A lot of times the biggest hurdle to getting what we want is convenience and comfort. Sure, as human beings we are creatures of habits and our brain likes to stay away from all types of risks, but if we get too comfortable in our everyday routine, we will never go anywhere. If we get too comfortable, we operate on auto-pilot and our actions will always be the same, so we won’t see any results any time soon. But when we get uncomfortable with our own reality, we start to get moving and make things happen and with that get anything we want.

Nobody says that getting what you want is easy because if it was, everybody would be fulfilled and happy. Getting what you want takes time, effort, commitment and clarity of purpose. We are all capable of achieving our goals and dreams, but we first have to decide to go for our goals and dreams with everything we’ve got.

Joschi & Monika

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