Blog about the benefits of Lemon Water by Monika Werner and Joschi Schwarz - Founders of Bold & Naked - Naked Yoga


What drink is insanely easy to make, costs next to nothing, keeps your skin glowing, is packed with Vitamin C, may help you to lose weight and aids digestion?

No, it’s not some mysterious elixir being sold on late-night infomercials… It’s lemon water!

While those in the know have been drinking lemon water for ages (probably since ancient Rome), some of the benefits of lemon water have just started to make the rounds in the health and fitness circle recently.

Let’s have a look at what’s the truth behind the supposedly magic drink…
Lemons are packed with healthy nutrients, in particular, they are an amazing source of vitamin C. Lemon juice also offers a great source of the Vitamin B-complex, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper and fiber. It is also a great energy booster for when you wake up. First thing in the morning, our tissues are dehydrated and in desperate need of fluid to push out toxins, so starting the day with a glass of lemon water has been part of our morning routine for a few years now.

Why is lemon water all the rage these days? Here are our FAVORITE HEALTH BENEFITS of lemon water:

#1 Boosts Energy and Mood
If you replace your cup of coffee with lemon water you can boost your energy levels without having to deal with a caffeine crash later on. Our bodies get energy from the atoms and molecules in foods. Lemons are loaded with negative-charged ions and when those enter your digestive tract, they raise your energy levels naturally. Also, the scent of lemon has been found to reduce stress levels and improve mood. So if you have to deal with a grumpy family member or co-worker, offer them a glass of lemon water and see what happens…

#2 Aids in Detoxification and Digestion
Lemon just tricks the liver into producing bile because its structure is similar to the digestive juices found in your body. Bile helps to keep moving food through your body and gastrointestinal tract more smoothly. If you have trouble with indigestion or an upset stomach, have a glass of lemon water and see if things get moving. Additionally, the acids found in lemon juice signal your body to process the good stuff in your food more slowly, which means that your insulin levels remain steadier and you can absorb the nutrients much better. Better nutrient absorption means less bloating. Lemon water stimulates the liver to flush out toxins because it benefits the enzyme function in your body and all of this helps to detox your body and gives you more glowing skin.


#3 Boosts Your Immune System
Your body doesn’t produce Vitamin C on its own, so we need to get it through the foods and drinks we consume. Vitamin C is like your immune system’s jumper cables and one cup of fresh lemon juice contains about 187% of your daily recommended serving of Vitamin C. When you are stressed out, the Vitamin C level in your system is the first to plummet. So when you know already you have a packed, stressful day ahead of you, chug some extra lemon water to ensure you keep your immune system up and running especially now in the cold and flu season…

#4 Rejuvenates Skin and Heals the Body
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that does double duty in lemon water. Antioxidants fight the damage that free radicals cause, which makes your skin glow. At the same time, the Vitamin C in lemon water encourages your body’s collagen production, which is essential to keep your skin smooth and helps to get rid of fine lines in the face. There has even be a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that shows that people who regularly consume Vitamin C have younger looking skin with less wrinkles. So drink up on this natural anti-aging product.

#5 Helps to Lose Weight
Just do the math… If you replace your morning orange juice or latte with lemon water and don’t just do it once, but daily, think about how many empty calories you will save. Your waist line will definitely thank you for this. On the other hand, lemons contain pectin, a type of fiber commonly found in fruits. Pectin helps you to feel full longer and feeling satiated means that you won’t binge throughout the day. But keep in mind, the amount of fiber in lemon water is very small and won’t replace a proper diet and exercise in your weight loss efforts.

Additionally, even if you are slightly dehydrated, you are more prone to things like headaches, fatigue and an overall bad mood… Drinking lemon water definitely helps your body to stay hydrated and feeling happy.

How much lemon should be in your lemon water? For those of you who weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water. If you weigh more than 150 pounds, use an entire lemon. Of course, ultimately it’s all up to your personal taste.

With the endless benefits of lemon water, this is one of the simplest changes you can make for your health. Is lemon water part of YOUR daily routine? Let us know in the comments below.

Joschi & Monika

2 thoughts on “DETOX WITH LEMON WATER”

  1. Lost 63 lbs 5 yrs ago with Morning routine + yogo -weighe still off more fit than when I was a college track mvp- very simple + effective !

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