We all want to live our passion and make our life wildly successful, but getting started with doing what our heart desires can be challenging. Whether that’s starting your own business, traveling the world, starting to exercise, writing a book, improving ourselves or something entirely different, more often than not we make getting started a lot harder than it needs to be.

There are a million and one reasons that stop us from getting started when we crave for something bigger. From fear of failure as well as fear of success, to fear of not having all the right skills, yet and waiting for the right time, resources, ideas, or whatever else you can think of, we tend to come up with a variety of excuses and end up procrastinating instead of pushing forward.

Sure, it can be hard to get started, but as Tony Robbins always says ‘Motion creates emotions’ and once you get started, you create the momentum to achieve anything your heart desires. So the key to achieving what you want in life is to get your butt off the couch and get moving.

Here are our TOP 10 simple steps that help you getting started to do anything you want.

#1 Choose What You Really Want
A big reason why you never actually get started is that your heart is not in it. If you set goals for yourself that aren’t really your goals, then it will be extremely difficult to achieve them or even get started with them. Once you realize that your goals are set by the people around you, whether that’s your parents, teachers, bosses or society at large, whenever possible, eliminate those imposed goals and instead choose something that you really want. This way you put your goals in a whole different light and find the motivation to get started.

#2 Pump Your Emotional State
Find whatever works best for you to boost your motivation and puts you in a positive emotional state. Whether you try meditation, go to the gym or listen to empowering podcasts, make sure that you pump up your emotional state when you want to get started. If you are down, you won’t ever get your butt off the couch, but if you get into your peak emotional state, anything is possible and you can’t wait to get going. 

#3 Find Encouragement and Support from Others
The power of a community is incredible to get started. Whether you find a workout buddy and you motivate each other to go to the gym or you find a professional network that helps you to figure out solutions and innovative ideas, use the encouragement and support from others when you can’t find a way to get started. It may be as simple as joining an online community or reading blogs to help you get started, but don’t miss out on the inspiration, motivation, encouragement and support from others.

#4 Stop Trying to Control Everything
Of course you want to be prepared and know as much as possible before you get started, but this can also become a trap and make you feel you aren’t prepared enough or you don’t have all the facts together, yet and you keep waiting and waiting until you take the first step. However, know that you can’t control everything and making mistakes, failing or looking like a fool is part of the journey. Realize that you will stumble and that’s totally ok. You can’t control everything, all you really have control over is your own actions, so do what you can and if you fall, learn from the experience.

#5 Let Go of the Notion You Have to Start in a Big and Spectacular Way
When you set a huge goal for yourself and want to make your big dream a reality, you may think that the action that you have to take has to be the same size to get started. However, most often this is not true. Instead of thinking you have to start with a big bang, go small. The most important thing is that you do take the first step, no matter how small it may be. Once you started with the first, tiny step, take the next and so on and before you know it, those tiny steps add up to major progress.

#6 Seek Knowledge, Not Results
Instead of focusing on the end result, which may be overwhelming when you want to get started, focus on the excitement and fun of the exploring, experimenting, improving and discovery. If you focus on seeking knowledge and getting better, your motivation will be fueled. However, if you only focus on the end goal, your motivation will be like the weather and will die down the second a storm hits. Keep thinking about the amazing journey of learning and improving and the fun you will have along the way and with that taking the first step will be so much easier.

#7 Use Your Imagination
When things go well, you don’t need any help to get started or stay motivated, because you are full of positive energy. However, when things go south and you experience difficulties, you need even more positive energy to get going. Use your imagination to visualize the life of your dreams at the end of the struggle and set your mind up for success. A great exercise is to only think and say positive things for just three days. Try it and see what happens. The mind is an amazing tool that will get you to where you want to go.

#8 Get Fear Out of Your Head
One of the biggest things that keeps you from getting started is fear. Fear of failure, fear of success and fear of rejection. But fear won’t get you anywhere until you face it and get it out of your head. Those fears are a part of our human nature and most of us have learned them at a young age. Just think about it… If you have fear of failure, you already failed to get started. Do you have fear of success? Ask yourself if you are happy with where you are right now and if the answer is no, take control of your life and get started. Or do you have fear of rejection? Keep in mind, most people don’t actually have the balls to speak out against you and when they do, remind yourself that what they say mostly reflects themselves and not you.

#9 Believe in Yourself
One of the most important things to get started is that you believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals and dreams, no one else will either and you won’t get started. It has to start with you. Believe that you have the power to make your dreams come true. Know that even though there will be struggles along the way, if you believe in yourself and keep going you will get there sooner or later. But you have to believe in yourself first.

#10 Just Do It
Overthinking and procrastinating day in and day out won’t get you anywhere, keep that in mind. Follow Nike’s principle and ‘Just Do It’. When you are holding yourself back, just give it a try. You have nothing to lose and only to gain. If you keep sitting on the couch, nothing will change. But once you start taking action, the sky’s the limit, so don’t waste your time and energy on imagining what could go wrong and instead imagine what could go right. Do something even if your emotions, feelings and thoughts want to hold you back. Just do it.

In order to make your dreams a reality, you have to get started and breathe life into your ideas. Keep in mind, starting doesn’t mean you have the master plan ready and put it into action. Starting can be anything, from scheduling a meeting, making a phone call, sketching a design, writing the first sentence of your book, running a mile or simply walking around the book. Take five minutes and start something right now!

Joschi & Monika

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