Some days are better than others, but wouldn’t it be great if we could feel great every day? The good news is that it is absolutely possible. All it requires is a little work on your part, but the best thing about it is that it is self-focused, personal work that will benefit all areas of your life.

The better we take care of ourselves, the better we will feel and the more positive our life will become. Keep in mind, feeling great every day doesn’t mean we have to feel great all day every day. That’s simply impossible, because we are human and we all have our moments or even hours that just don’t feel good.

That being said, there are plenty of ways to infuse feel-good actions into every single day that lead to feeling great every single day. The thing is, we have a lot more control over how happy we feel than we think. It’s just about reminding ourselves and adopting good personal habits.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to feel great every day and quickly improve our mood.


#1 Learn Something New
We are not talking about sitting down with a textbook and reading it cover to cover. Instead, go out into the day and gain some insight and knowledge about the world. Whether that’s meeting with a friend and learning about their latest endeavor, reading one chapter of a book every night or listening to an inspiring podcast. Knowing at the end of the day that you are a bit smarter than yesterday will make you feel good about yourself and you will consider the day great.

#2 Set Clear Boundaries
Feeling great sometimes requires us to say ‘no’ to certain things so that we can wholeheartedly say ‘yes’ to the things we want and need to do in order to get one step closer to achieving our goals. This may be challenging at first, but if you are clear about what you want, it is essential to learn to say ‘no’ to stay on course. Some people may not understand why you have to set boundaries, but that is just a sign to look at those relationships and examine whether or not they contribute to your feeling-great-every-day goals.

#3 Challenge Negative Self-Talk
Whether we are aware of it or not, as we go through our day we constantly analyze and interpret every situation we encounter. This inner voice inside our heads that is talking us through everything is based on our beliefs and values as well as our conscious and subconscious thoughts. If this inner voice is mostly negative, it will be extremely hard to feel great, so you need to learn to notice when your self-talk turns negative and consciously challenge it. Make it a point to conquer self-defeating thoughts and replace them with positive, realistic thinking instead.

#4 Take Time for Yourself
We are so busy and rushed in our modern world that most of us forget to make ourselves a priority. We tend to cater to everybody else’s needs and focus on being productive and while these are positive traits, we have a responsibility and obligation to ourselves to take some time out to take care of ourselves and enjoy some ‘me-time’. Every day do something that you absolutely love and make it a point to improve your feelings of self-worth and self-esteem and you will soon enough feel great every day.


#5 Be Nice to Others
It may seem counterintuitive, but if you have a cranky day and you turn it into a helping hand, a kind gesture or even just a smile, it doesn’t just improve the other person’s day, it will make you feel happier as well. If you want to feel great every day, do something nice to another person every single day and you will see magic happen. Science shows over and over again that if you think and act compassionately towards others, you will increase your positive emotions such as serenity, joy, amusement, happiness, interest and engagement.

#6 Celebrate Small Victories
We have some kind of success every single day, commit to finding it and celebrate your awesomeness. Sure, you won’t run a marathon every day or conduct a symphony at Carnegie Hall, so adjust your expectations and be happy with what you can actually achieve. We aren’t talking about lowering your expectation for yourself but rather linger on your wins the same way you linger on your mistakes and losses. Celebrating even the smallest victory triggers the release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone that will increase your feelings of happiness and when you continually celebrate your accomplishments, you will continually feel great every day.

#7 Read
Sometimes we can’t get ourselves out of a negative downward spiral and our negative self-talk simply won’t stop no matter how hard we try. However, if we read a book, we give ourselves the chance to listen to somebody else’s thoughts that can drown out our negative inner voice. This can be a lot more insightful and interesting than continually circle around our own thoughts. So go ahead and try it. If want to turn a day around, get inspired by reading a book and feel great.

#8 Exercise
Working out is a great way to feel good and trigger the release of endorphins, which makes us feel great. Keep in mind, if you simply go for the same workout every single day, you strain the same muscles in the same place and risk injury. But if you keep switching up your workout with new exercises, new muscles and new variations, you can easily stimulate your endorphins and feel great every day. Just keep switching it up as variety is the key to feel better.

#9 Laugh
Just like working out, laughing stimulates the release of endorphins. Find out what makes you laugh out loud and make sure to make time for it every single day. There is no easier or better way than laughter to feel better and have a great day. And besides feeling good, laughter is a great tool to release fear and stress and with that you feel great every day.

#10 Get a Massage
Another great way to feel awesome in your body and mind is to get a massage as massages stimulate the release of the happy hormone oxytocin. Now, not everybody has the time or money to get a massage every day, so try self-massage, which is a surprisingly effective way to feel great or find a massage buddy to exchange reciprocal massages. The power of touch has the ability to make us feel great and it’s an absolutely pleasurable experience that is well worth it.

Learning how to feel great every day isn’t that hard when you have the right tools at your disposal that help you to keep your happy hormones, neurotransmitters and chemicals flowing through your brain. There is an abundance of choices you can make every single day that will help you find the path to virtually feeling great every single day.

Joschi & Monika