Have you seen ‘The Secret’? Then you have probably heard about the concept of the law of attraction.

Positive thinking and mindfulness is not just for hippies, spiritualists and monks anymore. Some of the most successful influencers, entrepreneurs, celebrities and artists are using the law of attraction’s simple metaphysical tools to attract unlimited abundance and live the life of their dreams and you can do it, too.

Everything you want to attract into your life – love, happiness, joy, beauty, peace, and success – can be yours by simply shifting your perspective and incorporating some of our tips and tricks on how to create abundance.

The universe always intends for everybody to have the best possible outcome and achieve a fulfilling and satisfying life full of happiness as well as material abundance. However, we need to neutralize the vibration of lack and scarcity and replace it with the vibration of wealth. How you want to know?

Here are our TOP 10 ways to attract abundance and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.


#1 Gratitude
The first step is to start to acknowledge all the amazing things and people you already have in your life. Everything starts with gratitude. It is incredibly useful to be thankful for what you have right now in order to be able to take care of the empire you are about to have. An attitude of gratitude is the cornerstone to attracting more to be grateful for and live in abundance.

#2 Add Value to Others
All the riches in the world won’t fulfill you if you don’t spend time helping others. We always think about giving back in terms of volunteering at a homeless shelter or donating to our favorite charity, but it’s the simple acts of kindness that feed an abundance mindset. Reach out to a friend you care about and tell them how much you appreciate and love them. Give praise to others, be generous with your knowledge, ideas, recognition as well as money. There is plenty to go around and what you give away will come back to you a hundred times over.

#3 Have Clear Intentions
Figure out in which areas of your life you want to start receiving abundance. It is essential to be clear about the goals we want to achieve and have a strong desire to make it happen. Passion, motivation, drive and determination are the key aspects to attracting abundance, so set clear intentions. Start with one area of your life first and really get focused, so you can put all your energy into it and the abundance will spill over into other areas as well.

#4 Think Positive and Guard Your Thoughts
The law of attraction is very simple… Like attracts like. This means positive thoughts will attract a positive outcome, but keep in mind, negative thoughts will attract negative outcomes. Negative thoughts and feelings will block and prevent you from achieving abundance. Fear, stress, anxiety, sadness, jealousy, pessimism, and resentment can stop us from achieving our goals and living in abundances. It is vital to safeguard your thoughts and feelings and release negativity from your life to create the space for positivity to flow in. Mediation can be a very helpful tool in getting rid of negative feelings and develop a more positive outlook.


#5 Use Visualizations
One of the best ways to attract abundance into our life is visualization. Vividly visualize how your life will be once you achieve abundance and achieve happiness, love and success. Imagine having everything you desire right now in this very moment. Picture every single aspect of your abundant life as clearly and detailed as possible and allow yourself to really feel having your heart’s desire.

#6 Use Affirmations
Affirmations are an incredibly useful tool, to stay focused on our desires and keep a positive mindset. Repeat your affirmations on a regular basis throughout the day and believe that your wishes, dreams and desires have already materialized when you say your affirmations. Maybe write down your thoughts on post it notes and place them all over your home so you are constantly reminded of your positive dreams or have a reminder on your phone that pops up every hour or so to keep repeating your affirmations.

#7 Identify Your Fears
Fears prevent us from getting what we want. We may not even consciously be aware of our fears, but they may be unconscious thoughts and beliefs that we have been programmed to belief, like money and abundance are evil, corrupt and bad, that it’s hard to achieve abundance, or that we have to work hard and even harder and sacrifice ourselves to achieve it. Remember, energy flows where your attention goes. Identify your fears and train your mind to move away from fear towards a mindset of abundance.

#8 Let Go
Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith to achieve abundance and let go of the things that no longer serve us. And we mean things, habits, fears, beliefs, relationships, even a job with a secure paycheck. We hold on to this false security, which only limits our ability to create what we truly want. Letting go dramatically shifts the energy within and around us to contribute to our growth. Check in with yourself. What feels tense and heavy and what feels expansive and light? Courageously walk away from what is weighing you down and open yourself up to attracting abundance.

#9 Live Your Purpose
A lot of times we don’t really know what we want and struggle to figure out what our life purpose is. We’ve been conditioned to ignore our inner voice and what is important to us. When we are able to let go of self-sabotaging beliefs like feeling unworthy, not being good enough or being undeserving, or any other belief that is holding us back, we will discover our life’s purpose and our mission in this world. When you access your passions and do what you love, that is your purpose and will attract abundance.

#10 Stop Making Excuses
Incorporate a no-excuse policy in your life and eliminate excuses completely. Your future is important so don’t use excuses that may give you some immediate reward, but won’t do anything for you in the long run. Commit to doing whatever it takes to make sure you are ready to receive abundance. You only get the future you work for, so quit excuses and work for the future of your dreams.

If you want to attract positivity and abundance into your life, you have to tap into the power of the law of attraction. While the universe is always on our side and gives us whatever we ask for, we need to make sure that we work with the universe and ask for what we want rather than hope to avoid what we don’t want. Focus on freedom and growth in order to live in happiness and abundance and get rid of the focus on negativity, problems, challenges and obstacles. It’s all about learning to let go to create space for new positive energy to enter our life, which is the best place to start attracting abundance and brilliance.

Joschi & Monika

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