Life can be busy and hectic. With the holidays just around the corner, work deadlines, chores, family and friends, schedules, duties, obligations, health issues and financial problems all can take a toll on us, both physically as well as mentally and sometimes the amount of stress we have to deal with on a daily basis can be paralyzing.
However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Sure, sometimes we can’t control the stressful situations around us, but we are always in control of how we react to them so it is essential to prepare ourselves for stress and do the best we can do minimize it.
Trying to live a stress-free life and finding the calm within the daily storm can be challenging, but it is also absolutely possible. Keep in mind though, it may not be desirable to completely eliminate stress from our lives because it can also be something that challenges us and helps us grow. But when stress gets too high and is permanent it can cause trouble for us and we become unhealthy and unhappy.
Here are our TOP 10 tips to reduce your daily stress and enjoy life a little more.
#1 Take a Yoga Class – Regularly
A regular yoga practice is a great stress buster. For one it gives us a physical outlet to release stress. But additionally, it also uses the breath as a powerful tool to get out of our head and into the present moment. The breath can bring us into a state of calm and ease and with that we can access our subconscious thinking patterns that more often than not are the cause of stress in our lives. With a regular yoga practice, we develop a more positive routine for our body and mind, which allows us to lead a stress-free life and be able to handle anything that life throws at us.
#2 Meditate Daily
If you want to combat stress, having a daily meditation practice can be highly beneficial. Whether we are dealing with something from the past that is causing us stress or we are freaking out about an upcoming event in the future, meditation is one of the best ways to bring the focus back to the present moment. And remember, you don’t have to sit in lotus for hours to get the benefits of meditation. Meditation comes in many forms and maybe a moving meditation such as walking or swimming works better for you than sitting or lying down.
#3 Eat Natural Whole Foods
Food is the fuel for our body and if you choose a more natural, whole foods-based diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and lean protein, you will be able to function a lot better and therefore you can handle whatever the day throws with a lot less stress. Nothing is worse than going through the day without having the energy to tackle your tasks. Whether it’s simple activities like getting dressed and out the door, waiting in line at the bank or grocery store or giving a presentation at work. All those tasks will be a lot easier and stress-free if you fuel your body properly.
#4 Regulate Your Breath
We mentioned yoga and meditation earlier, but if you don’t have enough time for that, regulate your breath and you can pretty much regulate everything else in life. The breath is that powerful. The breath keeps us alive and can help us to navigate emotional as well as physical challenges. Have you ever noticed when you are scared, angry or stressed that the rhythm of your breath accelerates? But you have the power to regulate your breath at any moment, so slow down your breath and re-center yourself. Pay attention to your heart center, maybe even close your eyes for a moment and focus on nothing but your inhales and exhales for a moment. You’ll be amazed how paying attention to your breath can make any stressful situation easier.
#5 Give Yourself a Hug
Wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a huge, big bear hug or take a warm bath, light candles, play your favorite songs, book a massage, call a friend or pamper yourself in any other way that makes you feel taken care of. When we are stressed, it can make us feel exhausted, neglected and helpless, so carve out some time to slow down, be present with yourself and with that dramatically reduce stress in your life. It can truly save you.
#6 Follow a Routine
To live a stress-free life it is a great idea to follow a routine. Routines provide a structure and give you an organized way of living, so you can focus your energy on what is really important. When your daily routine is well structured, you have the ability to utilize your day in a much better way and you will realize that you can complete all your work more efficiently and on time and still can indulge in your hobbies, sports or other entertaining activities. And with that, you will automatically feel a lot less stressed.
#7 Stop Overanalyzing
It is in our human nature to obsess about things that haven’t even happened, yet, but we tend to stress about the future and think about it irrationally. There is no point in this though because you can’t predict the future and you most certainly can’t change the past. Deal with your life as it happens and react accordingly and stop overanalyzing your past and your future. It’s the only way you can experience your life in a way that benefits you without stressing out too much.
#8 Stop Taking on Other People’s Problems
Remember, in an airplane you have to put on the oxygen mask on yourself first before you even try to help others. And there is a reason for that. We all have our own problems and issues to deal with that we have to take care of before we can even think about helping someone else. Sure, it may sound a little harsh, but the bottom line is that you have to handle your own life first and foremost before you take on other people’s problems and add to your stress level. Keep in mind, the advantage of other people’s problem is that they aren’t yours, so don’t take them on.
#9 Live in the Present
What does it mean to live in the present? Well, it involves being completely in your body and feeling your emotions and feelings. Two things most people don’t actually know how to do. Take a moment and feel what it feels like to be in your body right now. Once you figured it out, ask yourself, if there is anything you are afraid of? If you can’t do these two things, you probably aren’t able to be present in this very moment. Remember, being present involves being open, vulnerable and humble while being in the past involves living in your head and ignoring what’s going on in your emotions, feelings and body. The future as well as the past won’t be as relevant when you are able to be in your body and feel your feelings and with that, living a stress-free live becomes a whole lot easier.
#10 Relax
When you are feeling stressed out, make sure that you do something that relaxes you. Take a nap, go to the gym, take a yoga class, go for a run, walk around the park, breathe deeply, get a massage, take a bubble bath, listen to chill out music, have a glass of wine or read an inspiring book. Our lives can be extremely stressful so you have to make it a point to remember to take a break every now and then and connect with yourself again. This will make you stay calm and you will feel a lot better about yourself and with that can handle any stressful situation in a breeze.
Creating a stress-free life can be as simple as dropping your tongue, relaxing your jaw, letting your shoulders fall and uncrossing your legs. Did you try it? You will feel instantly better. Apply our above techniques anywhere and reduce the stress level in your life dramatically when you feel anxiety rising up.
Joschi & Monika