We all do our best to stay calm and zen, but getting nervous or feeling stressed every now and then is a fact of life. In fact, stress is an epidemic in our modern world and one of the most widespread and debilitating conditions in the world. 

When we are in a frenzied state, it is almost impossible to calm down and get a grip on ourselves, no matter how irrational we know our thoughts are. What we need are coping mechanisms that can help us break though that cycle of nervousness and stress, even when we feel like it’s the end of the world.

Most people have no clue how to get a grip on our nerves and manage stress or if it’s even possible. The good news is that our nerves and stress are hackable and it is possible to convert stress into a tool that makes us stronger rather than zapping the energy right out of us.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to calm your nerves and manage and reduce stress.

#1 Have Fun
One of the easiest, most basic ways to reduce stress and calm your nerves is to have fun. It sounds simple enough, yet most people don’t practice it enough. Whatever having fun means for you, whether that’s spending time with the people you love, going for a hike, taking a yoga class, talking to your partner or even biohacking, don’t forget to spend more time having fun. Remember, all your work and other obligations can suck the fun out of life, so it is your job to put it back in and schedule fun time on your calendar like you would schedule important business meetings and make them a non-negotiable.

#2 Eat a Pickle
You may be surprised to see eating a pickle on our TOP 10 list to calm your nerves, but evidence suggests that fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut and yoghurt work wonders to ease social phobias and neuroticism. This is based on the belief that the probiotics – the good kind of bacteria – in those foods – positively change the environment in your gut, which in turn leads to positive changes in social anxiety. Give it a try. Next time you feel like you are about to have a nervous breakdown, eat a pickle and get calm and collected in no time.

#3 Daydream
When your nerves get the better of you, visualize a positive scenario or simply something that makes you happy. This will instantly calm your nerves, because it puts your mind in a much more positive state. Keep in mind, sticking to the negative thoughts that brought on your nervousness and stress will only exacerbate the situation and makes you more nervous. But switching things up with a positive memory or even something completely unrealistic, will take your mind off of your nerves and calms you down immediately.

#4 Give Yourself a Hug
It has been scientifically proven that hugging and cuddling with a loved one – or even a pet for that matter – reduces stress and anxiety. The good news is that you can actually get the same effect when you hug yourself. Your body releases the same kind of stress-relieving hormones like oxytocin that can significantly relieve your nerves and make you feel calm and collected. Now, we are not suggesting to make it a habit to hug yourself in public all the time, but simply wrapping your arms around yourself for just a minute can work wonders.

#5 Use Scents
It is well known that certain scents have a calming effect on us and lavender is on top of the list. Keep a small bottle of lavender essential oil with you at all times so when you feel nervousness coming on, you can smell some of that lavender fragrance and instantly calm your nerves. It is also helpful to support your mindfulness or meditation practice and helps you to sleep better. And the best part, if you smell lavender on a regular basis, over time you will associate the feeling of calm and relaxation with the scent, which makes it even more effective.

#6 Walk it Off
Sometimes, the best thing you can do when your nerves go crazy is to exercise and use some of that build-up of extra adrenaline, even if you just go for a walk. You’ve probably experienced it before, you get anxious when you haven’t moved around all day, so put on your walking shoes and walk off some of that excess energy that’s making you nervous. An added bonus is that the fresh air can help you to improve your well-being. Even science is on board and found that people who took a walking trip in a wooded area had less stress hormones in their system than when they stayed in the city.

#7 Drink Water
You may not even be aware of it, but not drinking enough water can make your nervousness even worse. Dehydration can cause heart palpitations, which can lead to feelings of panic and even trigger an anxiety attack. And research shows that being even a little dehydrated increases cortisol levels in your system. Staying properly hydrated can keep those stress hormones down and keep in mind, when you don’t give your body the fluids it needs, you’re putting it under unnecessary stress that only exacerbates your nervousness.

#8 Take a Laughing Break
When you feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, it may seem impossible to take a laughing break, but it’s an effective solution to calm your nerves. For five to 15 minutes focus on nothing else but smiling, laughing and having fun. Laughing breaks tension and stress and helps your mind to relax and calm down. Spend some time with a person who makes you laugh, watch a funny YouTube video or think of a funny memory that will make you laugh out loud. You will come back to the situation that made you anxious in the first place with a much lighter mind and will be able to find a solution.

#9 Soak in Epsom Salt
Primarily, epsom salt is used to relax muscles and loosen up stiff joints because soaking in epsom salt water releases magnesium and sulphate, which will be absorbed through the skin. Besides the benefits for your muscles and joints it will also calm your nerves. When you are feeling nervous or anxious, the excess adrenaline that comes with that state of mind drains the body of magnesium, so soaking in epsom salt, which replenishes magnesium is a natural stress reliever that calms your nerves. Besides, magnesium is a necessary electrolyte that our body needs to produce serotonin, which is a mood-boosting chemical created in the brain. When you soak in epsom salt, you can replenish that lost magnesium and promote relaxation.

#10 Remember to Breathe
There is no simpler way to relax and calm your nerves than slow, deep breaths. They can help you to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, relieve anxiety and balance the mind and body. A great breath to calm yourself down is the 4-4-6-2 breath. Breathe through the back of your throat into the diaphragm for the count of 4, hold the breath for the count of 4 and slowly exhale through the back of the throat for the count of 6. Then hold empty breath for the count of 2 – more if you can. At first it may feel weird to hold your lungs without air, but your brain rewires itself to be calmer when you practice the 4-4-6-2 breath.

An always on-edge nervous system is sure to contribute to imbalanced emotions, constant worrying, poor judgment, inability to concentrate, anxiousness and even physical symptoms. No matter how stress and nerves are affecting you, it is possible to learn how to manage your heart, brain and nervous system so that you become more resilient with a lot more energy and exponentially happier.

Joschi & Monika

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