We all want to be happy, but unfortunately there are many things that cover, cloud, disrupt or even steal our happiness and we end up searching aimlessly to find happiness in different places. Some people hope to buy it, others think they can earn it, still others think they will find it in a new accomplishment, a new job or a new relationship.
While happiness is something we all desire, it can sometimes be very elusive. The truth is, it is generally speaking pretty easy to become a happier person, but on the other hand, it is also quite easy to rob yourself of your own happiness. It’s actually quite common and people do it all over the world, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
We are what we repeatedly do and in order to be happy, we have to look at our habits and figure out which of those little habits that we have programmed ourselves with are actually stealing our happiness rather than allowing us to experience the happiness we all yearn for.
Here are the TOP 10 habits that might be distracting you from happiness.

#1 Following the Crowd
Sure, it may be easier to follow the crowd but it is important to remember that the crowd rarely has our best interests at heart. The crowd is always seeking their own benefit and more often than not, following the crowd results in destructive behavior rather than productive, life-giving behavior. Instead of following the crowd, seek input into your life from within and sources close to you who support and know you, rather than following the popular perception of the day.
#2 Waiting for the Right Moment
It’s a myth to believe that there is such a thing as a perfect moment. Keep in mind, moments aren’t perfect, they are what we make them. A lot of people make the mistake of waiting for the stars to align perfectly to do what they are meant to do. The perfect time, the perfect state of being, the perfect opportunity and so on. Wake up and realize that these states of perfection are a myth and don’t exist. You will find your happiness and grow into your highest potential if you can find the willingness to act even in the face of imperfection. Waiting for the perfect moment won’t give you success, but you will get what you are looking to achieve by learning how to use life’s imperfections to your own advantage.
#3 Refusing to Budge
Life is all about learning and living and when you stop learning, you’ll stop living, growing and thriving and with that you won’t achieve happiness or live a fulfilled life. Venture out of your comfort zone and embrace unfamiliar territory. Holding on to what you know and refusing to budge won’t get you to where you are meant to be. You need to be tested and challenged, because only when you face challenges will you become better. Don’t stay stuck in one position, find ways to challenge yourself and embrace progress.
#4 Resisting Change
Resisting life changes can be very painful. Learn to embrace change even if it comes with a little bit of discomfort, because you don’t want to be stuck where you are right now for the rest of your life. Keep in mind, whether you want to change or not, change is happening every single day. Just have a look at your life and see the many changes that have taken place. Some were positive and others may have been negative. But change is a huge part of our life and we have to learn to accept it and work with it rather than resisting it.

#5 Focusing on Others
You always have a choice. You can choose to focus on others and help them build their goals and dreams or you can choose to build your own dream life and use your time to live and enjoy it. Don’t make the mistake of admiring the success of others while your own dreams go down the drain. Of course, be happy for others who achieve success, but make yourself and the life you want to build your focus. Don’t burden yourself with other people’s load, but cut a path for yourself and chart it.
#6 Loving Others More Than Yourself
It is perfectly okay to love others, but you have to remember that you have to love yourself first and foremost. Keep in mind, if you don’t invest in yourself, no-one else will. It is fine to give to others, but you have to give to yourself as well. Loving yourself is essential and there is nothing wrong or selfish with taking the time to take care of yourself. Keep in mind, you won’t be able to take care of others, if you don’t take care of yourself first. It’s the only way you will be able to give your best. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for loving yourself and who you are, because you can only find true happiness if you love and accept yourself.
#7 Refusing to Let Go of the Past
In order to be happy, we have to learn how to let go of the pain and hurt of the past. Holding on to grudges will only do you harm and stand in the way of building something new. Let bygones be bygones and leave them in the past. Stop burdening yourself with old pain that has been weighing you down for so long. Learn to get rid of the pain and move on. The past is in the past for a reason, because it should no longer be part of your life right now.
#8 Holding on to Worries and Fears
When you look back at your life, you’ll realize that nearly all of your worries and fears never actually came to fruition because more often than not, worries and fear are completely unfounded. So wake up and realize this fact right now. Don’t make the mistake of missing out on opportunities for happiness by needless negativity and worries. Break the shackles of your worries and fears. It is incredibly easy to enjoy your life right now, so let go of the worries and fears that are weighing you down and embrace this very moment and appreciate everything that you have in your life right now.
#9 Holding on to the Wrong People
Yes, it can be hard to let go of people, but sometimes, we just have to walk away from people. Not because we don’t care, but because they don’t care. When someone wrongs you and hurts you over and over again, accept the fact that they just don’t care about you. Sure, that can be a hard pill to swallow, but it is a necessary medicine. Don’t waste another second of your precious time trying to prove something to them. Walk away and don’t waste another thought on them.
#10 Chasing Wealth
Research has proven over and over again that once your most basic needs have been met, money contributes next to nothing to your overall happiness. Still, we continue to pursue more and more as if wealth is the secret key to lasting happiness. But it’s important to remember that happiness is never a byproduct of wealth. Happiness comes from within so don’t get caught in the trap of desiring riches and find happiness in this very moment.
Not all our habits are bad, but in order to find happiness, we have to look at the things we continuously do and decide whether they are distracting or contributing to our happiness. Remember, if you keep doing the same things over and over again, you will get the same results over and over again. So if some of your habits aren’t helping you but hurting you, you need to get rid of them immediately.
Joschi & Monika
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