We all have goals and dreams, but have you every dismissed one of your dreams because you thought it seems impossible? A lot of people make up an excuse why something can’t be achieved or why they shouldn’t even be giving it a try because it feels impossible. But what if what you labeled impossible isn’t in fact as impossible as you may think?
A lot of things seem beyond our capabilities, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to achieve them. It just means that it could be difficult, but with certain tools and the nature of progression, everything is possible. If you want to achieve the impossible and do something truly great with your life, you simply have to work for it.
Our conscious mind – the rational, critical thinking we are aware of and that tells us something is impossible is only a fraction of our mind. And what’s even more important, it isn’t even the dominant part of our mind. Our subconscious mind – the silent partner of our conscious mind that is in fact a big part of every thought, belief and act, and largely conditions our thoughts and behaviors, has extraordinary possibilities that can make the impossible possible. We just have to learn how to tap into the unknowable and unreachable subconscious mind.
Here are our TOP 10 tips to make the impossible possible.
#1 Dream Big and Set Goals
Most people are afraid to dream big, but the truth is, no matter what you should always dream big and don’t let anything or anyone deter you. Keep in mind, the sky is the limit and whatever we put our mind to, we can achieve. After all achieving the impossible is a mental game and a mindset. When we don’t dream big, we limit ourselves from the unlimited possibilities and our own hidden potential. Tap into your massive potential and dream big. Then set your goals and make sure they make sense to you and what you value and believe in.
#2 Never Fear Failure
We all have failed before, the most successful people in the world have failed before they reached success. Keep in mind, we are not defined by how many times we fail, but rather by how many times we were able to pick ourselves back up again. Don’t be afraid of failure because it isn’t the end of your journey. It’s simply a chance to start again and evaluate your direction, but this time you move forward with more knowledge and more experience to do it the right way. Instead of fearing failure, be afraid of not trying, because taking a chance is always far better than doing nothing and letting life pass you by.
#3 Work Hard
While it is possible to achieve the impossible, it won’t happen overnight and it won’t happen if you simply sit still, dream about it and only make plans. You have to take massive action every single day and do everything you can to move forward, no matter how difficult or challenging it may be. It doesn’t matter how small a step may seem, but you have to make it an hourly habit to be doing something that moves you forward and never sit still.
#4 Don’t Make Excuses
Excuses won’t get you anywhere. They don’t help you to learn, the don’t help you to grow and they won’t make you better and help you to make progress. Excuses just help you to feel better in the moment. But if you want to achieve the impossible, you have to take full responsibility for every single moment, decision and action. Forget excuses, do what needs to be done even if it’s uncomfortable in the moment and work your way forward towards success.
#5 Think Positive No Matter What Happens
Even when things don’t go well right now, you have to stay positive. Keep in mind, negative thoughts won’t get you anywhere and only attract more negativity that makes you fearful and stressed out. However, developing a positive mindset will allow you to tackle those hurdles and challenges to help you achieve your impossible goal. Staying positive is incredibly important because there is magic in positivity. If you can manage to stay positive, your subconscious mind will support you on your way to achieving your goals rather than holding you back.
#6 Make Sacrifices
Pursuing a huge goal means that you have to put aside your small dreams. Sometimes for a little while, while you put your heart and soul into your impossible goal, sometimes you have to put them aside forever. For example when you want to realize a start-up, it will take away from other aspects of your life. You won’t be able to leave work at 5pm to go to happy hour and you won’t be able to forget work when you get home, but when you ride the wave and do your best to stay happy and healthy through the process, those small sacrifices will get you to where you want to go.
#7 Use Your Strengths
Achieving big, impossible goals is possible because you can work hard, but you have to work hard within your strengths rather than your weaknesses otherwise you limit your abilities. If you decide to become an engineer, but your dream is to work with people you will fail miserably. But when you know where your strengths are and work in a field that fits your strengths, your genius and proficiencies will go through the roof and you can achieve anything you want.
#8 Believe in Yourself
In order to achieve the impossible, you have to believe in yourself because no matter who else believes in you, you will lack the commitment and courage it takes to make your dreams a reality if you don’t. Without an absolute believe in yourself and your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to, you will be trapped and unable to break the shackles of the status quo. Every highly successful person has unwavering belief in themselves and never lose site of it. Remember, you don’t just want to survive, you want to thrive, so believe in yourself.
#9 Get Others to Work With You
Achieving the impossible will be difficult if you try to do it all by yourself. When you are pursuing your massive goals, it is essential to have a team of smart, supportive, positive people around you, even if it’s just a few friends and family members who cheer you on. Know how important it is to have someone by your side when you are going for an impossible goal and get a team that is a right fit for you.
#10 Never Give Up
Making a mistake can be discouraging and make you want to quit, but if you want to achieve the impossible, you have to desperately want to succeed and not let a mistake or failure deter you from your path. Never, ever give up. We all know that on our journey to success there will be obstacles, challenges, mistakes and failure. Push through every single failure you encounter and overcome adversity. Refuse to accept defeat and develop a willingness to explore a different approach to reach your goal.
While many believe that highly successful people who achieve the impossible are simply lucky and were in the right place at the right time, everybody is capable to make the impossible possible if you work for it, have the right mindset and stay persistent.
Joschi & Monika