Reality is, most people aren’t happy with their lives, yet they continue down that same path of unhappiness without the willingness to change. Sure, life is without a doubt challenging, we have to make enough money to support ourselves, stay healthy and navigate through social pressures.
However, one of the greatest gifts in life is that we have the power to change and adapt to anything we want and if you are feeling like your life isn’t in the best place right now, you have the ability to take immediate steps to turn your life around and change it for the better.
We all deal with stress, anxiety and heartache from time to time, it is part of our human nature, but it doesn’t have to be that way all the time. We all deserve to have the best life possible. Remember, change is the only constant in life and it is completely up to us which direction our life will take when these inevitable changes occur.
Here are our TOP 10 tips to change your life for the better.
#1 Stay Optimistic
To successfully change your life for the better, you have to keep an optimistic attitude. Unfortunately a lot of people have a pessimistic perspective and the scary thing about that is that they are usually unaware of their negative psychology. Your beliefs and attitude are extremely powerful in times of change, which means you need to squash any negativity before you start redefining your life. Be aware that striving for change will always have a few bumps on the way, but an optimistic point of view will keep you happy and see an opportunity in every challenge.
#2 Find Your Passion
We all have an inner passion, an overwhelming motivational force that makes us jump out of bed every day, excited to get started on changing our life for the better. However, you have to take some time and dig deep to find that passion. The path that makes you truly happy and the power of passion can lead to extraordinary things. Be honest with yourself and find your passion, because without passion, your life will never truly be fulfilled.
#3 Think More
Every change starts in our mind first, so don’t just go blindly through life consumed with thoughtless activities. Take the time to critically think for yourself, strive for more and never settle for the current. The reality is, a lot of people are dumbing themselves down with hours of brainless pastimes like spending too much time glued to the television, getting obsessed with their social media feed or engaging in unproductive gossip. Instead, attend conferences and seminars whenever possible, listen to audio books or talk radio on your commute or during your workout and get inspiring information any chance you get. Open your mind and change for the better will happen.
#4 Exercise Daily
We all know that regular physical activity has a huge effect on our overall health and well-being. But even more importantly, exercise keeps our mind healthy and with that greatly supports our efforts to change our life for the better. Don’t make excuses and fit in daily exercise. A bonus of an hour-long workout session is that you have extended periods of time where you’ll be alone with your thoughts, perfectly suited for strategic planning for your change for the better.
#5 Stay Away from Toxic People
The people you surround yourself with have a huge impact on the quality of your life, so just imagine how toxic people are a roadblock to your desire to change your life for the better. Sure, the people you decide to cut out of your life may not be too happy about your decision to stay away, but you are the most important person in your life and you want to eliminate negative influence as much as possible. Toxic people have a way of being able to get under your skin and staying there. Stay away from them and if you do have to have contact with them because you work together, every time you encounter a toxic person be grateful for the supportive, uplifting people in your life and make time for those who deserve your attention.
#6 Get Started
There are a lot of people who spend endless hours of brainstorming how they want to change their life for the better but never take the first step and get started. They tend to freeze up when it’s time to take action because they don’t know whether their ideas are perfect or not and if the change they initiate is going to lead them in the right direction. But you can only change your life for the better if you actually get started, so you need to take the first step. Keep in mind, no plan is ever set in stone and once you get started, your plan will evolve and ultimately lead you to where you want to go.
#7 Say No
A recent study from California showed that if you have trouble saying no, you are much more likely to experience stress and burnout and it may even lead to depression, all of which takes away self-control and with that your desire to change your life for the better. ‘NO’ is a powerful word that we should embrace rather than being afraid of. Avoid saying things like ‘I don’t think I can’ or ‘I’m not sure’. Commit to saying no and honor your own needs and wants to be able to successfully fulfill your own commitments and create the life of your dreams.
#8 Let Go of Regrets
Regrets only hold us back in life. Keep in mind, regrets are about the past and if you stay stuck thinking about the past, you will miss out on the present and the future. Whatever happened in the past, let it go. You cannot change what you did or didn’t do, the only thing you have control over now is how you choose to live in the present as well as the future. Sure, it may not always be easy to let go of regrets, but it’s the only way to move forward and change your life for the better, so say good-bye to your regrets forever.
#9 Do Something that Scares You
Doing something that scares you is all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Take inventory of all the scary things you would like to do but are too afraid to do them and then put a plan in place to go do them. Changing your life for the better will only happen if you continually learn and grow, but staying in your comfort zone will only make you complacent and comfortable and you will never get to where you want to go. Jump into the challenge, do something that scares you and even if you don’t nail it the first time around, the feeling of accomplishment will give a big boost to your self-confidence and with that your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to.
#10 Live In the Moment
A lot of people believe that the grass is greener on the other side. However, more often than not when they get to the other side of the fence, they realize that this just isn’t true. We are often too focused on the pursuit of happiness that we miss the happiness in this very moment and actually live right here right now. Don’t get consumed with your problems and discontent in the present that you miss the precious beauty and joy of the here and now. Appreciate and show gratitude on a daily basis and you will be able to experience happiness in the moment. Help those in need and experience happiness in the moment. Enjoy ice cream on the beach with your best friend and enjoy happiness in the moment. You get the idea, don’t miss happiness in the moment because you are too focused on pursuing happiness in the future.
Changing your life for the better is possible, all it takes is mental perseverance and a strong conviction. Keep in mind, you can achieve anything you set your mind to, so what are you waiting for. Choose to act immediately and change your life for the better right now.
Joschi & Monika