Success is extremely subjective, but however you define success for yourself, in order to be successful you need to master and maintain good habits because what you do on a daily basis and where you direct your energy is extremely important when it comes to reaching your goals and dreams.
The sad truth is that most people don’t pay attention to their habits and don’t have very good ones. The good news is that if you aren’t satisfied with where you are in life right now, you have the power to change your trajectory by altering what you do on a daily basis.
In order to achieve massive success, you have to develop the habits and mindset of a highly successful person and you will be able to maximize the results you are producing and can live the life of your dreams.
Here are our TOP 10 tips to reach massive success in life.
#1 Focus Your Energy
If you want to achieve high levels of success, you need to learn to focus and direct your energy towards your ultimate goal and the tasks that will get you there. Most people make the mistake of focusing their energy on low-valued tasks. Don’t be that person. Take a moment and look at everything you do right now in your life. Pay close attention to what you are doing and ask yourself, which tasks are high-valued, which means, which are the tasks that have the greatest potential to bring you the biggest reward. Then focus your energy there.
#2 Increase Your Confidence Through Action
Make no mistake, confidence is just as important to reach success as competence. However, most people don’t pay much attention to building their confidence levels, which is crucial because the lack of confidence ultimately leads to inaction and with that no success. One of the easiest ways to build confidence is taking action because the more action you take, the more you can bolster your believe in your ability to succeed. Confidence accumulates through action, through putting in the hard work, through succeeding and even through mistakes and failure.
#3 Develop a Positive Mental Attitude
Just like confidence is a prerequisite for success, so is a positive mental attitude. If you don’t eliminate negative thoughts and get rid of a negative state of mind, chances are you will settle for an average life. However, if you continually feed your mind with positivity, success will be yours. Every successful person has experiences some sort of failure or setback on their journey. But because of their positive mental attitude, they didn’t call it quits. Instead, they believed in themselves and their abilities, which gives them the power to continue on and ultimately reach their goals. Cultivating a positive mental attitude could be one of the most important habits you develop that helps you reach success.
#4 Improve Your Social Skills
According to recent research, highly successful people excel not only in cognitive abilities, but in social skills as well. Researchers found a significant correlation between social skills and success in any area of your life. If you have good social skills, it is a lot easier to make new friends, interact with colleagues and clients, build strong, meaningful relationships and get ahead in your career. So make it a point to become socially successful and if you need some help developing your social skills, read our blog ‘Become Socially Successful’ here.
#5 Appreciate Delayed Gratification
We’ve all heard about the Marshmallow Experiment from 1972, where young children were promised a second marshmallow, if he or she could refrain from eating the one right in front of them when the researcher left the room for 15 minutes. The study follow these children over the next 40 years and found that the ones who were able to resist the temptation of eating the marshmallow were significantly more successful. In order to develop delayed gratification, take baby steps and choose one thing a day to improve incrementally. Show up and deliver every single day and don’t let the urgencies of daily life bog you down.
#6 Commit Yourself
Just think about it for a moment… How committed are you to reaching your goal and making your dreams come true? How important is your goal to you and what are you willing to give up and sacrifice in order to achieve it. Once you are completely committed to your goal and are willing to do whatever it takes, motivation will follow and there will be nothing and no-one who can stop you from reaching success.
#7 Seek Knowledge, Not Results
Instead of focusing on the end result, focus on improving, experimenting, exploring and the excitement of discovery. If you enjoy the journey your motivation will always be fueled and you will easily reach success. However, if you are only focused on the results, your motivation will be just as unpredictable as the weather and it will die down the second a storm hits. You’ve heard it before, but it is worth mentioning it again. Focus on the journey and not the destination. Think about all the incredible things you are going to learn along the way and how much you will improve and better yourself.
#8 Use Your Imagination
On your way to success it is imperative to use your imagination. When things go well, everything flows, you are full of positive energy and motivation and you do whatever you can to get closer to your goals. However, we all experience difficulties and setbacks from time to time, that’s when imagination is important. There is always something you can learn, even from the worst of situations and when you use your imagination to see a positive outcome, your mindset will change and you will thrive on the challenge to overcome it and reach your ultimate goal.
#9 Eliminate Distractions
Distractions will always be in our way, preventing us from working towards our goals and focusing on meaningful and challenging projects. Learn to eliminate distractions and focus on what’s truly important. Make a list of all the things that simply waste your time and then make a contract with yourself to not do them anymore. What is the biggest distraction in your life right now?
#10 Protect Yourself From Burnout
When we are highly motivated, it is quite easy to burn out. We push on even though we are tired and actually need a rest. Observe yourself and notice if you have any signs of burnout. Keep in mind, while we do need to do everything we can in order to reach success in life, it is just as important to give our body and mind some rest and schedule fun time and relaxation into our weekly calendar. Make sure you switch it up between a diverse list of activities from creative to logical, from social to alone, from physical to still and use different locations as well. Keep in mind that after something fun or relaxing, you will be so much more productive and recharged.
No matter where you are in your life right now, you can always reach for and achieve more. Invest in your future on a daily basis, strive to improve yourself every single day and refine your skills continuously. Once you become a better person, you increase your value and the more you increase your value, the more successful you become.
Joschi & Monika