Even if our life is fantastic, there is always space to keep improving ourselves. Whether we want to grow in our career, live healthier, get in better shape or simply be more productive with our time there is always room for improvement. Constantly improving ourselves is key to success and personal growth leads to a life of fulfillment.

More often than not we believe that accomplishments lead to happiness and life satisfaction, but reality is that while we obviously feel good after achieving something, the feeling is only temporary. In order to reach happiness that is everlasting, we have to always be improving, learning and growing.

Self-Improvement is like cleaning your house. You may think you’re done, but if you stop cleaning, dust collects and you have to start all over again. The need to clean your house never ends and the same goes for improving yourself. To find happiness, be successful and live a fulfilled life, you need to find ways to constantly improve yourself.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to improve yourself and your life.


#1 Never stop learning
In order to constantly improve yourself you have to learn something new every day. Whether you are reading a book, listen to a podcast or take a class, take the responsibility for your own growth and learning and actively pursue improvement. For example, if you read one hour every single day, no matter what knowledge base you started out with, you will become a world leading expert in any subject within 7 years. Sure, it requires consistency and commitment, but it’s also incredibly simple and easy.

#2 Get Constructive Feedback
Find someone you trust and who will give you an honest, constructive feedback, even if the message is negative. Sure, nobody wants to hear anything negative about themselves or their performance, but it’s an incredible tool to help improving yourself. Keep in mind, weak people will never accept constructive criticism and will only find excuses. Strong people on the other hand will accept the constructive feedback and will work on their weaknesses.

#3 Put Yourself Out There
A great way to improve yourself is to put yourself out there, meet people, talk to people and never be afraid to ask for advice. Don’t let anybody’s reputation scare you into submission. Keep in mind, if you never ask, you’ll never know and this is particularly true for people who have reached the highest heights. Keep in mind, even the most successful people in the world are just people and even if you don’t get an answer on the first try, never stop trying.

#4 Travel
Nothing opens up our mind and broadens our horizon quite like traveling to unknown places. And we are talking about immersing ourselves fully in the new environment, meeting the people, observing the culture, eating the food, immersing ourselves in the art. Activate all your senses and make it your mission to understand the places, people and cultures of the countries you visit instead of hiding in a beach resort and never stepping a foot into town. If you understand how different communities and cultures work, you will enrich your life with tremendous appreciation, understanding and compassion.


#5 Don’t Waste Your Time
Make sure that you use your time wisely and don’t waste. Sure, it may seem inconsequential in the moment when your planned 1-hour meeting goes over by a few minutes, but the time adds up over time and can have a huge impact on your life. Time is precious and your schedule is sacred. Protect it or you’ll pay for it later. And once you know how long something should take, make it your mission to beat the target.

#6 Choose a Mentor
Of course there are endless possibilities to improve yourself on your own, but if you get a little help along the way, you can improve faster and more efficiently. Think about all the people who have influenced your life so far. Whether it was your parents, your teachers, your peers or your boss, they all taught you something. Find a mentor who can advice you on a regular basis and pick his or her brain any chance you get. And keep in mind, most successful people are happy and humbled when you ask them for advice.

#7 Learn from Your Mistakes
We all make mistakes and we all stumble and fall every now and again. It’s not about the mistakes you make, but what you do after that determines whether or not you progress in life. Sure, mistakes and failure suck, but they are also absolutely necessary to provide you with valuable learning experiences. Stop playing it safe and take risks. Fail often and learn something new every time you fall. You will soon realize that those stumbles will lead to your greatest achievements in life.

#8 Be Honest
Self-improvement starts with the truth. Be honest with yourself and others, even if it hurts in the moment, because lies will always end up hurting you a lot worse. The people who are the best in constantly improving themselves are the ones who are honest all the time. Keep in mind, lying creates an enormous emotional burden and leads to negativity, guilt, shame and more lies. It’s a perpetual downward spiral. So tell the truth, always. It’s the only way to consistently improve yourself.

#9 Give Yourself Too Little Time
When you know how much time you need to complete a certain task, purposefully give yourself less time than that. You’ll be amazed how you will increase your efficiency when you are being forced to invent creative ways to get things done. It’s a great way to improve yourself and achieve a new level of greatness.

#10 Remove Distractions
We live in a day and age where we are constantly bombarded with distractions. If you want to learn and grow, abandon social media and stop living life through the prism of your gadgets. Remove all the things and people that are taking away from your focus and make it a point to be in the moment and experience things as they happen in the now.

Self-Improvement is a lifelong process, so get used to the idea of constantly improving, changing, learning and growing. Make it your mission to learn something new and make at least one tiny improvement that makes you better every single day and you will be well on your way to achieve the next level of awesomeness.

Joschi & Monika


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