We live in an ever-changing world, where the need for adaptability has never been greater than it is right now. Our ability to adjust to unexpected changes as well as different environments, people and circumstances is hugely important to achieve success and personal growth.

Sure, the perpetually increasing complexity of our lives can be daunting, even complicated at times, but If we learn how to be adaptable, it is possible to stay relevant, strong and optimistic even in the toughest of times.

The most important thing to remember is to shift our mindset and with that not only create hope for surviving the tornado of change, but also cope with the new circumstances successfully, all while making the journey fun and exciting.

Be willing to learn, make mistakes and then learn some more. Here are our TOP 10 tips to develop adaptability and with that be able to adjust to anything that life throws at you.


#1 Accept Different Perspectives
More often than not we think that we have taken multiple perspectives into consideration when in reality we just asked the people around us whose ideas we already know. We are naturally wired to crave alignment or to convince or ignore those who have different opinions. However, with that we are missing important pieces. Make it your mission to seek out new and different opinions and don’t try to convince anyone that your perspective is the right one. Learn from these new perspectives and ask yourself, whether or not you could be wrong or missing something.

#2 Experiment and Learn
Rather than having a set final destination in mind, experiment and learn along the way. We can’t grow and learn how to adapt to change when we have a set mindset and simply want to bulldoze our way to our end goal. Be flexible and open minded instead and design little experiments that can nudge you in the right direction, whatever that may end up to be. The most important thing about these experiment is that you choose experiences that you can learn from and that will help you to develop adaptability to changed circumstances.

#3 Stop Whining
When you are facing change, you have two choices. You can either decide to handle the change and take it as an opportunity to learn and grow, or you could start to whine and complain and believe that this change is the end of the world and your life. The majority of people choose to start whining as soon as they encounter a difficult situation. It’s a normal reaction, but it doesn’t lead anywhere. Instead, don’t stand still but rather learn to accept the change, adapt to it and move on.

#4 Be Open to Change
A lot of people believe that new things and change are bad. But no matter what the change is that you have to deal with, change only makes our lives better. Unless you do something that could harm your health or your life, experiment with different changes in your personal, profession and spiritual world and be open to change and embrace it as an incredible opportunity to grow as a person and design the life of your dreams.


#5 Have Plan A to Z
Keep in mind that success doesn’t happen overnight and we always have to deal with obstacles, challenges and change that force us to adapt to new situations. Instead of just having a Plan A or maybe B, use the entire alphabet. When Plan A doesn’t work out, try Plan B. If that still doesn’t get you to where you want to go, move on to Plan C. You get the idea. Keep trying new plans until you end at Plan Z. This way, you will learn to adapt to change and no change will ever scare you again.

#6 Be Curious
Without curiosity, it will be very hard to develop adaptability. If you want to be adaptable, you keep learning and then learning some more and curiosity fuels that growth. Curiosity pulls you forward rather than willpower, which is pushing you forward. Keep in mind, willpower will only push you forward as long as you like being pushed. But think about it, who really likes to be pushed all the time? So be curious about everything and anything and learn something new every single day.

#7 Open Your Mind
In order to open up your thinking, you have to be willing to listen to other people’s points of view. Engage with people outside your network and usual social circle and with that you will get a ton more choices and ideas on how to move forward successfully than if you were to stay in your own little bubble and limit your thinking. Remember, change is coming whether you like it or not because the only constant in life is change. So prepare yourself as best you can to be able to adapt to it, by opening up your mind. It will result in a more positive and stress-free environment towards change.

#8 See Opportunity
To adapt means to grow and change and to change means that we have to forego what we once thought was right and have to classify it as wrong and then adopt to what we now know to be right. If you can’t make this adjustment, you are going to stagnate, but it’s also something that a lot of people struggle with. However, if you can learn to make that switch, you will see opportunity in what others perceive as failure and with that you can move forward to achieving bigger and better things.

#9 See the Bigger Picture
It’s in our nature to pull things apart and then solve the little pieces one at a time because in complexity, the situation is moving too fast and has too many parts that are interrelated for us to comfortably approach it successfully. However, when things are moving at high speed, look at the interactions of the different parts. If you find yourself bouncing back and forth between two parts, instead of seeing them as opposites, figure out what balance you can strike between the two and see the bigger picture.

#10 Stop Waiting
Stop waiting for the right time, the right place, the right people, the right resources, success, money and happiness. Just stop waiting and realize that there is – and never will be – the right moment. When it comes to developing adaptability you have to learn to take action in the present moment and deal with the change as it comes along. Accept it, influence it and cope with it.

We all strive for normalcy sometimes, especially when the world is in a constant state of flux. Sure, it can be tough to constantly adapt to an evolving set of daily changes, but instead of letting your head spin, think outside the box and learn to do things in new and unexpected ways. Developing adaptability and flexibility will help you to succeed in ever-changing circumstances and reach success in life.

Joschi & Monika


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