Most of us spend the majority of our time worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. However, this means that we miss out on the only time that really matters, which is this present moment. Being here now and focusing our full attention on what we are doing right now is key to living a fulfilled and happy life.

Being in the present moment is becoming more and more challenging, because we are constantly being pulled in a million different directions by so many responsibilities, too much stimuli and too much hurrying. But this only results in stress and an unnecessarily complicated life that focuses the mind on the past with shoulda, woulda, coulda or the future with worrying about what might happen.

Of course it is unrealistic and impossible to be aware of everything at all times, but getting our mind under control and being able to focus on the present moment while shutting out distractions will make us a lot calmer and happier and will help us to see things as they really are.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to stay in the present and be here now.

#1 Slow It Down
When you wake up and start to get going, slow it down a bit. Do the first few things of the day at a calm, relaxed pace, because it probably won’t take much more time than if you were to do it quickly, but you’ll be able to stay present much more easily. Focus on every single thing you do and find the simple joy in it. It’s also going to decrease your stress levels and you won’t get sucked into worries and thought loops about what could happen today before you even had breakfast. And as you go through your day, try to slow it down whenever you can and savor each moment.

#2 Do Things in Reverse Order
By reversing the order in which you do things, you allow yourself to enter a beginner’s mind and with that be more present and in the now. Reverse the order in which you towel yourself dry after your shower. Reverse the way you get dressed, put on your socks and your shoes. This will get your mind out of auto-pilot and instead helps you to stay completely present in the moment of the task of getting dressed. You’ll be amazed what kind of magic it will bring to your day.

#3 Write with Your Non-Dominant Hand
Using our non-dominant hand will bring us right into the present moment, just like doing things in reverse. Use your computer mouse with the opposite hand. Brush your hair and teeth with the opposite hand, hold your coffee cup with the opposite hand, text with the opposite hand and once you got those tasks down, try to write with your non-dominant hand. You will laugh out loud at your preschool-ish handwriting, but it will also most certainly bring you into the now and make you focus on the task at hand.

#4 Change Up Your Routine
We are still trying to get off auto-pilot and more into the present moment, so switch up your routine as much as you can. Eat something new for breakfast, switch your morning routine around and take a different route to work every single day. Savor the new experiences. You will realize how they wake you up from auto-pilot and place you in the present moment and you’ll enjoy the new sensations and experiences that allow you to be here, now.

#5 Minimize Technology in the Morning
Most people wake up and immediately grab their cell phones, check emails and texts, social media sites and news notifications. However, this will also make your mind go crazy and your thoughts will bounce around your head constantly, which will make it much harder to concentrate on anything or stay in the present moment. Be kind to yourself and don’t check any technology for the first hour in the morning. Minimize technology as much as you can, so you don’t just stay in the present moment, but you can also keep a calm and collected mind that sets you up perfectly for the rest of the day.

#6 Breathe
An awesome way to stay in the present moment is to focus your attention on the breath. When you focus your mind on the breath, it is less likely to wander off into the land of worries. There are several different great breathing techniques that help you to get into the present moment. One is the yogic 3-part breath, where you place one hand onto your belly and the other one of your chest and then draw in the air into the belly, let it rise up through the ribcage and all the way into the chest. On the exhale reverse the flow of air. Follow how the breath flows through your body and you will realize there is no room for any other thoughts.

#7 Develop Sense Awareness
If your mind is restless and you want to bring it back into the present moment, focus your awareness on the five senses. What do you feel physically in this very moment? Do you smell anything right now? Listen to the sounds around you. Look at something right in front of you and analyze every single detail. Taste can be a little bit more difficult if you haven’t eating anything for a while, but when you take a bite or a sip, make sure to notice all the textures and different flavors as they pass through your tongue and throat. Tune into touch, scent, hearing, sight and taste and observe every single sensation in detail.

#8 Let Go of the Past
Many of us waste a lot of time and energy on re-living, reminiscing or analyzing the past. But you have to realize that the past is over and done with. Don’t give your power away by stepping out of the present moment and attempting to resolve the past. You are in the middle of an important activity, but half of you is still on that argument you had last week. This simply robs you of enjoying life in the only moment that matters: this one right now. You can’t change the past, so let go of it and powerfully step into this present moment and be here, now.

#9 Enjoy the Journey
Oftentimes we get completely caught up in achieving our goals and dreams or becoming someone new that we totally forget to enjoy the journey. But in reality the journey is all that really matters. More often than not when you reach your destination, you will only find out that now you want something else. We never really reach a final destination, but there are endless present moments you can enjoy that unfold infinitely. So don’t get so hung up on the goal and instead take your time to walk every single step of your journey and really experience it.

#10 Lose Track of Time
Maybe one of the most complete ways of living in the present moment is the state of total absorption also known as flow. Flow happens when we are so engaged in a task that we lose track of time and everything else around us. Sure, it may seem like a paradox. How can we be present in the moment, if we aren’t really aware of it. The level of engagement absorbs us so powerfully that no distraction can penetrate us and we aren’t aware of time and place. Hours could pass without us even noticing. But we are so focused on the task at hand that nothing else matters and that itself means that we are here, now.

There really is only one time and place where we can be and have control over and that’s this present moment. Unfortunately most of us spend most of our time lost in memories or wishful daydreams or monsters about the future. Sure, staying in the present takes practice, but if you start with just a few minutes each day, that’s all you need to get you started to be here, now.

Joschi & Monika

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