Being thankful shouldn’t just be reserved for Thanksgiving. It should extend way beyond the holiday and be part of our daily life because expressing gratitude is extremely satisfying and leads to kindness, love and forgiveness. There are a million and one things to be grateful for every single day, but we never acknowledge most of them.

However, it is very important for ourselves and our lives to learn ways to be thankful every day, because it means that we are focusing on the positive rather than dwelling on the negative. Keep in mind, that doesn’t mean that we shove the bad stuff aside like it never existed, but we choose to make peace with the negative, learn from it and not let it negatively influence the present.

Fact is that people who are thankful every day are simply happier, healthier and more fulfilled. Research shows that being emotionally content has huge physical benefits and if we cultivate gratitude and positive thinking, we can positively impact our heart function because the heart is a sensory organ and a processing center.

So how can we be thankful every day? Here are our TOP 10 tips to add gratitude to your daily routine.


#1 Appreciate Everything
Most people think that gratitude is something that is reserved for the big things in life. However, the habit of being thankful starts with appreciating every good thing in your life and recognizing that nothing is too small for you to show gratitude. It can be as simple as being thankful for the sunshine or how quickly your UPS delivery arrived. Appreciate everything and don’t leave anything off your gratitude list.

#2 Find Gratitude in Challenges
It is fairly simple to be grateful for positive experiences, but sometimes thinking about difficult or negative situations can make it easier to nail down on what we are actually thankful for. Dig a little deeper and find some past experiences that were challenging but you could still find something to be grateful for, because these challenges have helped you to shape you into the person you are today. No matter how difficult a situation may seem in this moment, find something to be grateful for in this challenge and you will better your life immediately.

#3 Show You Care
‘Thank you’ is such a simple phrase, but how often do you actually use it? It’s actually surprising how hard it is for a lot of people to make saying ‘thanks’ a positive habit that comes naturally without having to consciously think about. Of course, we all know that it can slip your mind and you may not be sure how to show or say it and sometimes it can even feel awkward – giving as well as receiving it. But people want to be appreciated and valued or recognized and praised so teach yourself to say ‘thank you’ more often and make it part of your daily life.

#4 Keep a Gratitude Journal
Science has shown over and over again that gratitude doesn’t just make you a happier and warmer person but also a healthier one. Previous research focused on improved levels of mental health and sleep as well as lower levels of anxiety due to being thankful, but recent research shows additionally that gratitude has a strong link to life satisfaction, happiness and overall health. Writing down the things you are grateful for helps you to keep track and you can refer back to positive experiences in your life that can lift you up when you need it.


#5 Commit to Positive Language
Most of the time we don’t even realize that we are saying negative or unpleasant things. And we’re not just talking about gossiping, but criticizing ourselves as well as complaining about the world. All this negativity is simply a waste of our time and energy because it makes us blind to the incredible things that are happening right in front of us. Train your brain to focus on the positive and happiness, commit to using only positive language and let go of judgment and criticism. You’ll be amazed how much your life will improve and how much more you will have to be thankful for every single day.

#6 Spend Time in Nature
Nature has incredible powers and will help us to feel better in an instant. Make it a point to be in nature more often and truly see the wonders that surround you, because there is magic all around you. Keep in mind though, the walk from your front door to the subway doesn’t actually count. Find a park, a river, a lake, a mountain, a forest or a beach where you can immerse yourself in nature and appreciate the beauty that you can find there. Plus, you give your mind a well deserved break to be able to function at its best again.

#7 Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
If you want to be thankful every single day, stop comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself to the highlight reel of others that they present to the world doesn’t help anyone and more often than not it makes you forget about all your talents, strengths, skills and abilities that you have to offer to the world. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus your mental energy on how amazing you are. Of course other people have their blessings, but address your own and focus on your strengths.

#8 Prioritize Alone Time
Alone time is highly important if you want to develop a more thankful mindset daily. Go for a long walk, take yourself out to dinner or cook yourself a gourmet meal when nobody else is around. Maybe you have a daily meditation practice to clear your head in the morning or after work. Whatever it is, prioritize alone time, because all these practices have a huge and lasting effect on your self-esteem, which in turn makes you feel more grateful. And remember, solitude is very different from loneliness. Spending alone time intentionally is something that can truly recharge you and helps you to better problem-solve later.

#9 Pay it Forward
Did someone contribute to your day in a positive way today? Did someone else make you feel better about yourself? Did someone notice and appreciate something about you? Remember those moments and ask yourself how it made you feel. You felt amazing, didn’t you? Now take that positive reinforcement you received and pay it forward to somebody else in your life. Give someone else a boost of gratitude, courtesy of you. Let another person know that they matter, that they are appreciated and that they make a difference. We all can use a little bit of encouragement in our lives, so start the movement today.

#10 Spend Time with Loved Ones
If you are struggling with feeling thankful right now, spend some quality time with the people you love the most. Of course this has the added bonus of growing closer and strengthening your relationship, but it also gives you a great chance to practice acts of gratitude on people you care about. Start small and make it a point to support your family and friends by complimenting them on something or intently listening to their story instead of waiting for your chance to speak.

Science agrees that being thankful every day produces positive outcomes in almost every area of our lives. It improves our love life, decreases depression, boosts our immune system, lowers our blood pressure, makes us feel more optimistic in life and helps us to cope with even the most challenging crisis. And keep in mind, gratitude is available to everyone, totally free and it doesn’t require any physical effort.

Joschi & Monika