Being great, being unforgettable, being remarkable, what is it really all about? Sometimes we meet people and feel compelled to be around them, want to know them and want to learn from them. It’s like we are drawn in by their enigmatic personality.
While some people are naturally born with the gift of being magnetic and highly charismatic, most people don’t get there by accident and have to become that way willfully because most of us don’t simple stumble upon greatness but have to become great deliberately.
Each and everyone of us has the ability to be a highly remarkable person, but how we get there can be completely different for each person. There is no definite path to follow to be remarkable, because we all have our own unique personalities, priorities and passions that can highlight that special quality that makes us remarkable. However, there are certain traits that can help us get there.
Here are our TOP 10 tips to be remarkable.
#1 Be Yourself
In order to be unapologetically remarkable, you have to be unapologetically you. We know, this sounds very easy, but it’s probably one of the most difficult things to do. Just think about it, how often do you say yes, when you actually think no. But in order to be remarkable, the first step has to be that you are unapologetically yourself and be completely confident in yourself. You have to feel like an unshakable rock. Know who you are and know that who you are and what you do is completely ok. Create that inner confidence to just show up as yourself and feel completely comfortable in your own skin.
#2 Be Open
Remarkable people are straight-forward, lean into life and live life openly. Be open to possibilities, be open to experiences and free yourself from limitations. In order to be remarkable, you have to step out of your comfortable bubble and learn to embrace life fully. Be open to whatever comes your way, know that you can handle anything and achieve anything and don’t limit yourself to the known and safe environment that you created for yourself. Experience new things any chance you get, because this will help you to be open and broaden your mind. Whether that’s eating a fruit that you’ve never tried before or moving across the ocean. Stay open because there is more than one way to live life.
#3 Be Intentional
In our day and age, the first thing people do when they wake up is to check their phone. And the last thing we do before we go to bed is check our phones again. And what do we do all day long? Check our phones. This makes us reactive to other people’s agendas. However, if you want to be remarkable, you have to follow your own agenda, so live life intentionally. Every morning when you wake up, be proactive about creating an intentional day. Choose what you want to do and what not to do. Choose whether you are going to respond to a situation or how you respond. Take responsibility for your life and stop busying yourself with other people’s agendas.
#4 Be Kind
By being kind and giving to others we can actually make a difference in other people’s lives and can make a real difference in our own life. Whether you show kindness with an honest smile, give a helping hand to somebody who needs it or choose to spend your Friday evening with your grandparents, give without expecting anything in return and you will benefit from giving itself. Keep in mind, givers are winners, because true givers are remarkable people.
#5 Be Interested
It’s an awesome feeling when you meet someone new and after a 10 minute conversation you feel like they genuinely care about you. We all want to be special, it is hardwired into every human being. People simply want to be around people who make them feel wanted, heard and welcome. Connect and engage on a deeper level with others and it will add tremendous quality to your life. It’s a win-win situation. The more you are interested in others, the more they are interested in you and with that you can become remarkable.
#6 Exceed the Status Quo
If you want to be remarkable, you have to push and exceed the boundaries of what is considered acceptable. You have to want to be more than just average and excel and master your endeavors. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to attain complete perfection in everything you do, because we all know that perfection kills the dream. Know that sometimes doing things good enough is the much smarter choice and helps you to keep pushing forward rather than wasting your time on trying to achieve perfection. And one thing is for sure, you want to keep pushing forward in order to be able to become remarkable.
#7 Seek Out the Unconventional
Being remarkable means that we are masterful in our craft. To become a master, you have to explore the fringes of your field, which are usually dismissed or unnoticed by others. Keep in mind, a master doesn’t just go through the motions and knows all the techniques. A master knows every little elusiveness about his or her field and trains the entire body and entire mind. Seek out the unconventional and pay attention when everybody else gets distracted, listen when everybody else is speaking and look where nobody else is looking.
#8 Live on the Edge
It is impossible to be remarkable, by simply doing what works and following a cookie-cutter template for life. If you want more out of life you have to take control of your life and need to decide how your life should play out instead of just living it by default. Recognize that you have to live on the edge, speak when others are afraid to express there feelings and when others ask ‘Why me?’ ask ‘Why not?’
#9 Travel Far, Far away
Make sure your passport is ready and buy a ticket to a country far, far away. Just walking through a foreign airport can teach you a million new things. Eat the native food, ask a local to give you a short tour of the town, use local means of transportation. Really immerse yourself into a different culture, even if it’s just for a few days. The experience will become an important, memorable part of who you are and these epic life experience allow you to decide to become an active participant in the world, rather than just being a spectator.
#10 Take a Stand
Some people flow with the wind and are afraid to take a stance on important issues. Some issues in life are black and white, there is a right or wrong. Pick a side and take a stand. Make sure though that you know what you are talking about and have evidence to back up your opinion. And keep in mind, taking a stand doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be angry and loud, it just means that you are strong and believe in something.
Conventional wisdom says to conform, to fit in and not be too loud. But doesn’t that sound a little bit boring to you? Instead, decide to be remarkable, decide what you really want and then push it to the edge. Remember, normal people don’t change the world, but remarkable people open a world of possibility for others.
Joschi & Monika