Being positive is incredibly important because positivity impacts our life in many different ways. When you are positive, you have better relationships because people are drawn to happy people. Besides improving your personal relationships, positivity also improves your professional life, because clients will trust you more and your co-workers are more likely to collaborate with you and consider your ideas.

But positivity is also good for our health and well-being. Just consider that stress is responsible for 75 to 90% of sickness and disease. But if you have a positive attitude, you can significantly lower your stress levels and with that positive people are generally healthier.

Sure, some days can feel like only bad things happen to us and we can have several sad or bad experiences all at once. But it’s important to realize that we have more control over how our days go than we think and we have the power to stir our life in a more positive direction.

Here are our TOP 10 ways to inject more positivity into your life.


#1 Spend Time Every Day to Improve Yourself
Being positive often means to take control of our life and accepting responsibility for it and an easy way to do that is to focus on self-improvement. Whether you take a class or seminar, read a book or listen to a podcast, it is detrimental to spend some time every day to improve yourself. And it’s not just about learning something new for work, it also involves being more social or taking up a new hobby. Taking care of yourself and improving yourself feels good and will make you definitely more positive. So stop hitting that snooze button when your alarm goes off and get up 30 to 60 minutes earlier to use the time to learn something.

#2 Read and Listen
Books are an incredible tool to encourage, inspire and motivate us. It doesn’t really matter what kind of book you are reading, all that matters is that you feed your mind with inspirational and positive material. The more time you can spend in the space of positivity, the better it is and if you keep injecting positivity in your mind continually, you will soon enough become a happy, positive person that can handle any adversity. And if you walk, drive or work out and can’t read, listen to an inspirational podcast or talk radio. It will make a huge difference in your life.

#3 Focus
This may sound very simplistic, but most people don’t focus on the positive and instead waste their time dwelling on the negative. It’s a real problem that the majority of people focus on the problem instead of finding the solution. Keep in mind, most of our worries never even happen, so spending all that time on worrying and stressing yourself out doesn’t serve any purpose at all. So the next time you feel negativity come on, focus on at least one positive aspect you can take away from the negativity. Instead of asking yourself ‘Why me?’ ask yourself ‘How can I turn this around?’

#4 Set Goals
A lot of people go through life and never set any goals for themselves. Sure, it can be scary to decide on where you want to go because you want to leave all your options open, but it is important to understand that nothing will ever happen until you are clear about where you want to go and what you want to do with your life. Keep in mind, your goals aren’t set in stone. In fact, it is completely normal that your goals change and evolve once you get started, but having a goal will give you focus and purpose so make sure that you set a goal for all areas of your life, including health, career, relationships and personal development.


#5 Show Appreciation
If you are feeling down, negative and alone, you can inject positivity into your life by showing appreciation for the little things. Did the barista smile at you when she gave you your coffee this morning? Did a co-worker bring a treat because it was his birthday? Did a friend call you to check in on you? Appreciate the little things in life and if someone did something nice for you, express your appreciation. It’s like a verbal gratitude journal that will make life a lot more positive and the more appreciation you show, the more things and people you will experience that you can appreciate.

#6 Laugh Until You Cry
We’ve talked about laughing and smiling many times before, but it is worth mentioning again because laughter truly is the best way to bring more positivity into your life. Make it your mission to laugh out loud until you cry every single day. Maybe you have a friend who brings out the giggles in you, keep that person very close. But you can also watch a funny movie, listen to a comedian or read a joke. Just remember that there is nothing like a good laugh to inject more positivity into your life.

#7 Reduce Negative Influences
The things and people we surround ourselves with just like the things we read, listen to and watch have a huge impact on our mindset, both positive as well as negative. Think about the people you spend time with, observe what kind of news you are watching, reading and listening to all throughout the day. The more you eliminate negativity, the easier it will be to inject more positivity into your life. Do your best to reduce the negativity in your life and surround yourself with empowering, uplifting, positive and happy people and things as much as you can.

#8 Stay Active
Get off the couch and get active. Go for a walk. Take a bike ride. Go for a swim. Take a yoga class. Sweat it out in the gym. There are a plethora of ways you can get more active and with that inject more positivity into your life. By now we all know that there is real science behind the theory that being active adds more positivity, joy and happiness into our life because physical activity releases endorphins and endorphins make us happy. And if you have a friend join you in the physical activity, even better.

#9 Stimulate Your Senses
We’ve all heard the saying ‘Stop and take the time to smell the roses’, but how many times do you actually do it? Our sense are directly connected to the pleasure centers of our brain, so indulge your sense any chance you get. Buy yourself some flowers or simply go into a flower store and smell the roses there, keep your favorite scent close in the form of essential oils, make a delicious dinner, bake a cake or stop by a bakery and take in the smell there or take a long, luxurious bubble bath with your favorite bath salts. Stimulate your sense and you will stimulate your sense of joy and positivity.

#10 Don’t Complain
This can be tough sometimes, especially when something bad happens, but if you commit to a no complaints rule, truly amazing things happen in your life. You start to move away from your problems and instantly look for solutions every time you are faced with an obstacle or challenge. Committing to a no complaints rule is one of the most effective and powerful tools to maintain a more positive attitude no matter what is happening in your life right now.

Life can be tough and bear us down and when our daily annoyances accumulate, we can end up with a bad mood. However, you don’t have to let a not-so-good day get to you. It is possible to learn how to inject more positivity into your life and with that supercharge your life, health and happiness.

Joschi & Monika