There is only one thing in life we have control of and that’s our perspective. No matter what happens to us, we can condition and train ourselves to see the good in everything and find the lessons in every experience that happens to us. Being able to control our perspective and develop a more positive mindset will make us feel incredibly empowered rather than feeling like the powerless victim of circumstances.
Being empowered is all about our mind and actions. There will always be people who support us no matter what and people who will try to stop us. Empowerment is something that we should all experience because there is nothing quite as satisfying as feeling absolutely confident about who we are.
Empowerment seems to be the new buzzword that gets thrown around a lot and a lot of people don’t truly understand what it actually means. The idea of being empowered implies that we are in full control of our lives. The question is, how can we get there?
Everybody has the ability to take charge of their own life with strength and confidence and with that live a happy and fulfilled life and it’s actually easier than you think. Here are our TOP 10 tips to become positively empowered.
#1 Know Yourself
Every empowered person knows exactly who they are. A lot of people in today’s world though feel like they have lost themselves, put too much time and energy into work or a relationship and not enough time to take care of themselves. No matter what, you need to take the time to get to know yourself, which goes way beyond what you do or who you are to the world. Knowing yourself means that you have a deep understanding of your emotions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, values, motivations, desires and goals. It means that you know what your strengths and weaknesses are and how you want to move forward in life learning and growing into the person you want to be.
#2 Know What You Want
Being empowered means that you have goals and dreams in your life whether that’s in your personal or professional life. Regardless of what your goals and dreams may be, you know exactly what you want out of life, which makes it easier to make choices and take actions that align with your goals and dreams and bring you closer to reaching them. No matter what goals and dreams you have, make sure that you clearly define them, make them big and go after them with passion, inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm. Be empowered and go for what you want, no matter what.
#3 Keep Learning
Be a lifelong learner and never stop. One of the most important steps towards empowering yourself is to free your mind and expand it. Educate yourself in any way you can, there are a myriad of possibilities to increase your knowledge and in our day and age, any information you are looking for is just the click of a button away. Take charge and teach yourself something new, it is incredibly empowering to expand your knowledge and gain new insights. Read at least 10 pages of a book every single day, research the internet on the topic of your interest, sign up for online classes. Explore new areas that you haven’t looked into before and gain new insights that will enhance your life in ways you can’t even imagine, yet.
#4 Make Connections
On your way to becoming more empowered, make deep, meaningful connections, both in your personal as well as your professional life. Don’t just know people, but go deeper and create a network of people that you can count on, build relationships that you can rely on and can ask for help and support as well as inspiration and motivation. And don’t just take, be the person who will stand up for your network of friends and empower and support those around you.
#5 Practice Adaptability
The only constant in life is change, so we might as well learn to accept it and see it as something positive. We may not be able to control every situation, circumstance or life event, but we can always control how we respond to them. Stretch yourself, look what’s coming at you and instead of fearing change, embrace it and learn to adapt to the change. It is an incredible learning experience that will make you grow into an empowered person.
#6 Don’t Care What Others Think of You
Being empowered means that you know who you are, know where you want to go and have a clear vision for your life. When you go confidently after your goals and dreams, others with judge and criticize you, but keep in mind whatever they are saying about you is most of the time more about themselves than about you. It is always a good idea to listen to what others have to say and consider if there is some truth around it, because constructive feedback can be very helpful and beneficial, but a lot of times, people dump their own problems onto you and simply project their situation, so let go of the stuff that may be directed towards you, but isn’t about you at all.
#7 Stand Up for Yourself
Sometimes this can be tough and it’s easier to go with the flow, hold your tongue and avoid potential conflict, but reality is that if we let people walk all over us, we only increase our stress and anxiety levels and ultimately we play into our insecurities and lessen our feeling of self-worth. Take charge of your life and learn how to stand up for yourself to empower yourself and boldly go in the direction of your dreams. Standing up for yourself is a powerful step towards living with confidence, assertiveness, strength and self-worth, all of which are important on your path to being empowered.
#8 Live with Passion and Purpose
Forget what everybody else expects you to do and stop doing what you ‘should’ be doing. Instead, start to understand what you want and who you want to be. What do you want your legacy to be? Finding your purpose in life and living with passion is the way to empowerment. Let go of the drama and endless and needless distractions that only drain your energy. Living authentically with purpose and passion is key to being empowered all day every day.
#9 Respect Yourself
Empowerment means that you have the utmost respect for yourself. You won’t let life run you over, you know yourself, flaws and all, you accept who you are and you respect yourself. Keep in mind, the more you respect yourself, the more others will respect you in return and having strong self-respect is essential to living an empowered life, because it makes it easier to stand up for yourself and make better decisions and choices that are aligned with your goals and dreams.
#10 Empower Others
While this may be a difficult task, it is also the most rewarding thing you can do. Empower others and encourage them to strive to go for what they want and give your support any way you can. As an empowered person you don’t judge, criticize or pull people down, instead, you positively contribute to their lives and help them to reach their goals and dreams and discover their highest potential.
Oftentimes we view personal empowerment as a nearly impossible goal, something that is reserved for a select few. But the reality is that everybody can create a space of personal power and live an empowered life. It’s yours for the taking, it may take a little work, but it is so worth it in the end.
Joschi & Monika