Life is full of choices. Sometimes they are simple, sometimes they are more complex or even confusing, but the important thing is that we always have the power of choice to create the world we want to live in.

Every choice is an amazing opportunity to change our circumstances and ultimately our life, even though a lot of times we aren’t aware of the power we have. Often times, people fall victim to the delusion that they do not have a choice. But despite the idea that there is no other way, we always have the power to make a choice, even choosing not to make a decision is a choice.

There are several personal choices that we encourage you to make as a way of life, especially if you are serious about maximizing your personal and professional life. Commit to them, they are simple, yet have a profound effect on your life and will steer you in the right direction, boost your happiness and restore your confidence.

Here are our TOP 10 choices that will change your life forever.


#1 Choose to Live with Integrity
It takes a lot of courage to be yourself and live with integrity, but it’s the only way to live. Forget the fear of not being accepted or approved of just as you are. Be the real you and don’t compromise your values and beliefs. Walk the way you talk, speak the truth, make your choices in accordance to your beliefs and live with integrity, so you don’t betray yourself. At the same time, don’t force anybody else to compromise their integrity in order to please you. Make the decision to live a life with integrity and you will go so much further than you ever thought possible.

#2 Choose to Dream Big
If you want to succeed at the highest level, you have to start expecting more of yourself and dream big. Even if you don’t achieve everything you’ve been dreaming of, you’ll get a whole lot more than when you dream small and have low expectations. Don’t settle, because that guarantees you that you will never achieve your true dream. Choose to not downsize your dreams and go for what you want with everything you’ve got.

#3 Choose Courage and Take Risks
There will be challenges in your life and there will be fear, it’s an inevitable fact of life, but the important part is to not let your challenges and fears be a stop sign. Fear is a common obstacle on your way to happiness and success. It makes you rationalize yourself out of living your dream and makes you pretend you don’t really want your dream. Don’t shrink your authentic self and refuse to succumb to your fears. Live courageously and take risks. Choose to practice courage by doing what you are afraid of and become more courageous one act at a time. If you choose courage, you will reach your greatest destiny.

#4 Choose Your Relationships Wisely
Success and happiness don’t happen in a vacuum. You need people and people need you. If you build a strong support system, you create resources that open up new opportunities and empower you to take on any challenge that life may throw at you. At the same time, when you give to others, share with others, offer love, kindness and support to others, you will feel a deep sense of well-being. Don’t take on life on your own. Success, energy and happiness is nurtured through meaningful relationships with others.


#5 Choose to Create Joy
Creating joy can be as simple as smiling and laughing more, being open to any possibility that comes our way and saying yes to ourselves as well as others. Practice mindfulness in this present moment and understand that this present moment is all there ever is. Choose to let positivity drown out negativity and the bad in life. It’s in our DNA to be happy and live joyously. Let your soul shine and choose to create joy.

#6 Choose to Be Compassionate
Everybody has a story and that is true for ourselves as well. Choose to see the love in yourself and in others and eliminate judgment from your life. Instead, spread kindness and make it a priority to take care of yourself and others. Choose compassion as it is love in action and a cornerstone to happiness and well-being.

#7 Choose to Value Yourself
The choice of how you value yourself can initiate amazing change in your life. This single choice to love and value yourself has the potential to change the awareness you have of yourself, boost your self-confidence and make you dream big and reach for the stars. Valuing yourself is one of the most transformational and noteworthy choices you can make in your life to achieve your goals and happiness and be successful in life.

#8 Choose New Words
Every word is a universe in and of itself and our thoughts and words are incredibly powerful. We are not just taking about the words you say to another person, but maybe even more importantly the words you say to yourself. Words have the power to heal or can be so toxic that the vibration of your neurology is affected. Some words can be incredible hostile towards yourself and everything and everybody you encounter. Evaluate the words you use. What’s your first thought when you get up in the morning? Are you angry? Are the words hostile? Do you see the world and your life as not enough? Eliminate the words blame, entitled and deserve from your vocabulary and you will feel a lot better. Make this choice. Choose to get up every morning and bless your day. You may have no idea what the day will bring, but it is blessed because you are alive!

#9 Choose Your Life Priorities
At some point in your life you have to decide what your priorities are. It’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong, it’s your personal choice what you value the most in life. Keep in mind, every priority you choose has implications on your life that can be both positive and negative and affect your life today as well as several years from now. Get really clear on what your priorities are and steer your life in the direction of your passion and dreams.

#10 Choose to Learn and Grow
Choosing to learn and grow can be through formal education or self-learning. It’s your choice to pursue new information through observation, meaningful discussions, reading, tutorials, the pursuit of new hobbies, different personal as well as professional experiences, human interactions, reflections… It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, but if you evaluate your situation and choose to learn and grow, you can achieve great freedom, embrace your strengths, build character, become aware of what you need to improve and grow into the best version of yourself.

Take a look at these choices again. Make an agreement with yourself and commit to these choices even if it means that it requires you to shift your attitude. Make them a habit of the mind and the heart because they are significant in determining how your life turns out. There are some choices in life we may not have control over like when and where we are born or which family we are born into. Beyond those choices, you have the power to steer your life in any direction you want.

Joschi & Monika

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