Whether we like it or not, others make snap judgments about us all the time and research shows that our first impression is made within the first seven seconds of meeting someone new for the first time. In other words, we need to be on our game from the get-go when we make a new encounter.

First impressions include everything from the way we present ourselves, our handshake, our smile, the words we choose and the body language we convey. Even as we approach someone, the other person is already deciding whether or not they can trust us, if we are genuinely nice and if they want to get to know us.

Those first critical seconds answer many questions and are based on what others see and how we make them feel. Keep in mind, people will quickly forget what we said, but people will never forget how we made them feel.

However, don’t be terrified of those first seven seconds, you may still be able to turn things around during the course of your conversation, however, there are certain things we can do to gain trust and respect and make a great first impression.

Here are our TOP 10 ways to make a killer first impression.


#1 Use Effective Body Language
Effective body language is more than simply having a firm handshake and standing up straight – even though those things are definitely important as well. When you meet someone for the first time, make sure you keep your body open, don’t cross your arms and legs, don’t make fists with your hands and don’t hunch over your seat. Lean in when the other person is talking so you show that you are actively listening, don’t be afraid to use up some space, use hand gestures and don’t hold back. Keep in mind, non-verbal cues are extremely powerful and leave a subconscious impact.

#2 Choose Your Words Wisely
Words matter and if you choose your words wisely and keep it positive, open, warm and persuasive, you can open doors and make people feel comfortable in your presence. Keep in mind, when we say to keep it positive, we mean it genuine and not in a cheesy or new-agey way. Positive language means that you uplift the person you speak to by using clear and simple words. Choose your language in a way that portrays optimism and reflects agency, so you can show that you are positive and capable.

#3 Make Eye Contact
Focus on the person you are talking to because it is challenging to get to know someone if that person is looking down – or even worse at a screen. Make an effort to make eye contact with every person you encounter. Of course you don’t want to stare someone else down. A great length for good eye contact is to figure out someone else’s eye color, because that amount of time is perceived as warm, open, friendly and approachable.

#4 Smile
Facial expressions are also extremely important when it comes to making a killer first impression and smiling is on top of the list. Almost 50% of Americans feel like a smile is the most memorable feature after we meet someone for the first time. But while smiling is important, don’t plaster an inauthentic or cheesy grin across your face. Simply give a genuine smile and the best part about that smile is that it can take off the edge of the nervousness of meeting someone new and lower your own stress levels.


#5 Be Authentic
When you meet someone for the very first time, don’t try to pretend to be someone you are not. Don’t fake it and if you don’t know the answer to a question, simple admit that you don’t know right now. This will show the other person that you are self-aware. However, don’t over emphasize your shortcomings. You still want to highlight your strengths and showcase the best parts of yourself. Sure, don’t hide your weaknesses, because you want to be honest, but make it a point to move on to the good stuff quickly.

#6 Make a Connection
Pay attention to the person you are meeting for the first time and try to make a connection, rather than an impression. Best is to find common ground, something you share with each other that helps you to strike up a rapport. Whether that’s the alma mater you both belonged to, a city you both visited, a passion you share or the sport you love. Stick to what you may have in common, because that’s the most genuine way to make a connection.

#7 Don’t Be Self-Absorbed
The best first impressions are sometimes made when you stop talking about yourself and start focusing on the person you are meeting. Ask more questions to better understand the other person’s point of view and try to get to know the other person. Be interested in what they have to say rather than non-stop talking about what you think might impress the other person the most.

#8 Be Original
Don’t feel compelled to do what everybody else is doing and don’t be afraid to stand out and leave an impactful impression this way. A candid conversation where you are original can market yourself as authentic, open and honest. Keep in mind, at a networking event for example, everybody meets tons of new people, so being original is the best way to be remembered and have a second meeting coming up in no time.

#9 Put Your Phone Away
And by phone we also mean tablets, laptops or any other electronic devices. We all love our gadgets and sometimes we need to use them in a conversation to deliver a point. But unless you are giving a presentation and use technology for that, turn off your devices and put your screens away so you can give your full and undivided attention to the person right in front of you. It’s simply rude to check your texts and emails while you are trying to make an authentic connection with someone else.

#10 Follow Up
After your first meeting, don’t forget to follow up, whether that’s with a thank you note or sending any necessary information. These small gestures show that you are on the ball and make the other person a priority. Keep in mind, sending out updated information after an initial meeting can be a great way to get a second chance at that first impression.

The first seven seconds when you meet somebody new is when you make your first impression. So whether it’s a professional setting or a social event, you have to quickly act in order to make a killer first impression, have a great meeting and cement your reputation.

Joschi & Monika