Do you wish you had the energy and motivation to get through your day? Do you want to be productive and get everything done? You may need to create momentum.
Simply put, creating momentum in our life means that we increase the things that move us forward and decrease the things that hold us back. We know, it sounds pretty easy, we all have challenges and habits to overcome. However, if we can create momentum, we can move past our struggles and towards the life we want to live.
We’ve all been there when we feel stuck in some area of our life and we seem to be moving through life with our breaks on. The good news is that there is usually a solution and we can begin to move forward when we take responsibility for our emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions.
Creating momentum requires a big upfront push to get things going, from there it gets easier and easier. Here are our TOP 10 ways to jumpstart your life and create momentum.

#1 Set Powerful Goals
While setting goals doesn’t necessarily create momentum itself, without a vision of success and knowing where we want to go, we’ll never get there. One of the most important benefits of setting goals is not reaching them, it’s what you do to achieve them and what kind of person you become in the process. Setting powerful goals provides us with focus and shapes our dreams. Goals give us the opportunity to zone in on the actions we need to take in order to live the life of our dreams and they force us to grow and stretch in new ways. We must become the best version of ourselves to reach our goals.
#2 Get Motivated & Inspired
It’s that moment you decide to become the best version of yourself that will change your life forever. You move from just thinking about it, to making up your mind, to getting going and with that you give yourself the chance to take off. To stay motivated, look for inspiration anywhere you can. While inspiration won’t get you to the top, it’s that helping hand on your shoulder that keeps you moving forward.
#3 Find Your Tribe
You always have a choice who you spend your time with, so why not choose to surround yourself with people who will encourage you, empower you and support you as you build the momentum to create the life of your dreams. If you struggle to find the right people, go to networking events, search for supportive people online or attend workshops or seminars. It is important to find people who rally around you and provide advice, laughter and support and won’t allow you to lose momentum.
#4 Just Do It
The first step is the most important step in building momentum. So follow Nike’s slogan and just do it. Whatever it is that you want to achieve whether that’s in your personal or professional life, nothing creates momentum like simply taking action and just doing it. If you take action, you start to focus your energy on the tings that matter most and over time momentum feeds and builds upon itself. The more you just jump into action the more momentum you will create that will push you forward and closer to reaching your ultimate goal. Remember, all you need to do is getting started, so just do it.

#5 Commit to Improving Yourself
In order to keep your momentum going and reach the goals you set out to achieve, you need to commit to improving yourself every single day. Create the habit of setting time aside each day to learn something new and develop your emotional, mental and physical well-being. Read something, learn a new language, sign up for a workshop, attend an online seminar. You are never too busy to keep improving your talents and skills. Make self-improvement a priority in your life.
#6 Act Bravely
The biggest obstacle to momentum is fear – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of ridicule. Ask yourself: ‘What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?’ And then count down… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then act bravely. Make the decision – five seconds at a time – to do what’s truly important to you. Every time you feel fear creeping up on you and you face doubt, count down from 5 to 1 and prove to yourself that you are capable of doing anything you set your mind to it. Forget excuses and access your strengths.
#7 Schedule It
Maybe you don’t have the motivation, inspiration or momentum to do it right now. However, you have the power to schedule whatever it is that you need to do and make it a routine that can’t be broken. Whatever it is that you have been putting off, schedule it now and stick to it. Make it a must-do when it’s on your schedule. If you are lacking the discipline at the moment, take the time to figure out why it is that you want to reach a certain goal. If a regular workout routine is what you want to incorporate into your life, think about why you want to exercise daily. Do you want to lose weight? Do you have an event coming up where you want to dazzle someone with your improved physique? Or do you simply want to be more energized and healthy? Once you know your why, it’s a lot easier to stick to your schedule and do what needs to be done in order to achieve your goal.
#8 Listen and Learn
In your quest to building momentum, learn everything there is to know about the goal you want to achieve. Take the time and learn about the topic that is your goal. Browse the internet, talk to an expert, listen to a podcast, watch videos, sign up for a class. Whatever it is that you want to achieve, you can learn about it, which will help you to create the momentum you are looking for. Learning new things creates new neural pathways that will build the knowledge and confidence you need to be able to do whatever is necessary to reach your goal.
#9 Start Over If You Need To
Sometimes we need to pause, come to a full stop and restart with a second chance. Dramatic restarts can end up being the breakthrough that you’ve been looking for to create the momentum to keep moving forward with monumental pace. Sure, it can be scary and it can cause uncertainty, doubt and worry, but see those struggles as an opportunity to grow and step outside of your comfort zone. You will be rewarded with self-improvement and a chance to achieve everything you want.
#10 Clarify Your Purpose in Life
Discovering your purpose in life is an ongoing process, so make it a point to regularly check in with yourself to clarify where you priorities are and what’s most important in your life. What are your top priorities and are you living your life accordingly and with purpose? You are in charge of your life and your future. If you live according to your purpose, you will be able to overcome any challenge that you encounter and keep the momentum going to achieve your goals.
Momentum is a beautiful thing. It enables us to create a life in which we are more efficient, effective and productive. Momentum creates the possibility to start thinking clearly and see our goals as achievable, which in turn gives us direction, power and purpose. It builds energy and positive thinking and gives us the belief that we can achieve anything we set our mind to. If you want to be more successful, effective and productive to achieve everything you want in life, you have to consider our ways to build momentum to get things going.
Joschi & Monika
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